Chapter 32 (Last Chapter)

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A/N: This is the last Chapter of this book. If you want a sequel, comment down Below.


Joyce POV:

Michael is acting strange today. I dont know why. I am in the city, looking around for some new shoes. I really need new Supra's. When I see the best supra's ever I walk inside and take them. I pay them and walk out of the store. Then Im going to the Hollister store here and see a beautifull black jacket. I walk into the store and see a few men looking at me. I ignore them and get the jacket. I pay it and walk out of the store. I have everything I need now. I stepped into a cab and drove home. Luckily Danger has returned, he saw the light finally. He is grazing on the pasture now. Damon is in school, and Michael is away now, so I can relax and take a bath.  I walk upstairs and undo myself from my clothes and sit down in the bath. After an half an hour I come out and dry myself. I put on my undergarments and a shirt. When I walk into the room, I see candles everywhere and a note with a box attached to it. "Dear Joyce, This is the place where we made love for the first time. In this box you will find a dress. Put it on, and if you did that, look into the kitchen. There you will find the next note. Xx your Michael." it says. I look into the box and see a beautifull strapless black dress. I put it on, and I love it! I match the dress with black pumps and walk to the kitchen. There I find the second note, with a rose laying next to it. "This is the first place where we sat the morning after we made love. I remember you were blushing, when you saw me. This rose is for you, I know its your fave flower. Go to Dangers stable, there you will find the next note. Xxx your Michael." it said. He is soo romantic. I smelled the rose and put it in a vase. I walk to the stables and find a note with a picture of me and Danger. "This is the place where you met my biggest fear. Danger. Well he wasnt that dangerous to you. Here we also had our first fight after you lost you memory. This picture is made by KITT, as symbol for the new friendship. I hope you like the picture. Go to the lakehouse, there you will find the next, and last note. Xxx your Michael." it said. He is really soooo romantic. I shifted into my horse and trotted into the forest to the lake. I shifted back into my human form, and walked to the lakehouse. There I found the last note, with a bracelet with a heart beadle on it. "This is the place where you saved me from Kaden. And Im so thankfull for that. This bracelett Ive given to you because you loved it when we were at the jewelry store. Put it on for me and go to the garden. There you will find me and KITT. Xxx your Michael." it said. I walked through the lakehouse and saw Michael standing there in front of KITT in a heart shaped candle circle. "Ive seen youve found all the notes?" he said smiling and I walked to him. Then he went on his knees. OMG HE IS.GONNA PROPOSE TO ME! "Dear Joyce, from the first time we met, as horse and human, I knew you were special. Youve made my life complete. We have a kid together that we love to deeply. Joyce, will you marry me?" he said and opened a box with a stunning ring in it. I cried from happiness. "Yes ofcourse I want to marry you!" I said and Michael came off his knee. He held me in his arms and kissed me passionately. He held me tight and looked me in the eyes. "I love you so so much." he said and put the ring on my finger. "I love you too Michael." I said smiling.

*A month Later*

I was making myself ready for tge wedding. I had a beautifull dress that flows around me. I looked in the mirrow and gasped. I look beautifull! I walked outside and saw Damon dressed up and Danger with braided mane and tail. I stepped on him and we all walked to the wedding. I stepped off Danger and walked to the altar. Michael almost dropped his jaw. He didnt look bad either. He held my hands. "You look beautifull babe." he said and we said the vow. When we said yes, the priest said:"You can kiss your bride." I removed my veil and kissed him tenderly. He took my hand and we walked down the aisle, to KITT. But when I saw him, I bursted into laughing. "What they did to you?!" I said giggling. They had binded canes under him, he had white painting on his window saying:"Just Married" he had on the front a bouket of roses. I stepped in and so did Michael. We drove off, hand in hand.


Thats it!

I hope you guys loved to read the book.

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