You Guys Are Best Friends And His Girlfriend Doesn't Like You Part 2

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A month has gone by since I last talked to Chase, I've avoided him in every way possible that I could in person. Right now I'm laying on my bed watching Reggie's videos on YouTube, my phone dings and I pick it up. I unlock it and see a text from Chase.
*End Of Recap*

I press on the message and see what he texted me.
💔Chase Hudson💔: Hey...

I roll my eyes and close out of our messages and go to set my phone down, as soon as I'm about to put my phone down he messages me again. I click on the message and read it.
💔Chase Hudson💔: Me and Claire broke up😕
🥺Sydney🥺: Oh.
🥺Sydney🥺: I don't really care to be honest.
💔Chase Hudson💔: Are you still mad at me?
💔Chase Hudson💔: I'm sorry🙁
🥺Sydney🥺: Yes I'm still mad. Sorry ain't gonna fix what you did. I knew you and Claire wouldn't even last.
💔Chase Hudson💔: I know what I did wasn't okay but I'm so sorry Syd. Please don't be mad at me😕
🥺Sydney🥺: You chose some girl that you weren't even together with for more than 7 months over me who was your best friend and you only did that because she told you she didn't like me. You shouldn't want to be with someone like her. She's controlling. I understand if you want to have a girlfriend and spend way more time with her more than me but when your girlfriend makes you choose between her or your best friend that's when it's not okay.
💔Chase Hudson💔: I know and I feel really bad. I should've chosen you and I should of never dated her in the first place.
💔Chase Hudson💔: I'm coming over really quick to explain some things.
🥺Sydney🥺: No. I don't want to see you.

It shows that the message was delivered but he didn't see it, I set my phone down and a few minutes go by. My door opens and Chase walks in, he shuts my door behind him. I look at him and see that his eyes are bloodshot and he looks tired, he sits down on my bed and looks at me.
Chase: I'm sorry.
Sydney: How'd you get in?
Chase: Brennen let me in. He's not happy with me either and I'm sorry.
Sydney: Chase just stop okay. We aren't friends and no matter how many times you apologize it's not gonna fix anything.

I stand up off of my bed and walk to my closet, I open it.
Chase: Do you want to know why we broke up?
Sydney: No. I don't care why you guys broke up.

I grab a hoodie and put it on, I shut my closet and Chase stands up.
Chase: We broke up because of you.
Sydney: Oh hell no! You aren't gonna blame me for your breakup Chase! It's not my fault!

I walk over to Chase and try to push him towards my door, he grabs my wrists.
Chase: Stop. Let me explain.
Sydney: Get out and let go of me.
Chase: Sydney just let me explain okay?

I roll my eyes again.
Sydney: No.
Chase: Please?
Sydney: Fine.

Chase pulls me closer to him and hugs me.
Sydney: Stop. You're being weird.

I pull away and he lets go of my wrists.
Sydney: You wanted to explain so hurry up and explain because now you're just acting weird.
Chase: We broke up because of you but it was because I like you and I told Claire that. I told her I didn't like her anymore and that I like you. Sydney the whole reason why I started dating Claire and the whole reason why I chose her over you is because I like you and I tried to get my mind off of you because you're my best friend and I knew you wouldn't like me back like that. I'm sorry but I like you so much I could even say I love you. That's why I was acting weird a few minutes ago. I don't know how to act around you anymore. It's different now.

I take a step back.
Sydney: Wow. I-I don't even know what to say.
Chase: Well do you like me back?
Sydney: I don't know. I've never thought about that. You need to leave. We will talk tomorrow. I need to be alone and I need to think about everything that you just said. You're right, nothing is the same. It is different now.
Chase: Okay. I'll talk to you tomorrow. I'm sorry Sydney. I'm sorry for everything that I've done and for everything that I just said.

I nod my head and Chase leaves, I walk over to my door and shut it. I lay down on my back on my bed and start thinking.

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