Chapter 11

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Joyce POV:

Devon said that there was a new mission coming. A jumping horse, a big champion, is dissapeared. I had a plan right away. "Michael, you also can jump? Im trained to showjump. We can go undercover as horse and rider. We are gonna train on that terrain and we.can investigate things." I said. I saw Michael think. "Not a bad idea. I jumped.before." he said and pecked my lips softly.  "So.thats our plan. Tomorrow we go in action." Devon stated. I yawned. Its also pretty late. "Im gonna sleep. I have to be fit tomorrow." I say and go off Michaels lap. "Ill be coming soon too." he said. He kissed my lips softly, and I walk upstairs. I strip off my clothes and go under the sheets. Soon after that Michael comes in too. He strips also his clothes off, and lays down next to me. "That plan you have this pretty good." he said smiling. I nodded, and snuggled into his chest. He kissed my lips, with love and I fell asleep in his arms.

The next morning I woke up, and Michael was still sleeping. I got out of bed and gasp as I feel a tight.grip on my wrist. "Where going?" Michael teases and pulls me back onto the bed, so that I lay under his face. "I wanted to go out of bed. Untill you.pulled me back."I say laughing. He smiles and kissed me passionately. I kissed back.for a few minutes. I pulled away and he lets go off me. I put.clothes on quickly. "Im downstairs preparing." I.said. He nodded. I walked downstairs and took my cereal. When I finished the cereal, Michael.comes downstairs. He had his riding clothes on already. He kissed my lips softly and sat down. He just ate some sandwiches. The trailer was attached to KITT already, so.I only had to shift. Michael was also.finished and we walked to the stables. I shifted into my white horse and Michael put on my blanket and transportprotectors. He loaded.the tack in, and put me on the trailer. I heard him.also step in and we drove off.

When we arrived there I could see that the trainingstables were huge. I heard KITTs door opening and the trailer door went open. Michael.untied me and loaded me off the trailer. A stallion walked by with his owner, and he was showing off I neighed warning and he stopped. Michael brought me to my stable. He kissed my nose and loaded off all the tack. The trailer was put away already and KITT was on the parkinglot. Michael put off my transportprotectors and my blanket. He brushed me quickly. I neighed in delight. I saw Michaels look. Oh hes gonna get me tonight. He put my bridle on and my saddle plus my legprotection. He brought me outside and mounted on me. He rode me to the arena. There were more people jumping. I saw two stallions a mare and a.gelding. Michael let me trot and jump a low jump. I saw in the corner.of my eye that the stallions were noticing me, and trying to get my attention. It annoyed me. Michael felt it too, and calmed me. He let me galop and jump higher oxers. He let me jump.the whole parkour, and let me cool off. I neighed satisfied at Michael. He knew I jump. He let me cool off and rode me.back to the.stables. One of the men who were riding too, came to me and Michael. "Nice mare you have. My stallion was pretty interested. When you want a foal.with her, just ask me." he said. I neighed.warning at Michael. "I wont get a foal with her. Maybe when she is older and not be able to.jump.anymore." he.said. Oh now.hes gonna get it tonight. He unsaddled me, and put on my blanket. "I didnt meant that, you.know.that babe." he ears. I neighed warning. He laughed softly, amd walks away with the tack. When he put everything away, he gives me my food, my jump supplements. It doesnt taste bad. When Im finished he whispered in my ear:"When its dark, and nobody is here, investigate go find things that can help us. Signal me or KITT, when you found something." I nodded my head and neighed confirming. He.kissed me on my nose and left. I saw.him KITT, and drive off. Luckily, I have cool neighbours. On the left a young mare, coloured dappled grey, and on the right side a black gelding with a big blaze. They told me that they knew a.bit about the dissapearing of the champion. They said his name was Goliaths Boy. I thanked them for the information.

When it was dark, I escaped out of my stable and slipped.out of the.building. I shifted into my human, and looked for tracks. I saw a track from a horse. I followed the traces. The track was going to a abandoned shed. When I heard somebody I hide quickly. It was the man who offered Michael his stallion for me. I ran to the bush quickly and shift.into my horse. I through the forest and signal KITT. After an half an hour I hear KITT coming. I shifted into my human form, and saw Michael stepping out. He ran to me and kissed me passionately. I kissed.back smiling and pulled away. "I found tracks of a horse. I followed the tracks to a abandoned shed. I think they hiding him there." I said. He wanted to kiss me again. "What was that with that man!? When Im.too old for.jumping you let me.cover by that stallion!?" I said teasing. "I had to come up with something." he said.laughing. "Well I only have one stallion, and he stands in front of" I say laughing. He smiled and kissed me hungrily. "I couldnt kiss you the whole day.".he said pouting. I pecked his lips. "Dont worry. This is over ASAP." I say. I shift back to my horse and slip back into the building. I go into my stable and lay down. I fall asleep quickly, but it feels different. Im not laying next to Michael, in bed.

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