Chapter 8

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Joyce POV:

When we explained to Bonnie, I heard a horse that was neighing. I recognise it. "Michael Im sorry, but I have to shift. There is a horse near that I recognise from my old herd."I said and he agreed. I shifted into my horse, and let Michael sit on my back. I gallop to the sound. I stop and see who it is. Its my mom and my dad! Michael goes off my back and I rear happily, so as they do. We shift to human form, and I give Michael a kiss. "Michael, this is my mom and my dad." I said proudly. My parents were a bit shocked that he was human, but didnt make a problem of it. I told them the history between us, and they were thankfull to Michael, that he saved me. Michael put a arm around my waist, and gives me little kiss.

Then it was time to go back. "Madam, Sir, youre always welcome to our ranch." he said politely. They nodded. We shifted back to our horses and I help Michael to get on my back. We gallop back to the barn, and I shift back to human. We walk together in the barn, and sit down in the livingroom. We spoke about our childhoods. We had pretty much in common. When Michael shows me the barn from the inside, I feel that this is my home. This feeling is so good. Michael shows me the bedroom, and I sit down on the bed. He strokes my cheek. "I never thought I would say this, but would you be my girlfriend, and we are mates already." he said. I nodded. "Yes ofcourse I want to be your girlfriend." I said happily. He kissed me passionately and one thing lead to another ;). We fell in eachothers arms asleep.

The next morning I wake up, and feel that its cold next to me. What happened last night, was sensational. I never felt so loved. I sat up and put on my undergarments and a long shirt. I walk downstairs to the kitchen, but Michael isnt there either. Whats going on!? Then I feel a pair of strong arms around my waist. "Goodmorning gorgous." he said huskily. Damn he gives me the chills. He pecks my lips and makes us breakfast. Then I see that Michael doesnt wears a shirt. I blush soo hard. The same happened last night. So awkward. When we are eating breakfast, another boy comes in. Michael greets him as RC3. He was checking me out, for sure. Michael felt I was uncomfortable. "Done checking out my girlfriend Rc?" he said and RC was quiet. Michael pecked my lips. "Im gonna change, be right back." I said and went upstairs. I heard Michael warn RC3. I giggled softly and put on my clothes. I walk downstairs and see that RC is gone. I walk to the livingroom and sit down on the sofa. Michael comes after me and sits down next to me. I snuggle into his chest and watch my fave tvshow, Mcleods Daughters.

In the middle of the show Michael turns off the tv. "Michael! I was watching!" I said offended. He kissed me softly. "This is better than tv right? I want to talk about what happened with breakfast. You dont have to be shy. You are beautifull, from the inside and outside." he said truthfully. I looked at him and nodded. I smiled at him and gave him a kiss. Michael kissed back, and it turned into a makeout session. I pulled away when I heard someone clear his voice. It was Devon. "Devon!" Michael sighed. I giggled. He introduced himself and I did the same. I told him I was the white mare. He was shocked. "Thats impossible." he stated. I walked with Michael and him outside and shifted into my horse form. I reared and neighed happily. I come down and neigh at Michael. I shift back and walk to Devon. "Told you so." I said laughing. He accepted it. "Thats clever. You can run faster than normal people, and you are stronger." he said thinking. Michael knew right away. "Devon, no. She wont be a part of FLAG. Its too dangerous. Way too dangerous." he defended. "Michael, why not! I can heal quick if I get hurt. Im a horse shifter, Im very strong." I said convincing him. He gave up. "Okay Devon. She can join FLAG. But under one circumstance. She works with me." he said. Devon agreed. "Deal" he said and shook Michaels hand. We walked back to the barn. We followed Devon to his studyroom. He gave us the mission. "I have an advantage. I can change my coat collor to black. White you see too soon." I said. Michael nodded. Devon gave us some information about the mission and we could start tonight. Im very exited. My first mission under the Foundation for Law And Governement! Michael looked exited too, to work with me. I was the only horse who can shift her colour from white into black. No other horse has it.

When the night was coming we made us ready. When I had everything done I walked to Michael. We rehearsed the plan we made. The mission was that there were computerchips stolen from a huge company that works for the governement and they killed people for it. Me, Michael and KITT have to get those back. When we had everything done we walked to KITT and stepped in. I looked around. "Wow. So much technology." I said fascinated. Michael chuckled. "The work of Bonnie, and Devon." he said smiling. He gave me a kiss and we drove off. We stopped on a shadowy place and we stepped out. We slipped in at the back and looked around. "I hear people." I whisper softly. I think they know were here. Shit. Michael signalled KITT that he has to be ready. We slipped out and I shifted into my horse who was black coloured now. I let Michael on my back and jump the fence. I let him off my back and shift to human. I jump in KITT and we drive away fast. We contacted Devon on our way back to the semi. "Devon, the head of the company is involved in the case. Joyce heard him talk about the chips, that they will transported to the other side of the world. We could get away soon enough before we were seen." he said. I heard Devon sigh. "Anything found when you two were there?" he asked. Michael shook his head. "I did find something Devon. I found a few footprints. KITT have them. When we are home he can print them." I said and Michael gave me a kiss. "Best partner ever." he said smiling. I giggled. Devon cut the call and we rode into the semi. I step out and let KITT print the footprints. I gave them to Devon, and he showed them to Bonnie. "KITT found out that the footprints were from a Adidas shoe. Size 41. Sport type." I said. Michael pecked my lips. "Good work Joyce" Bonnie and Devon complimented. This is going to be fun. Me, Michael and KITT. We are a good team. Im curious what we have to do next.


That was it for today!



(Pic on the side is how Joyce looks in black)

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