He's Your Secret Admirer

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{ You guys should go follow my best friend! They have a great book that they are in the works of making!:) xbighoodie }

{I'm also gonna start this thing where every week on this book I'll see who's the most active like who's the one that is voting the most or commenting most on this book and I'll shout them out in my next chapter the following week:) there is one rule which is you have to be following me:) I'll be starting this on October 30th 2019 (Wednesday)}

Right now I'm walking out of my last class with Josh.
Josh: I heard you have a secret admirer.
Sydney: I do?
Josh: Yep.
Sydney: Who is it?
Josh: I'm not telling you.
Sydney: Why not?
Josh: Because it's literally in the name secret admirer. It's a secret. I can't tell you.
Sydney: Well do you know who it is?
Josh: Yep.
Sydney: Tell me.
Josh: Nope.
Sydney: You're so annoying Josh.
Josh: I know. *laughs*

We turn the corner and I see Chase leave my locker.
Sydney: Is it Chase?
Josh: I'm not telling you Sydney.
Sydney: I bet it is because he just left my locker.
Josh: He was leaving mine. Our lockers are right next to each other. I told him to put my notes back in my locker since he borrowed them yesterday.
Sydney: Liar.

I roll my eyes and Josh laughs, we walk to our lockers and I open them. A piece of paper falls out, I grab it off of the floor and unfold it. I look at it and start reading it.

I like you, I like you a lot. I'm too scared to actually say it to your face. I don't have that much courage or confidence. I wish I could gather up the courage and tell you face to face how I feel. I hope we can be more than friends one day <3
Your Secret Admirer ~ H.C.

Josh: Does it say who it's from?
Sydney: Someone with the initials H.C.
Josh: Oh that's smart.
Sydney: What's smart?
Josh: Oh nothing. I didn't mean to say that out loud.
Sydney: God you are so weird Josh.
Josh: I know. But you love me.

I roll my eyes again and laugh.
Josh: I'll see you tomorrow.
Sydney: Okay. Bye J.
Josh: Bye Syd.

Josh shuts his locker and leaves, I put my book in my locker and shut it. I walk down the stairs to the first story, I walk outside and walk to my car. I get in and start driving home, when I get home I park my car and get out. I walk up to the front door and walk inside, I walk into the kitchen and see Brennen going through the mail.
Brennen: Hey this just got dropped off for you.

He hands me a piece of paper folded up, I grab it.
Sydney: What is it?
Brennen: A note or letter that someone gave me to have to you.
Sydney: Who gave it to you?
Brennen: I'm not telling you. He told me not to tell you.
Sydney: Did you read it?
Brennen: Yeah. It's from a secret admirer.
Sydney: Well do you at least approve of this boy?
Brennen: Yes.
Sydney: Okay well do I like him?
Brennen: Oh yeah. You definitely like him.
Sydney: I think I know who it is.
Brennen: Who?
Sydney: I'm not telling you.

I smile and walk up to my room, I take my bag off and sit on my bed. I unfold the letter and start reading it.

This is only my second letter that I wrote to you but somehow between this letter and the first one I've gathered up the courage to tell you face to face that I like you. I hope you like me back. I think you do I just don't know. I hope you'll accept this movie ticket and come meet me at the movie theater by the mall. I'm wearing a striped black and white shirt <3
You're Secret Admirer ~ H.C.

I set the piece of paper down and grab the movie ticket that fell out when I opened the note, I stand up off of my bed. I grab my wallet and keys, I walk out of my room. I walk downstairs.
Sydney: I'll be back in a little bit. I'm going to the movie theater.
Brennen: Okay. Have fun but not much.

I glare at Brennen and walk outside, I shut the door behind me and walk to my car. I get in and start my car, I pull out of the driveway and start driving to the movie theater. When I get there I park my car and get out, I walk inside and look for a striped black and white shirt. I look around and see Chase wearing a striped black and white shirt, I smile and start walking over to him. He notices me and stands up from where he's sitting, he starts walking to me. We meet in the middle.
Chase: H-hi Sydney.
Sydney: Hi Chase.
Chase: Those letters are from me.
Sydney: I kinda figured that before I read the second one. Brennen told me it was someone that I really liked.
Chase: Wait so you like me back?
Sydney: Yeah.

Chase smiles at me and I smile back at him, he kisses me and I kiss him back.
Chase: Do you want to be my girlfriend maybe?
Sydney: Of course.

I kiss him and he kisses me back again, he pulls away and grabs my hand. We lock fingers and walk into the room for the movie that we are seeing.
Sydney: By the way what does H.C. mean?
Chase: I flipped my initials around so instead of it being C.H. which stands for Chase Hudson I used H.C. for Hudson Chase so it wasn't too obvious. *laughs*
Sydney: *Laughs* Oh.

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