Chapter 16

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Joyce POV:

Im now 5 months pregnant. Michael is so sweet to me. Even if I curse at him when something isnt right, he keeps his calm. Im laying in bed now, resting a bit. Michael is getting some blankets to keep me more warm. Dylan also comes almost every day on visit. He just left. I can see that Michael despises him, I can see it in his eyes.

"Hey baby, I got you blankets. I hope this is enough." he said smiling and tucked me.into the.blankets. I gave him a kiss on his lips, and I heard him groan softly. He knows he cant kiss me because.then one thing would lead to another, if you know what I mean ;). And I wont let that happen. "Iknow you want me Michael, but we cant. And you know that." I say teasing, pecking his lips again. He sat down on the bed, and held me in his arms. "I will wait till the baby is born." he said smiling cheekily. I slapped his arm playfully. "Not that fast Mr. Knight." I say laughing.

It became night soon, so Michael also came into the bed with me. He is very carefully for my stomach. It looks pretty big now. He pulls me carefully in his arms and we watched some tv until we felt we fell asleep.

*4 months later*

The baby can come any moment. We dont know.yet if it is a boy or a girl, cause we wanted that to keep as a surprise. I shifted into my horse and gestured Michael to come with me. Horseshifters always deliver in horseform. I lay down carefully and lay flat. Michael pets my neck and strokes my coat softly. I look up to my belly and neigh painfully. I sniff and groan and feel the foal.coming out. I push as hard as I can, and then the foal is out of me. I stand up and clean him. Its a colt, with a beautifull palomino colour. I let the baby and me shift back to human and walk to Michael. "He is beautifull Joyce." Michael said gobsmacked. He gave me a long kiss, and looked at the baby. "What name can we give him?" I asked him. I saw him.thinking. "What do you think of Damon, and his horse name Demon?" he said. I nodded. "Perfect names for.him." I answer and we walk with three of us to the house. I let Michael get some warm blankets and wrap Damon into the blankets. I sit down on the couch and Michael sat down to me and looked happily at him. "Finally we are one family." he said smiling and he kissed me tenderly. I knew Michael already called my parents, Devon and the rest from FLAG. They all came to see Damon. They all awed when they saw him. "What a cute little baby!" My mom said and she gave me a hug. When I saw Damon was very tired I stood up. "Im gonna put Damon into bed. He is very tired and so do I." I say and lay him down in his crib. He fell asleep right away. I silently walked out of the room, and said goodbye to everybody. When they left I walked back to the bedroom where Damon lays in his crib. I knew newborn babies sleep alot so I let him sleep now. I sit down on the bed and yawn. Delivering a baby is so.tiring. I strip off my clothes and put on my Pjs. I lay down in bed, and see Michael entering the room. "Iknow youre tired. Get some sleep honey. I love you." he said and kissed my lips tenderly. He tucked me in and when he left I was asleep already.

*A month later*

Damon was a very quiet baby. He did cry when he was thirsty and needed a new diaper but at night you never heard him much. He is such a lovely baby. He will break alot of hearts when he is my age. I had him in a play seat and he was enjoying it. He giggles at me and I pick him up and set him down on my lap.

Michael was away with KITT, as always. But this time the wasnt much at home anymore. Dylan helped me alot with Damon, he could be a little devil sometimes. But still, I miss Michael so much lately. And when he is home he is grumpy or tired. I see him for 5 minutes and then he goes to bed. I cant take this any longer. Dylan just left, and Im alone with Damon. I let with his toys and watch some tv. Then I see Michael coming home. He walks inside and sees me. He sat down and looked at me. "Joyce Im sorry Im not at home much." he said apollogising. He stood up again. I took his wrist and pulled him back. "We have to talk, now. I dont care if youre tired, we need to talk." I said.him. He walked back and sat down. "Michael, I cant raise this baby.alone. Dylan helps me though but that is different. If you didnt want the baby just said that to me! You are away always and not here for me and Damon." I said pissed. He looked like he didnt care. "I see you dont care. Okay. Then we are done." I say and pack my stuff. Then I saw him react. "No Joyce, please dont leave. I.need you in my life. Im sorrt that Im not there for you and Damon. But please stay with me. I love you and Damon." he said begging me. "You are now at home, and then 5 days gone. I cant live like.that, knowing that the father of my child is always away." I say angry. He got me by my wrist and kissed me passionately. I kissed back but kissed hestitately. He pulled away. "Joyce I love you and you love me, I know that. Please give me one more chance." he said pleading. I sighed. "Yeah, I love you ofcourse! But this cant continue. You have to reject some missions from Devon Michael. Iknow you work for him but I dont see you alot. I miss you so so much." I say feeling the tears fall upon my cheeks. He pulled me in his arms and held me tight. "I will tell Devon. I cant loose you. Especially now." he said and he kissed me on my lips. I hope he does tell Devon. I cant do this all alone.


Iknow its short.

I hope you all like it.



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