You Leave Him Because You're Pregnant Part 3

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👅Anfony👅: I'm sending him up to my room. Just talk to him.
🤠Sydney🤠: Anthony no.
*End Of Recap*

I turn my phone off and set my phone down.
Anthony: Chase. Please don't be mad but I lied to you at first.
Chase: What do you mean?
Anthony: I know where Sydney is. She didn't want me to tell you because she's going through something.
Chase: Where is she?
Anthony: She's in my room. She came here and told me something.
Chase: What'd she tell you?
Anthony: I can't tell you. It's up to her if she wants you too know.
Chase: Can I go talk to her?
Anthony: Yeah.

Chase stands up and runs up the stairs, he walks into my room.

(Sydney's POV)
Anthony's door opens, I turn my head and see Chase. He walks over to me and sits down next to me, he wraps his arms around me. I bury my head between my knees.
Chase: What's going on? Are you-
Sydney: Please don't touch me Chase.
Chase: What? W-why?
Sydney: Because it's going to make this so much harder.
Chase: Syd. Please just look at me?

I shake my head no.
Chase: Whatever is going on I will be here for you. You know this. 
Sydney: Chase this is different though. I just don't have feelings for you a-anymore. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I still love you so much but I just want to be alone for a few months.
Chase: That doesn't make sense to me.

A few seconds go by.
Chase: Anthony said that you told him something but you won't tell me. What did you tell him?
Sydney: Chase it was nothing.
Chase: If it was nothing then why can't you tell me?
Sydney: Because it doesn't matter and if I wanted to tell you then I would but clearly I don't.
Chase: I don't understand. What did I do? Why are you mad at me? Why are you breaking up with me?
Sydney: Because some stuff is just going on and I need a break. I just want to be alone.
Chase: So you're really breaking up with me?
Sydney: Yes.
Chase: I-I don't want to b-break up. I love you s-so much.
Sydney: I'm sorry. I love you so much still but I just want to be alone. Can you please just leave or go downstairs? I want to be alone.
Chase: But-
Sydney: Chase just go and get your arms off of me.

I push Chase off of me, he scoffs.
Chase: Fine. The way you are ending things between us is fucked up. Just know that.

Chase gets off of the bed, I lift my head up and he walks out of Anthony's door. I hear thudding down the stairs and the front door slam shut, there's more thudding up the stairs and Anthony walks into his room.
Anthony: Did you tell him?
Sydney: No. Anthony I can't tell him. He's not gonna be happy.
Anthony: He already seems like he's not happy. You might as well tell him.
Sydney: It's too late anyways.

Anthony walks over to me and sits beside me, he starts rubbing my back again.
Anthony: Even though I think it's wrong that you didn't tell Chase, I will still be here for you if you need anything.
Sydney: Thanks Anthony.
Anthony: Of course.

A few minutes go by.
Anthony: I'm gonna go to bed. Do you want to sleep in my room, on the couch or in the guest room?
Sydney: The guest room is fine.
Anthony: Okay.

I stand up off of the bed and I grab my stuff.
Anthony: Goodnight Sydney. 
Sydney: Goodnight Anthony. Thanks again.
Anthony: Of course.

I walk to Anthony's door and walk out to the hall, I walk across the hall to the guest room. I open the door and walk into the room, I shut the door behind me. I get changed into my pajamas and lay down on the bed, I pull the covers over me. I set my phone on the bed beside me, I fall asleep a few minutes later. A few months have gone by and I'm now 3 months pregnant, right now I'm at a restaurant with Madi. She's the only one that knows about my pregnancy except for Brennen and Anthony, she looks down at her food.
Sydney: Did you want to have a sleepover- oh shit.
Madi: What?
Sydney: Don't look behind you at least not right now but Chase is a couple booths away from us.
Madi: Does he see us?
Sydney: I don't think so. The waiter just brought him his ticket.
Madi: Is he with anyone?
Sydney: Yeah. I think he's with Anthony.
Madi: Oh. Just ignore him. Try not to even think about him. Let's talk baby. Now I was thinking and aren't you pretty big for only being three months?
Sydney: I don't know. Stop the conversation for a minute. Chase and Anthony are-
Madi: The baby probably has Chase's height.
Chase: Excuse me?

Madi looks up and I look down.
Madi: Oh no.
Chase: What baby?
Madi: Her food baby. It was a joke.
Chase: That must be a big food baby because she looks pregnant.
Madi: Uh that was rude.
Chase: So? And if it was a joke why did you say "Oh no." and why isn't Sydney talking or responding to me?
Madi: Chase just go away.
Chase: Why can't my questions be answered first?

A few seconds pass by.
Chase: Sydney look up at me.
Sydney: I don't have to Chase.
Anthony: Chase let's just go. Leave her alone.
Chase: Why are you standing up for her?
Anthony: I'm not.

I grab my wallet and set money on the table for my food, I grab my car keys. 
Sydney: I'll see you later Madi.

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