Chapter 4

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Joyce POV:

I saw people running away from the burning building and only thought one thing. Michael! I jumped over the fence and galoped inside. I saw Michael was trapped. I kicked the door open and saw Michael unconsiousness. I got him on my back and sprinted outside. I laid him down quickly and shifted into human. I had clothes on luckily. I gave him a heartmassage and breathing from mouth to mouth. "Come on Michael. Dont give up." KITT drove this way. He said inmeadiately:"Youre a horseshifter arent you?" I nodded soft. "But a secret." I said whispering. Then Michael opened his eyes. Finally! I sighed happily. "What are you doing here." he asked me. "That white mare saved you out of the buiding. I just saw you laying there, alone and and unconsiouss. I tried to get you back, and it worked." I said. He sat and looked at me. "Thankyou for saving me." he said. I stood up. "Your welcome. Sadly I have to go. Take care." I said, but he stopped me. "Here is my number. I hope I see you again." he said smiling. I nodded and ran into the forest. I shifted back to my white horse and galloped back to the burning barn. Michael was happy to see me. "You saved me with that girl." he said thankfull. The fire was gone, the buiding completely burned off. I looked at KITT, and He didnt say anything. I neighed and pushed my nose against his body. As a sign: come with me. He walked with me to the place where I was born. A special place. He smiled when he saw the rest of the herd grazing on the other side of the creeck. "If you want, you can go back." he said softly. I neighed. I didnt wanted to go back. I wanted to show him that this was a place for a date. I shook my heard and walked backwards. "You sure that you want to stay?" he asked. I nodded my head. Together we walked back. They put the horses in trailers and we went to a emergency building. Michael loaded me off the trailer. I saw the paddocks where we are going to stand. But he brought me to a arena first. Oh no, not again.  I stood still and didnt move. "Im not gonna ride you, I promise." he said calmly and he convinced me. He let me go into the arena and I gallop and buck playfully. My ears go onto my neck when I see him arrive with a bridle. I step back and rear. "Its okay girl, I wont hurt you." he said. I stepped to.him and he pulled the halter off and did the bridle on. This time he lets me take the bit myself, and not what these guys did, slamming it into my mouth. This bit is way more soft. I chew on it, it has a apple flavour. Then he gets the lunge and clicks it onto my bride. He lets me go forward, and I trot in circles around him. Then a smooth galop. When I galloped a few rounds he lets me come to him and he gets the saddle. When he lays the saddle.on my back very carefully, my back is standing round, for bucking the saddle off. This saddle feels better. Way better than that saddle they used the first time on me. The saddlepatch is also soft, and feels good on my back. Then he carefully pulls the girth on. Under the girth is a little piece wool, for protecting my skin. He pulls it tight enough for not letting the saddle slip. Then he lets me trot again. It feels weird that thing on my back. I buck one time to test. This doesnt hurt, this saddle and bridle. Then he lets me gallop, and that felt good. I bucked again one time, to test. No problems. Then he let me come to him. He clicks the lunge off and tries to stand in the stirrups. Then he sits on my back. I look back and see that its him. He gently pushes heels into my ribs to let me walk. He steers with the reins and its going very well. Then we went into a trot, and in a little canter. No problems at all. He saw I was exhaused, so he stepped off, and got the saddle off me. He looked very happy. "Well done girl." he said stroking my wet neck. He took the bridle off and did the halter on. He let me roll to cool off. It worked pretty good. Then he brushed the sand off, and put me in my new stable. He gave me my food, and some treats for my good behaviour. "

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