Chapter 25

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*4months later*

Joyce POV:

We are doing so great. He really loves me with all.his heart. But Ive heard in the forrest that they will ask all horseshifters to join the army for the war between the horseshifters and the rogues. Michael knew about this and he was cautious too. I was cleaning Danger when I saw the guards from the lead Stallion. Oh shit. So soon?! I walked to Michael but he already saw them. I saw his face. "You really have to go?" he asked broken. I nodded. Before I could answer he kissed me passionately and tenderly. I kissed back with everything I had. When we pulled away we had tears into our eyes. "Please take care of yourself Joyce. I cant loose you." he said softly. I nodded and held him one more time. I shifted into my white mare and said goodbye to Danger. He was sad too but he understood. I asked him to take care of Michael. He reassured me he did. I reared and neighed. The guards also shifted and we galloped to the herd house. There the stallion explained everything to everybody. He saw that I was a strong mare so I had the best training. I am so so strong now. I just needed training. The best horses.they saved for last. The first hundered horseshifters were fighting already.  We got alot of training for stamina and strength. I became friends with a few stallions, I was the only mare so I dont have a choice. When training was over we told eachother about our mates. When I told mine was a human they looked at me with shocked eyes, but they accepted that. I will miss Michael so much but I have to be strong. We have to conquer the rogues.

When the last horses came back it was dark already. We had set up a camp for us and we were eating now. I ate some supplements for stamina, strength, and speed. I didnt tasted bad. When everybody was in their tents, the guards looked out for some rogues that wanted to attack the camp. I fell asleep but my ears kept being alert. I dreamed about Michael. That we were together.

*3 years later*

We almost defeated the rogues, but its taking very long. We are fighting for three years now and the rogues are losing now. Now they used the best horses, including me. I miss Michael so so much, but this is important. The rogues were threatening us, and now we are defeating them. The guards called our group and let us attack. Three rogues jumped on me amd I bucked.them off me. When they bite my legs I fall down, and everything, every memory comes back. From our meeting till the accident. Now I felt stronger than ever!! I kicked the rogues off me and stood up. The leader of the rogues attacked me and all the horses were too busy to fight the rest. I bit him in his neck and kicked him so hard and fast. He kept biting and attacking me, but I was stronger. I reared and slammed my front legs on him. I kicked him so hard, I heard his bones crack. The rest of the wolves were defeated, everybody saw me killing the leader. I gave him a last hard kick and I saw him taking his last breath. He was dead, but I checked for sure that it aint a trick. But he was really dead. I was pink because of the blood but I felt good. Evetybody congratulates me and we gallop back. I gallop back and bow for the stallion. I shifted back and saw that my body was covered in blood."Sir, I killed the lead rogue." I said and he saw that we took his head with us. He bowed for me. "Joyce, I knew you were special. Because of that I give you the honour medallion." he said and gave me a beautifull medallion. It was a horse that bowed. "Thankyou so much." I said and I did on my necklace from Michael and put the medallion on the necklace. I shifted back and we galloped back home. I hope Michael is happy to see me.

When I arrive I shift back and see that Michael aint home. I look like a mess so Im going to wash myself first. I put my bag down and take a shower. When Im finished I put on some clean clothes, and go to Danger. He was so happy to see me. He hugged me carefully. I asked him if he took care of Michael. He nodded his head. I said I would be right back. When I walk out of the stables, I see Michael arriving in KITT. When he steps out he sees me. "Joyce?!" He said and ran to me. I jumped in his arms. He kissed me hungrily and passionate. When he pulled away he held me tight. "Ive missed you so much Joyce." he said with tears in his eyes. "Michael, Ive missed you too. But there is one thing I have to tell you. I have my memory back." I said smiling and I saw his face. His eyes sparkled. "Oh Joyce, Im so happy for you. I love you so so.much." he said and kissed me again. I kissed back and pulled away a few minutes later. "But Ive lost your necklace Joyce." he said softly. I showed him.the.necklace with the.medallion on it. " I took it with me Michael. I saw it when I left and put it on when I was on the battlefield." I said and he hugged me. "Good to see you back Joyce." KITT said. "Thanks KITT. You didnt want to see me a few minutes ago. I was covered in blood." I said and Michael let me. "Go inside, Ill take care of KITT." he said and he pecked my lips. I walked inside, and sat down. Oh I missed his lips, his face, everything. Tonight special. Im finally.home, where I.belong.

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