Chapter 21

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Joyce POV:

Im out of the hospital for a few days now. Im in the forest, in my horse form. I was playing with some fillies and colts from the herd. My mom and dad were so worried when they heard I was hit by a truck. But that Michael-man, he is with my parents alot. It really looks they know eachother for so long. I really cant remember anything what happened. Me and the foals came back to the herd. I saw Michael with my parents as usually, and the beautifull black sleek Trans Am, that has the name KITT. I shift to my human form and walk to my parents. "Whats wrong mom and dad?" I asked and kissed them on the cheek. "Joyce, you are gonna live with Michael. You have to leave the herd. We are going to visit you alot." my dad said. What? Im gonna live with that man?! I sighed. "Do I have a choice?" I said. My parents nodded. "Its for your own good. Besides he is your mate." my mom said. So thats why my horse is so calm when he is around. "Okay I will come with him." I said. I hugged my mom and dad and walked with Michael to the KITT-car. I step in and look around. "Cool." I say fascinated. Michael smiles and starts the car. He turns around and we drive away.

When we arrive I look around. What a beautifull environment. It looks very peacefull here. Michael steps out and I follow him. I stand next to the car and look around. "Nice place you have." I said and looked at Michael. "Yeah, we picked this place because it is so peacefull." he said and his eyes showed.hurt. I walked with him inside and looked around. I saw pictures of me and him, me and the car, me and a kis and more. "We looked very close." I said softly. Michael also looked at the pictures. "We were very close, from the beginning." he said softly. I saw the look in his eyes. He really loved me. I fucking hate myself. Why I dont.remember anything? "Im sorrt that I asked." I said apollogising. "Its okay, I expected that question already." he said and offered me a place on the couch. Michael sat next to me. "Why my parents wanted to let me live with you?" I asked carefully. I saw his eyes soften. "Well, we were together, and we are mates. I know you dont remember anything, and that isnt your fault. You will remember me soon. This has to take.time." he said. I nodded confirming. It felt that I belonged here but I dont know why. "Can you show me the house? And where I sleep?" I asked and he nodded. He showed me the house and his bedroom. "You can sleep here. I will.sleep on the couch." he said and looked at me. I nodded and we walked downstairs. "You look hungry. Do you want to eat something?" he asked. I admit, I havent eaten since this morning. "Yeah, I am hungry. What do you have?" I asked and looked his eyes. His eyes were baby blue, and you could drown in them. "Well, we could go out if you.want, or just order pizza or chinese?" he offered. I thought that I havent got pizza in a long time. "I would love to eat pizza. I havent ate pizza in ages." I said laughing. He smiled. "Okay then we order some pizza." he said and ordered two pepperoni's.

The pizzas were here soon.  "Shall I open?" I asked. He nodded and gave me some money for the pizzas. I opened the door and payed the pizza. I saw the pizzaboy flirting with me, and I think Michael He walked to the door and hugged me from behind and kissed my cheek. Then the boy walked away and I.laughed. This felt so familiar. His arms around my waist. "You really had to piss off the pizzaboy?"I said laughing and gave him his pizza. "Sorry, I had to. He was eyeraping you." he said laughing. We opened our pizzas and we ate.

When we finished our pizzas, I throw the boxes away in the garbage bins in the garage. Then I see the red scanner of the black Trans Am going from left to right. "How was your pizza Joyce?" he said and I literally jumpscared. "What the fuck?! You can talk?!" I say gobsmacked. "Yes I can talk. What did you think? Im a ghost? Im sorry I scared you." KITT said. This also felt so familiar! "Its okay KITT. I didnt expected that you could talk thats all." I said. He opened the driversdoor. "Step in. I want to show you something." he said and I walked to the car. I stepped in and looked around. "What you wanted to show?" I asked. Then he showed me on the two screens some action of us two and he and Michael. "Wow, we did that together?" I said surprised. Then I saw Michael standing in the garage opening. "I already thought, why its taking so long. KITT had KITTnapped you." he.said.joking. He walked to KITT and stepped in on the passenger side. "We have alot of history I see." I say and look at him. Michael nodded. "I literally jumpscared when KITT said something." I say laughing. Michael smiled. "You want to take KITT for a drive?" he asked. I looked at him. "I may take him for a ride?!" I said. "Yeah you may drive." he said. I smiled. I started KITT and gave a little gas. "Oh he sounds so.good." I said moaning. I saw Michaels eyes.darken. Oh shit. "Sorry." I.said. "Its okay." he said and I drive KITT out of the garage. I turn him and drive away. He feels so good under my guard. "He is perfect Michael. He drives perfect." I said smiling. Michael laughed. "I know." he said and his eyes softened. I could see this did hurt him. We, well KITT showed us a beautifull place. We stepped out and we looked over the hills. "This was our favourite place." Michael said.and I saw him swallowing. This really hurt him. I looked down. "Im so sorry." I.said softly. I step.back in KITT and wait for Michael. He also steps in and we drive back home. I drive KITT back into.the.garage.and step.out. Michael steps out, and walks back in the house. Its late. I also step out. "Goodnight KITT." I said softly and walk inside. Michael is really having a hard time. I walk upstairs and walk to my sleeping place. Michael also came in and sat down. "Im so.sorry." he said.and hugged me. He kissed my cheek and stood up. "Goodnight Joyce." he said and swallowed a lump. He walked out of the room, and went downstairs. I feel so guilty. This is my fault. I walk downstairs in my pjs. "Michael.please come lay with me, if you want. I feel so guilty." I say and look down. He stood up and hugged me. "Its okay Joyce. You cant blame yourself for losing your memory." he said softly. He walked with me.back upstairs. "Youre sure that I sleep next to you?" he said sure. I nodded. I lay down in bed and feel Michael lay down too. "May I hold you in my arms?" he asked and I nodded. He gently pulled me in his arms and rest his head in my.neck. I fell asleep and so did he. I felt comfortable in his arms. This has to mean something

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