Chapter 17

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*2 weeks later*

Joyce POV:

Michael and I havent spoke to eachother again since the argument. He is still away too much. Im now on the point to break up with him. It will hurt me alot but there is no other choice. Dylan is with me now, and he plays with Damon. "He is so adorable." I say smiling. Dylan gives Damon back to me, and comes sitting next to me. Ive gained feelings for him, but not huge ones. I lay Damon down in his bed, cause its nappy time for him now. I sing a little song for him and he falls asleep right after. I walk out of his room and close the door quietly. I walk back to the livingroom, and sit down next to Dylan again. He hugs me and sees how much trouble I have with breaking up with Michael. He held me tight and whispered that everything is going to be alright. Then the hell broke loose. Michael came in and saw us. He was furious. "You are cheating on me!?" he yelled. "Michael shut the fuck up. Youre going to wake up the baby soon." I say way too calm, cause my blood is boiling. I signal Dylan to go to Damon. He walked away and looked at me with a look that said:"Succes."

Michael still looked at me with a furious look. "You were cheating on me while I was away." he said angry. "No, I wasnt cheating at all! Dylan gave me some comfort because YOU aint there, and youre never here. So there is one thing that can help Michael. Im breaking up with you. I pack my belongings and leave together with Damon and Dylan." I say.pissed. I walk away from him,.and I felt the pain of my horse, but she said I was right. Her mate wasnt even here most of the time. She agreed with my descision. I walked to our bedroom and packed my stuff. Michael came after me. "You are breaking up with me?!" he said angry. "Yes, wasnt I clear enough?" I say and hold in my tears. This is so hard. I get my suitcases and Damons backpack and walk to his room. "I did it. Lets go to your house." I said to Dylan and he took Damons backpack from me. We walked together to Dylans car. "I have to say goodbye to KITT. Ill be right back." I said and let Dylan put my baggage in the trunk, and put Damon in the car.

I run to the garage and see KITT standing. "Youre really leaving me and Michael?" he said sad. "KITT I have no choice. I dont see you two alot. Its better this way KITT. I love you. Goodbye. Take care of Michael." I said and walked back to Dylans car. I step in on the passenger side and we drove away, with Michaels barn in our side and back mirror.

After a few hours of driving we arrive at Dylans place. Damon fell asleep when we drove off, so he is still asleep. "Ill take care of Damon, can you put my suitcases inside Dylan?" I asked. He nodded and I took Damon out of the car. I saw that this was the herd house so in a few minutes everybody will be out their rooms. Dylan brought my suitcases to my room and came back to me. "Lets go to.the livingroom." he said and I walked after him with Damon on my arm. I saw that Dylan had a little bed already settled for Damon, so I put him in his bed, and he fell asleep again. I sat down with Dylan and we spoke a bit, until the rest of the herd came in. We warned them not to wake Damon and they welcomed me in the herd. I was very tired and I stood up. "Ill take Damon with me and Im going to sleep." I said yawning. Then he did something I never expected from him. He kissed me. Yes, HE kissed ME. More surprising was that I kissed back. When he pulled away, he kissed my lips once again, and looked me.into my eyes. "Sleep with me tonight. Just sleeping. I will get the bed for Damon from your room." he said. I nodded, and walked to his bedroom. He got the bed from my room and put it next to the bed. I lay Damon into his bed and tuck him in. He falls asleep quickly again. I strip down my clothes till Im in a t-shirt with my undergarments under the t-shirt. He also stripped down his clothes, till his boxer. I layed down on the bed and Dylan came next to me. I pulled the blankets over me and Dylan pulled me in his arms. We fell asleep quickly.

Michaels POV:

I didnt knew what I saw when I came back home. Joyce and I didnt spoke to eachother since the argument. I cant help it that Im away so much. I was so so furious, not normal. It looked like she cheated on me. But when she said she broke up.with me, I felt the pain in my chest. This is all my fault. She was having my baby but I was never there for her. I saw her running to the garage and say goodbye to KITT. Then I saw her and Dylan driving off. When they were away I KITT. "Iknow, I messed up." I said sighing. "Oh yes you did. She saw leaving as the only option. We were never there for her when she needed us." KITT said. I went with my hands through my hair. "How stupid I could ever be. I lost her KITT. I lost her, and this is all my fault." I said and felt a.tear coming down my face. I loved her so so much, with whole my heart. And I had to fuck up. I still love her. I step out of KITT, and walk back inside. I sit down and see our pictures on the cabinet. I take one from the cabinet and look at it. It was a picture of me and Joyce standing next to KITT, cuddling. Tears streamed down my face. Im going to win her back, I have to. I need her in my life. She is the love.of my life.

*3 years later*

Joyce POV:

Its now exactly three years ago that me and Michael broke up. I do miss him, but I push that away. Me, Dylan and Damon are a family now. Today is Damons birthday. Hes becoming 4 years old now. In about 6 years he can shift into his foal. I wish I could celebrate this with Michael, but he doesnt care at all. I havent spoke him since we broke up. Its almost dark now, and we celebrate it now because it isnt that warm, cause its summer. Damon ran to me and showed me his presents. "Look mama! I got this from daddy!" he said.and showed me ared firetruck. He didnt got this from Dylan. From Dylan he got a policetruck. This cant be true. "Dylan is it okay that I take a run?" I asked and he saw my look. "Ofcourse honey. Take your time." he answered and pecked me on the lips. I walked away.and horse. Me and Dylan ran often but this time its different. This time I really need space. I gallop away in the darkness. I stop at the lake, and look.over the lake. My horse ears catch a familiar sound. Its KITTs engine. I trot away, but KITT already saw me on his scanner. I run in my fastest gallop back. I shift into my human form and walk back to the party. "Are you okay?" Dylan asked. I nodded and we continued the party. Then I hear KITTs engine again and I try to keep calm. I see KITTs frontlights and his scanner lighting up. I see Michael step out of KITT and I see him searching for Damon. When Damon sees Michael, he runs to him and hugs.him tight. "Hi daddy. Thankyou for my gift." he said and Michael took him on his arm. Now he cares about Damon?! After 3 years?! When Michael sees me he walks to me. "Put Damon down and right now." I say threatening. He sees the look in my eyes and puts him down. "Come with me." I said in a cold tone. I took.him to the livingroom. "What are you doing here?!" I say furious. My blood is.really.boiling and my horse wants to come out. I saw his look. "I wanted to see my son." he said. Oh now he really.has a.problem. "After 3 years you care? Not before?! Leave Michael. Now." I said pissed. "No Im not going. Ive aways cared about Damon, and you. I just wanted to see Damon and you." he.said and he stepped forward. He caressed my cheek with his hand and I slap his hand away. "Dont. Touch. Me." I said coldly, and fold my arms over eachother. "Youre changed Joyce." he said softly and he walked over again and kissed my cheek. I walk away after, I cant handle this. I still have feelings for him, and his touch makes me feel weak in my knees. Michael comes after me. "Okay, Ill leave. But I want to talk to you tomorrow night. And I dont take no for an answer. I pick you up at seven." he said. I sighed, and gave in. "Fine whatever. But dont think I want you back Knight." I said coldly. He steps in KITT and drove off. Dylan kissed my cheek. "Are you okay now?" I nodded. I walked to Damon. "Its bedtime boy. Say goodnight to everybody." I said smiling. He said goodnight and I put him in bed. Tomorrow is gonna be tough. Very tough.


Ooooh, what will happen tomorrow night with Joyce and Michael?

I hope you guys liked it

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