Chapter 2

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Joyce POV:

Its been a few weeks ago that the strange man showed up. Since then the guys who captured us were very nice to us. There is something going on, but I dont know what. Lucky for me it is midnight so I can shift into my human form without getting busted. So I shift fast into my human form, and jump over the fence. It wasnt a high fence so I could jump it easily in human form. I put on some clothes quickly and heard that strange sound again. I walked carefully to the sound and I hide as close as I can to the sound. When I looked I saw a beautifull car, he was stunning. I walked around it. I never had seen a car like this before. It was fully black, with only the scanner, the head lights, mistlights and taillights showing. I heard someone coming and hide again. I shift quick into my white horse and galop back to the pasture. I jump over the fence and trot to my place. Then I see him coming to the barn. He stepped out of the car, and walked to my pasture. My horse said "Mate!" right away but thats impossible. He is human, Im not. He whistles and I walk to the fence. He got an apple out of his leather jacket and I looked hestitant. Then I saw his face. He is Drop Dead Gorgous. Blue eyes where you can drown in and a smile which melts you from inside out. My horse neighed happily. This was our mate! "Its okay, I wont hurt you I promise." He said softly. I take the apple and chew on it. When I swallow the last part.of the apple.I feel.his hand on my head and neck. His touch feels warm and soft. Then he stops. "I will be coming back, I promise. When I can get you out of here you will coming with me and then you can graze carefree on the fields of the FLAG Headquarter." He said soflty and walked away. I neighed to him, but he didnt look back. I saw him ran to the KITT named car and saw him drove off. I galloped next to him, my pasture is next to the road. I neigh and rear to let him come back. But he doesnt. I neigh soft. I was very dissapointed. Why did he leave? Then I saw the answer. The daylight was coming, as so as one of the guys. He gave me an apple and did put a halter around my head and nose quickly. He tricked me with the apple the bastard. He clicked the leadrope on the halter and lead me to the riding arena. I knew what was going to happen. They are going to ride me. Hellno. NEVER. They tied me onto a pole and did literally push the bit into my mouth. Then they threw the saddle on and pulled the girth so tight that I hardly could breathe. Then the first guy stepped on. They first took a small paddock. They did the door open. I galopped as fast I could out and bucked and reared as high and fast as I could. I heard the guy fall of, and I trotted around the arena in victory. But the victory was waaay to soon. They pulled me back into the little paddock. Then the other guy stepped on, and had a whip. They didbthe and the guy hit me hard with the whip. I bucked and reared as high as I could but he did stay on. I was getting tired. Then I reared so high I fell backwards with the guy under me. He hit me so hard.with that whip.when I reared that my white coat was red cause.of the blood what was coming out of the wounds. I neighed in fear, everything hurts. I couldnt get up anymore. The guy was already next to me, he pulled himself away under me. I breathed scared. They took the tack off me and pushed me into the pasture. I fell inmeadiatly onto my knees. Everything hurts. I neighed in pain. My mouth hurts because of the bit so I couldnt neigh loud. I tried to lay flat but that hurts. I was so scared.

*A few hours later*

It was almost dark. I neighed Every out in pain. Everything hurts so much. Then I saw a cops car and the KITT named car coming. I saw they arrested the guys for horsetheft. I saw the man running to me and I neighed softly. He was speechless. "You are in save hands now girl. What happened to you? They tried to ride you is it? I neighed softly. They were loading up the horses who are here. I heard him call that they need an extra trailer for me, because Im injured. He helped me to get up and he slowly walked the trailer. There he cleaned and patched me up, to make it to the next ranch. I lay down inmeadiatly again. He gave me a kiss on my nose. "They wont get away with this. I will take care of you." He said and closed the trailer door.


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