Chapter 23

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Joyce POV:

I open the stables and let Danger out of his stall. I neigh at him that he has to follow me. I saw Michael standing in the doorway, and reared playfully. I galloped away and Danger followed me perfectly. I galloped in his speed, cause its not fair that I am faster. I showed him my fave places and we went to my favourite lake. We played in the water, and Danger was so sweet and kind to me. He knew I was mated to Michael, and told me his story. Why he was hidden in that stable. I mindlinked him that I was sorry for him and he said that it was okay. I trot out of the water and hear hoofbeats. I neigh warning at Danger and he follows me. We gallop away and we hear the cowboys looking for us. We hided in a cave, till they were away. When they were away it was becoming dark. We have been away for so long? Wow.

We galloped back and I shifted into my human form. I mindlinked him where his tack was. He said next to the stable. I gor his tack and saddled him. I saw Michael looking gobsmacked. I held Danger by his reins. "Nobody can saddle him. Not even me." he said and I put the reins on the good size and mount Danger. "Shhh its okay boy." I whispered and he calmed. I rode him to the arena and let him get used to me. I let him trot carefully and I see he is having fun. I let him gallop and take a little jump. He jumps easily and I go back to trot and then to walk. I let him step with a long rein. When he was cooled down I stepped off. "Thats was amazing Joyce." he said and opened the stabledoors. I saddled him off and gave him some apples. He neighed that he had fun today. I mindlinked him that we will do this often. I kissed his nose and closed his stalldoor. "How you could ride him?! Nobody can ride him. He even bucked me off multiple times." Michael said and looked at me. "When I sae Danger for the first time, he trusted me right away. I told him my story and he told his today. He needs a soft hand and alot of trust Michael." I said and walked out of the stables. I walked inside and sat down. "Geez Im tired." I sighed and felt my schoulders and neck sting. Michael sat down next to me. "Im sorry about what happened yesterday. It was just stupid." he said apollogising. I looked at him. "Its okay but never do that again okay." I said and stood up to change my clothes upstairs. I changed into a yogapants and a hoodie. I sat down next to Michael again and felt my schoulders and neck. "Damn the stablefloor is hard." I said groaning. Michael looked at me and said:"Shall I massage you?" I nodded. We walked upstairs and Michael put on some music. We sat down on the bed and he pulled out my hoodie. He carefully my neck. I moaned softly. "Thanks. This feels so good." I said softly. He went to my shoulders, and massaged my shoulders. I moaned again and bit my lip. He was so good at this. I felt his lips on my neck and I warned him snorting. "Im sorry." he said softly. He massaged further, and when he felt that my shoulders were loose he stopped. I turned to him and suddenly felt the urge to kiss him. What the actual fuck?!  He came closer. He caressed my cheek and then he kissed me. HE FUCKING KISSED ME. And more surprisingly, I KISSED BACK. He held me by my waist and it turned into a makeout session. His kisses were so passionate, so full of love. His lips so super soft. When he pulled away for air, my cheeks were pink. I was blushing so.hard. How can I fall in love with someone who has supposed to be my boyfriend but just know a few weeks. This has to mean something. "Im sorry Joyce. I just had to kiss you." he said softly. I shyly looked down. "I actually liked it." I said softly. Michael smiled. "So you dont mind if I kiss you again?" he said whispering in my ear. I looked at him and he looked me in the eyes. Now I was hestitating so hard. Should I let him kiss me again? Before I could think any further, he slammed his lips on mine again. And I kissed back again. He held his arms gently around my waist and I went with my hands through his hair. He layed me down and kissed further. Then I pulled away. Michael looked at me."Whats wrong?" he asked and comforted me. "This goes too fast for me Michael. We barely know eachother." I said and sat up. I saw the look in his eyes. "Sorry. Im sorry that I kissed you." he said softly. I stood up. "I have think. Im going downstairs." I said softly but Michael stopped me. "You stay here. Dont walk away from your problems." he said softly and he held his arms. I made myself loose from him. "Michael, I dont know what I have to believe and feel right now. Michael, youre amazing. Youre funny, romantic, caring. Its just that I dont know you for real. We just met and I need to get everything in place. The doctor said Im missing 8 years of my life Michael. 8 years! Its not you, its me. Im sorry." I said and looked down. Michael held me again. "Im sorry for kissing you. I just want to know that care for you. I want you to remember me." he said and carressed my cheek. "Michael, I wont lie about this but I have feelings for you. But I need to figure out everything. Its better that I go back to the herd." I said and I saw Michaels eyes. "No please dont go. Please." he said and suddenly I get a flashback. We  were fighting and he begged me not to leave. He pulled me in his arms and he kissed me keep saying please stay. "Michael I got a flashback. We were fighting about that you werent there for a baby and me." I said and Michael hugged me tightly. "You are getting your memory back piece by piece." Michael said and he kissed me. I kissed back and let him lay me down on the bed. Then Michael pulled away. "I just cant help it Joyce. I" he said nuzzling my neck. I sat up. "We spoke about this." I said and I went off the bed. Michael got me by my wrist."Please dont go. I cant let you go." he said and made myself loose. He walked after me. He sat down and I went to KITT. I need somebody to talk to. When I came in the garage, I saw a girl working on KITT. She had a little boy with her. He looked like Michael and me. "Oh hey. Im Bonnie, KITTs mechanic." the girl said. "Im Joyce but I think you already know." I said and looked at the boy. When I saw the boy looking at me I got a flashback again. I gave birth of a little colt, and his name was Damon. I also see celebrating me and Michael his birthday. "Mama? Mama!" Damon said and he jumped off the passengersseat and ran to me. I hugged him and felt the tears. "Mama remembering me?" he asked. And I nodded. Bonnie looked at me. "You are remembering him?! Thats wonderfull." she said smiling. "I want to see daddy." he said and he took me by my arm inside to Michael. Michael saw my tears and hugged me tight. "You remembered him do you." he said and I nodded. He dried my tears and kissed my cheek. He took Damon on his arm and held him and me tight. "Michael I feel so strange." I said and kissed Damons cheek. How can I forget my own childs existance?! Michael pecked my lips. "Its okay. Youve remembered alot of things already. It will come slowly. I promise." he said. I hope it will come back.

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