Chapter 20

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Joyce POV

Me, Michael and Damon celebrated my twentyfifth birthday yesterday. I had so much fun! Damon is now with Bonnie cause she wanted to.babysit.him. Michael and I were alone now. He was busy on KITT so I brought him some lunch. "How is KITT doing?" I asked and saw Michael coming out of KITT. "He looks good. I just had to do some checks." he said and he put the lunch down. I looked at him and before I could say something, he slammed his lips on mine. I kissed back passionately and layed my arms around his neck. Michael pulled away softly. "I dont want food for lunch, I want you for lunch." he murmured huskily. I bit my lip seductively and Michael picked me up bridal style. He walked to the bedroom and he put me down. He kissed me tenderly and laid me down on the bed. He kissed my neck softly and I took off his.shirt. He took off mine and I started opening his pants while.kissing him. We made love like never before. We had to stop.cause I.remembered that I had to pick up Damon. I stepped out of.bed and put on my clothes. Suddenly Michael grabs my arm and pulls me.back.on the bed. "Youve had your lunch Mr. Knight." I said teasing. He kissed my lips hungrily. "I never get enough of you and you know.that." he.said huskily in my ear. I made myself loose from him. "I really Damon Michael." I said and combed my hair quickly. He hugged me from.behind. "Okay, but come.back soon." he said and he.pecked my.cheek. My life is so.perfect. A beautifull.boyfriend who loves me, and a wonderfull.son. I put on my jacket and my shoes. I walk outside and shift horse. I gallop away fast.

I go into.a trot when Im in the woods. I jump a few fallen trees and jump.over little streams. I looked around. Its I trotted further, and looked for the tresspassing place over the road thats located between the two forrests. When I find the tresspassing place, and shift into my human. I watch two.times for traffic, but I dont see any traffic. When I cross over the road, I didnt saw the big truck. When I saw it, it was too late. I got hit by that truck and got launched 3 meteres away. I smacked my head on the road and everything went black.

When I woke up I saw I was in the hospital.  How do I came here? There was a handsome man, he was sitting next to my bed. When he saw that I was awake he looked relieved. "Oh babe, Im so happy you woke up." he said with tears in his eyes. My horse wasnt feeling well either. "Im sorry to say this, but who are you?" I asked and I saw his eyes. He was crying. "Its me, Michael. Your boyfriend." he said sadly. My horse signalled me.that we had a connection, but we dont Very strange.

Michaels POV:

Its now an hour ago that Joyce went to pick up Damon. Im becoming worried. I called Bonnie. "Bon, is Joyce with you?" I asked. "No, she still isnt here. Damon is becoming impatient for his mom." she said. I sighed. What if something happened?! "Bon, can you keep Damon with you tonight? Somethings is.completely wrong." I said and Bonnie said that wasnt a problem. I thanked her and hung up. I turned on the tv and saw the news. The newsjournalist announced: Girl hit by a truck. On the way between blackwood and darkwood forrest a girl is hit by a truck and lauched three meteres away. The victim is the 25-year old Joyce Walker. She critical condition in the Raven General Hospital." My face went blank. I took my jacket and ran to KITT. "KITT, Joyce is hit by a truck. We go to the hospital." I said almost crying. How could this.happen?!

When we arrived I jumped out of KITT and asked him to keep his scanners peeled. He confirmed that and went to the parkinglot. I walked into the hospital and asked on the level Intensive Care for her. "Im Michael Knight, her boyfriend." I explained and they said that she was laying in the 7th room. I walked in, and there she was. Laying on a hospitalbed, unconsiouss and with a white face. I took a chair and sat next to her. I took her hand and cried softly. "You are safe Joyce, dont worry baby. Im here. She didnt respond.

After 5 hours of waiting she woke up. I was so relieved. "Oh baby, Im so happy you woke up." I said with tears in my eyes. But when she said:"Im sorry to say this, but who are you?" I was broken. The doctors asked me to come with them. "I saw she woke up. Im so sorry to tell you this, but when she smashed her head on the road, is the memory part of her brain damaged. She doesnt remember anything of the past 7 years. Im so sorry." the doctor said. So she doesnt remember me. I looked down. "Can she regain her memory?" I asked. I saw the face of" Yes she can, but very very slow. Thats gonna take a long time." he said. I nodded and walked away from them. My beautifull Joyce doesnt anymore. I will make her falling in love with me again.

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