Chapter 14

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Joyce POV

He has to leave again. Why always us. Why!? I let him go, cause its for two weeks. The only concern is that I have a bad feeling about it. He looked at me. He knew I had trouble with his leaving. "Joyce, its just.two weeks. You know I love you, nobody else." he said convincing. He kissed me tenderly. I kissed back, but a bit hestitating. He felt it. He pulled away right away. "Im sorry, I need a run. Sorry Michael." I say and let go of him. I walk outside and shift into my horse. I gallop away pretty fast.

I stop at a lake. It cristal clear, but Im not gonna drink it. I trot back when I see that its late. I gallop to the barn and shift back to my human. I walk inside. Lately I feel pretty weird. I have to vomit alot, and my stomach hurts. Im affraid that Im pregnant. Im happy its Michaels foal, but its a bad time to have one. I walk to the bathroom. I bought a pregnancytest already, to be sure that Im pregnant or not. I took the test, and waited for the result. I look at the test, and my face went blank. Im carrying a foal of Michael. Im pregnant. Holy shit. I take the test with me, and look for Michael. I find him in the garage at KITT. He was working on him. "Michael, can you come to me?" I asked him when he laid under KITT. He rolled under him away, and stood up. He saw my worried look. "Whats wrong baby." he asked worried, and he took me in his arms. "You know Im not feelimg well lately, and to be sure I bought a pregnancy test. I did the test. Im pregnant with your foal Michael." I said and showed him the test. He looked stunned. "Baby, were gonna get parents. Im gonna be a dad!' he said happily and he kissed me tenderly. I was shocked. "You arent mad?" I say softly. He shook his head. "Baby, Ive always wanted kids. Iknow it is a bad time, but we will get through. Whatever happens, Ill be by your side." he said convincing. I kissed his lips. I nodded smiling. Never saw this coming. The only thing is that he is away for two weeks. Thats the only thing that bothers me. Ill follow him, to be sure.

The next morning Im out of my bed before Michael is. I sit at the table when Michael is.coming down. He takes me in his arms and he kissed me tenderly. "Ill miss you." He said softly. "Ill miss you too." I said sighing. He puts on his black leather jacket and walks to KITT. I see him driving off. I walk outside and shift into my horse. I gallop after him.

I jump.over the fallen trees, when I keep my eyes on KITT. I gallop a bit faster and keep his speed. Then I see him arriving at Kadens house. I hide me as close I can hide to the house. I hear them talk about boys stuff, until I hear the word marry. My horse and I are keeping our ears sharp. They having about it, but I couldnt get hints from it. Then I heard them coming out of the house. I hear Kaden say:"Lets go to the club, you need to loosen up." I heard Michael answer right away:"Im not going to that club. I have a beautifull, stunning girlfriend at home, and I wont let my relationship ruin by going to the club." OMG He really loves me. Kaden said he had a better idea. They stepped in KITT, and drove off. I galloped after them, and see them going to a little house whats standing at a lake. I dont have a good feeling about this. I hide quickly. When I hear them going inside I hear a loud smash, and a groan. I saw Kaden coming out of the house alone, in Michaels jacket. He stepped in KITT, and I think hes going to our home. I gallop as fast as I can back, and shift fast in my human form. I go into the house and pretend to read a book. Then I see Kaden coming in. "So youre Michaels girlfriend? He was right. You are stunning. Sadly your boyfriend is gone." he said with a evil smirk and he tried to touch me. I kicked him in the nuts. "Nobody touches me exept Michael." I said pissed. I tied him on a chair, and pretty tight too. I put him with the chair in the old storage. "You stay there asshole." I said angry. I locked the door and ran outside. I that KITT was with Michael already. I shifted into my horse form. I sprinted to the place, and I neighed at KITT. I shifted in my human form. I kicked the door open. There I saw Michael, tied onto a table and laying unconsiouss. I ran inside and cut.him loose. "Michael, baby, its me." I said softly. I saw him open his eyes slowly. I kissed his lips softly. Then I felt him kiss back. I pulled away, and looked in his eyes. "Youre okay?" I asked. He sat up and stroke my cheek. He nodded softly. "Lets go home." I said and he came off that table, still a bit dizzy. "Ill drive." I said and I let him sit down in the passengerseat. I sit down in the driverseat. I start KITT and we drive home.

When we are there, I see Michael is sharp and clear in his mind again. We step out and I run inside. Kaden cut himself loose and is escaped. I know he has called backup. I hear that Kaden sent is buddies, who are all werewolfs. He is also one. Michael yelled:"Save yourself and the baby!" I nodded and ran outside. "KITT take care of Michael." I saidand shifted into my horse. I galloped away quickly. I heard the wolves coming closer. I galloped faster and saw them behind me. Shit. I speed up and jump over a fence. Then I saw the Alpha of the pack speed up, and before I know Im closed in by wolves. The Alpha walks forward and shifts. "I know youre a horseshifter. Shift now!" he said in his alpha voice. I shift back to my human form, and see all the others shift too. They all gasped. "What?" I said and looked at them. The Alpha was stunning, but Michael is way more stunning. He came closer. "Youre beautifull." he said softly. He wanted to touch me but I slapped his hand away. "I have a mate already." I say warning. He sniffed my neck and didnt saw a marking. "You dont have the mate mark. But you smell like him." he said and kept looking at me. "Im having my foal from him, so Im taken. And now let me go, Im gonna kill Kaden." I said. But before I could answer the Alpha slammed his lips on mine. I pushed him away hard. "Dont do that ever again." I said pissed. I shift back into my horse, and sprint back home. I see Michael and Kaden fight. "Michael dont!" I mindlinked him. I shift back and see Kaden on the edge of shifting. "Michael he is a werewolf. He is stronger. He has to fight me." I said. I saw his face. "Youre pregnant. Be carefull please." he said and he kissed my lips softly. "Come then Kaden. Fight me." I mindlinked him. We both shifted and he attacked me. I bucked him off me and reared at him. Then he did something I didnt expect. He jumped on my back anf I couldnt buck him off! I kept bucking. Then he slammed his paws into my back. He slammed into the ground and I heard crack some bones. I neighed in pain and fear, for my foal. Then something happend what I never saw coming. I saw the pack from Kaden and the Alpha running to us. The Alpha pushed Kaden off me, and I couldnt move. I neighed in pain and shifted. Michael ran to me. "Joyce! Are you and the baby okay?" he said worried. The Alpha ran to me. "Are you okay? Kaden is taken care of." he said worried. "The only thing I need now is my bed and a doctor for the baby." I said painfully. Michael picked me up, and carried me inside.

Luckily the only thing that was broken was a rib. The baby was okay. Michael sat next to me. He pecked me on the lips, when the Alpha came in. "Thankyou for saving her." Michael said to him. "No.problem. If you need me just ask. Kaden told me about you two, and I knew what he was up to." he said. He looked at.both of us. "Michael, youre very.lucky with her." he said smiling. I gave.him a kiss. "I know.", I say.smiling.

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