Chapter 12

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Joyce POV:

I woke up, by the sound of Michael putting my breakfast in my feedingbucket. I stand up and shake myself for a minute. I walk to the feedingbucket and Michael pets me slowly. "Tonight we bust the man who.kidnapped.that horse,.and then youre all mine again." he slowly whispers, and pets my mane. When I was finished Michael clicked my rope.on my halter and tied me to the saddlepole. He brushes me softly and saddled me quick. He mounted me, and he rode me to the outside arena. It was god weather anyway so why not? He let me trot and warm up very good. He let me gallop.and stears me to the.first jump. This was a piece.of.cake. The next jumps I jumped too, without.any trouble. He let me trot again and for a.minute free reins. Then he got the reins again and he let me gallop again. He steared the most.difficult jump. He let me trot, then walk. He let me, so.that I wasnt that.warm anymore. He.rode me with the.barn. He steps off, and saddled me off. He put on my blanket.amd put me in my stable. He gave me a kiss on my nose, and looked at me. "You know the plan" he whispered. I nodded my head. He left the stables quickly. I neighed softly.

The day went by pretty quickly. I took my rest, and spoke the horses which were standing next to me. When it was becaming dark and no other person is here, I slip out of the stables. I gallop quietly through the forest. I am on the place where I have to be. I see the shed and open it slowly without noise. That stallion stands there, I knew it! I helped him out of the stable and neighed at him that he has to follow me.

We galloped to the new FLAG headquarter. Michael stood there with Goliaths Boys owner and the guys who did it with handcuffs on. Goliaths Boy neighed at me that he was thankfull for rescuing him. He gave me a hug, how horses hug. His owner loaded him on the trailer and thanked us. Then the cops arrived to arrest those guys. When they were away, I shifted back into my human, and before I could say anything, Michael had me in his arms and kissed me tenderly. I kissed back softly and pulled away. He hugged me tight. "Im happy this is over babe." he said relieved, and pecked my lips softy. I nodded softly, and walk to KITT. "Lets go back." I suggest. Michael nodded and also stepped in KITT. We drove to the barn.

When we arrived, there is standing a black Lamborghini. What the fuck!? I thought about who had one and then my face went blank. "Whats wrong sweety? And who owns this car?" Michael said worried. He took me in his arms. I knew who it was."That is my ex boyfriend Jason. He is also a horseshifter." I say softly, and look down. Michael kissed me softly. "He wont take you away from me I promise." he says softly. Jason comes out of the stables,.and hands me a document. It says that the herd leaders dont approve Michael, and that I must have to leave and marry Jason."Is this true!?" I say gobsmacked. Jason nodded. "You have 15 minutes to pack." he said and he sat down in the car. I walked crying into the barn. "You really have to leave!?" Michael said almost crying. I nodded. I pack my belongings and throw them into the car. Michael runs to me and hugs me tightly."I will rescue from there. I love you so much and will.miss you so much." he said crying. I kissed him deeply and answered:"I will miss you too Michael. I love you so so much." crying. Then Jason pulled me away from Michael. I blew him a handkiss and sat down in the car. Me and my horse are devestated. Why they dont approve Michael? We drove away quickly.

When we arrived I picked my stuff and walked to my room. I threw my stuff into the closet and walk to the balcony. I look at the view I have. Beautifull, but its different. Michael isnt at my side. I cry quietly, until I hear the door opening. I hear its Jason. "Go away!" I say pissed. Jason does go away quickly. Why they took Michael away from me? Why!

Then they ask me to come to dinner. I walk downstairs with red, puffy, panda eyes. The panda eyes cause the make-up is all over my face. I sit down and dont have appitite. I just play a bit with my food and go off th table as everybody is finished. I dont want to eat, to breath, to live without Michael.

-2 years later-

Its two years ago that I lost Michael. I still miss him so so much. Next week they want that I marry Jason. No fucking way! I lost a bit of my weight, but that is normal. They let me have a run, for the first year in two years. I shift into my white horse and gallop into the forest. I keep hearing a familiar sound. I gallop to the sound, and me and my horse are feeling better again. I gallop out of the bush and neigh happily at KITT. Then came Michael out of the shop where KITT stood. I rear happily and look at him. He was skinnier than two year ago. He had tears in his eyes. "Joyce!" he said gobsmacked. I shifted back to my human form. He ran to me and hold me in his arms. He kissed me deeply. I kissed back passionately. When I pulled away, I hugged him. "I missed you so so much." I said crying. He held me tight. "I missed you too Joyce. I missed everything of you." he said crying. I kept holding me. "I cant live without you Michael." I say tearing up again. "Come with me. Far away from here. I need you in my life." he said softly. Then suddenly the guards of the herd pulled me away from Michael. "Michael!" I yelled crying. They pushed me into a humvee and drove back to the house I heard Michael yell crying my name. I cried softly. Then the guards pushed me into my room. I was so so pissed. I missed Michaels kisses, his hugs his smile, his face, everyhing. I gone Emo already, but this is the limit. Im done. I cant live without him. I wont give up on him. I cant. I have to escape.

This was it for this time.

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