Chapter 6

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Joyce POV

Michael isnt himself lately. Its almost 2 weeks ago that I called him, and this is his punishment for kissing that girl. I see him comjng into the stables. I eat my hay, and I see Michael coming in. He sits down next to me. "Wat did I have done wrong. She didnt call me and the last time she called was two weeks ago." he said sad, and he strokes my neck. I neigh softly as sign that its his own fault. He stood up and gave me a kiss on my head. "I have to go." he said and he left. Im gonna call.him tonight, if that girl isnt with him. But Im affraid that sh is with him.

The rest of the day I was spending in the pasture. Somebody else put me outside. It looks like Michael isnt interested in me anymore and that my horse and me sad. Was I too hard to him? Im affraid I was. When it was dinner time. They brought me to my stable and somebody else gave me food. When it was dark I shifted into my human form and slipped out of the farm, into the forest. On the place where I usually sit if I want to be alone, was somebody. I heard noise there. I used my horse hearing and saw KITT there. I gave a signal that he must be silent. He confirmed it with his scanner. I walk between the bush and see the most horrible sight. I see Michael and that girl, her name.was Chelsy I think. I gasp and run away. Michael heard me and let instantly Chelsy go off him. Michael ran after me and thanks to my horse I was too fast for him. He called KITT and.chased me. Then he had me closed in with KITT. Shit. "Joyce, what you saw isnt what it looks like." he said calmly. I lookex pissed at him. "OH NO?! You just cheated on me. Asshole!" I say mad and I jump on KITTs hood and jump off KITT, I ran as fast as I can away from him. I heard him yell my name but I didnt listen. My horse was devestated. We loved him so much, and he cheats on us. I get my horse calm and I shift back into my horse. We trot back as fast as we could, and go into our stable. Now he really fucked up. Im done with him. I thought he was different, clearly he isnt. My horse is really mad. Michael doesnt even come back to the farm to give me my food for the night. That asshole. Now I wont let him ride and pet me. He is going to get his punishment.

The next day Michael arrives at the barn. I was already outside, Bonnie, KITTs mechanic brought me outside. She is a nice girl. I graze peacefully, until I see Michael coming. I trot to the other side of the pasture, and begin to graze there. Bonnie was still there too. She saw how I reacted on him. She whistled at me and went into the pasture. I trotted to her. Michael came in too, and I stepped back, with my ears back in my neck. I wont let him get me. "Whats wrong with her?" he asked Bonnie. She answered she didnt knew. I neighed threatening that if he comes too close Ill kick him. He saw the warning and stepped back. Bonnie clicked the rope on my halter and lead me to the riding arena. She did let me play with some other horses. Nice horses they were, not too nosy and too wild with playing. When I gave the sign hat I was tired, she walked to me and took me to the stables. She got her cleaning set and cleaned me. She wasnt rough with the brush, the way I liked to be cleaned. Michael walked with that girl into the stables. I scraped with my left front hoof over the ground and neighed mad. I did let my ears hang after that, as sign that I was sad. Bonnie stroked my coat, which was shining now. She gave me a piece of carrot. When I swallowed it I saw Michael kissing that girl again. I looked sad at the sight. Bonnie brought me back to my stable and gave me some oats. I just felt empty. He didnt even miss me.

*A month later*

Michael was still with that girl. But he was changed. He didnt came to ride or care for me. He doesnt even miss me. Im done with this torture. Im gonna tell him Im a horseshifter, tonight. I have to, if I want to have my mate back. Bonnie took me outside, and let me graze on another field. It was next to my favorite place. The day went by, not very fast but what I have to do else? They brought me in already, and gave me my dinner meal. I looked way better than the first time I was in captivity. My white coat shines and my hooves are in good shape. When nobody except the horses were here I opened my stabledoor and went outside. Its time, to tell that Im.a horseshifter.


What will happen next? Read it next time.

Would I go in Michael poim

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