Chapter 27

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Joyce POV:

The next morning I woke up with a empty spot next to me. I sighed. I knew it was too good to be true. Him waking to me. I came out of the bed and put some clothes on. I comb my hair and walk downstairs. I find a note what says: "Babe I had to go to the Foundation. Im sorry you didnt wake up with me next to you. I hope Im back very soon, so that we can be together. Lots of love, Your Michael."  I put the note away and see Bonnie bringing Damon. He is 7 years old now and I missed so much of him growing up. "The devil couldnt wait to see you Joyce." she said and hugged me. I let go of her and hug Damon. "Mom, I missed you." he said. "Iknow honey. It will be allright now." I said softly and Bonnie said goodbye and left. Damon showed me some pictures of him with Michael and KITT. "They are wonderfull Damon." I said smiling. He put the photos away and ran outside. "Daddy is at home!" he said smiling and he ran to Michael. He picked him up and walked to me. He put Damon down and pecked my lips. He nuzzled my neck. "Sorry for letting you wake up alone." he said softly. I nodded "Its okay." I said softly and walked inside. "Mommy, Im going to a kidsparty from my best friend. Can you bring me?" he asked sweetly. "Sure Damon." I said and made him ready. "I take KITT okay?" I said and Michael smiled. "Sure." he said and he kissed my cheek. I let Damon sit down in KITT and I step in on the driversside. I turn KITT and we drove off.

When we arrived at the party, I helped Damon out of KITT and let him go to his friends. The mother of hs friend said he will bring all the kids home. I smiled and stepped back in KITT and drove back home. When I arrived back home I stepped out of KITT and walk into the house. I gasped when I saw Michael. He was standing there, shirtless, with his abs on display. He fucking knew I was a sucker for abs. And especially his. Omg, he never looked so sexy and handsome. And hes all mine. Im a lucky lucky girl. I walked to him and kissed him on his cheek. "Why you have to look so delicious Michael?" I asked softly. He smiled sexily. "I cant help it babe." he said and he puts his shirt on and pecked my lips. "Such a partypooper." I said laughing. I wanted to take off my jacket but Michael pulled me in his arms. "Am I? Well I cant help it that you make me feel this way Joyce." he said with darkened eyes. I let go off him and take off my jacket. I walk back to the couch and sit down. Michael sits down next to me. "What you want to do?" he asked. I leaned in teasing. I kissed his neck. "This." then I kissed his cheek. "Or this." then I kissed his lips. "Or we do this." I said teasing.  Before I could answer he kissed my lips softly. "Such a little tease." he said laughing. I pouted. "Well you make my ovulations explode with that body of yours." I say offended. He kissed my lips and sat me on his lap. But before I kiss him, his comlink goes off. I sigh and go off him. "I got to go." he said and stood up. He kissed my lips softly but I didnt kiss back. I looked away. "Okay, then were gonna act this way." he said sighing and left the house. I cant stand this any longer! There has something to change because tuis is tearing us apart. I cant do this, not this way. I sighed and let a few tears fall. I will have to tell him that he has to choose. Me or FLAG.

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