Chapter 31

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Joyce POV:

Damon came downstairs, with Michael following him. I still had his blouse on and I saw him biting his lip. "Daddy, I want you to come with me." Damon said and I saw them walking outside. He shifted into his foal and Michael looked proud. He hugged him and Damon shifted back. They walked back in. Damon said He went to Danger, so we are alone now. Suddenly I feel Michaels arms around me. I gasped softly and felt his bare hand on my hips. He kissed my sweet spot in my neck softly. I held in a moan. "Do you know how sexy you look in my blouse?" he said murmuring on my skin. "No I dont know." I said innocently. He turned me around and captured my mouth with his. He put me down on the kitchentable. I kissed back and it turned into a heated makeoutsession. I pulled away to breathe. "Now I know." I said breathless. He smiled and pecked my cheek. He held me tight, and nuzzled my neck. I saw Damon coming in, in panick. "Mom, Danger is gone." he said and my eyes went wide. "Michael, take care of Damon. Im gonna search in the forest." I said and let go off him. I walked outside and shifted quickly. I reared and galloped away.

In the forest I jump over fallen trees and neigh loud. When I gallop further I find Danger with a mare. I neighed at him warning. I reared and mindlinked him to come home. He neighed no. I pulled him by his tail and then he listened. I neighed and chased him back home. When he was back home I saw the mare looking at me, with a pissed look. She wasnt happy that I took her stallion. She came threatening onto me, and I heard Danger neigh to stop, but it was too late. She attacked meand I bucked her off. I kicked so hard that I heard bones break. She became scared of me and I chased her into the forest and galloped back. Danger wasnt happy with me. I neighed at him that she was evil. He didnt listen to me and galloped away. I neighed at him to come back but he didnt. I shifted back to my human. "Why the fuck is he so fucking stubborn." I said annoyed. Michael held me in his arms. "Thats what stallions are babe." he said and we walked back inside. I sat down sighing. Danger was our best friend. Now he is gone. "Damon, he wont come back." I said and I hugged him. I took his hand and we went to the arena. "Michael, put on a little jump." I said and shifted. Damon shifted too and followed me. I trotted ove the little jump and saw Damon jump. He has the jumping skills of his mom luckily. Michael puts it a little higher and I jump it easily. I wait for Damon and see him jump it perfectly. I neighed proudly. He came to me and nosed with me. Michael smiled, and pet us. We shift back both, and Michael pecks my lips. "He is a good jumper." I said smiling and Damon hugged us. "Its so cool." he said smiling and we laughed. I wish it was this way forever. But Im affraid it wont last or long.

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