Chapter 9

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Joyce POV:

It was saturday, so we had the day for ourselves. Me as horseshifter needs a run sometimes. It was a long time ago that I ran through the forest. Michael was watching tv, so I sat down next to him. He pecked my lips softly. "Michael, is it okay that I take a run? Its a long time ago I had one." I asked. I saw him thinking. "Okay you may have a run, but if there is something wrong contact me via Mindlink or KITT." he said. I hugged him. "Thankyou Michael." I said happily. I walk out the house and shift quick. I rear at Michael and neigh happily. I trot away and change in a canter. Then I jump in a fast gallop, and a very fast one too. I jump around like a young foal. It feels so good to be free. Then I hear that im not alone. I see a man on a horse. And he sees me. Oh shit. I gallop away and he spurs his horse. Iknow whats gonna happen. I speed up in a very fast galop and I see he speeds up too. I jump over a piece of wood into a wide open place. I see him jump too. I speed up more and gallop as fast as I can. I see that the place stops at a wide river. I take the risk and jump over it. I made it luckily. You could see the river from the barn, so I know for sure Michael saw it. "Please help me with KITT." I mindlinked Michael. I galloped into the next piece of the forest and jump the trees that are fallen over. The man on the horse is gone now luckily. I trot into a cave. I try to catch my breath. It felt good, and bad. Michael arrived too. He ran into the cave. I lay down still catching my breath. I shift back to human. "Are you okay?" Michael asked concerned. I nodded. "Did you saw how much speed I had? That man hunted me down so hard, my feet hurt. Im okay, just a bit out of breath." I said and Michael sat down next to me. "I saw you junping that river. Wow." he said. I smiled. "Yeah I thought I wouldnt make it." I said. Michael kissed me deeply. "Im glad youre okay." he said relieved. He helped me standing up and he helped me in KITT. KITT showed me the pictures of the run with the man after me, and the jump."KITT, did you really photograph that!" I said unbelieving. Though the pictures looked wonderfull. Michael also stepped in and we drove back.

When we arrived at the barn, Michael picked me up bridal style. "Its okay Michael, Im fine." I said reassuring. He didnt put me down. He sat down with me on his lap. "Joyce, I was so worried. Please dont make me that worried again." he said softly. But before I could answer he slammed his lips onto mine. I kissed back passionately, and I felt the sparks everywhere. This feeling he gives me is unbelievable. He picks me up and carries me to the bedroom. He sat me down on the bed amd kissed me again. That afternoon we made love until it was almost dark.

We layed in eachothers arms, and looked in love at eachother. He kissed me one time. I wanted to get out of bed, but Michael got his grip tight around my waist. He put his lips on my neck and kisses slowly my neck. "Michael, please let me go." I said giggling. I bit on my lip trying not to moan. "Joyce, please stay." he said teasing me. I put on my underarments and Michaels shirt, and went back to him. He caresses my skin. "Tomorrow we have to go back to that mission." he sighed and kissed me on my lips. "You rather stay in bed with me?" I say giggling. He nodded. "We dont have alot spare time to be together. The missions are sometimes separate." he said and kissed my cheek. "Lets go out of bed. I will make dinner." I said smiling. "Damn, Ive had desert already." he said joking flirtatously. I blush and try to hide it. Michael sees it and laughs softly. I go to the kitchen and make some dinner. Not too difficult. When Im finished I sat down the food, and make everything ready. When I want to get the sauce, I feel a pair of warm, strong arms around my waist. I gasp softly. "Michael, you scared me a bit." I said softly. He put his lips in my neck again. "I have enough hickeys of you, get out." I say joking.  He let.go of me and I walk after him with the sauce. I sat the sauce down and scoop up the food. When we both have it, we eat, and talk about the mission.

When weare finished, I get a bucket of ice cream and two spoons. I put the dirty the dishwasher. I gesture Michael to sit down on the sofa next to me. He feeds me some ice cream. I do the same with him. When the bucket is empty, I put it away. I see Michael has a bit of icr cream on his lips. I kiss it off, and that turned into a heated make out session. I pulled away when I was out of breath. I put the empty bucket in the barbage bin, and the spoons in the dishwasher. When I was walking back, Michael wasnt on the sofa. Where the fuck did he go? I look around the house, and dont find him. I walk to the lake next to the house and sit down on the sand. Then I feel Michael sit down next to me and hugs me tight. "Where were you?" I asked. "I was with KITT. He said there was something." he said and pecked my lips softly. I snuggle into his chest. Im never ever gonna leave him. He is my soulmate and my one true love. My horse is satisfied with him. She knew it from the start. "Im getting cold, lets go back inside." I said and he nodded. We walked back inside, and I went upstairs right away. I was so tired. I put out Michaels shirt and lay down. Michael came also. He layed down next to me and I snugged into his chest. He puts his arms around me, and I fall in a peacefull sleep.

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