Chapter 30

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Joyce POV:

Its a few months ago that Michael picked up KITT. Bonnie told me he is marrying that girl who he made out with when I came. Her name is Ashley, typical a slutname. Damon is in school now so I have free time. I got Danger out of his stable and shifted into my horse. We galloped away quickly. Bonnie told me he marries Ashley today. It breaks my and my horse her heart, but he wanted it this way. We are galloping through the forest and see that the wedding is on our place where we had our first kiss. I neighed pissed and galloped onto the mountain. Danger galloped after me, and we saw the wedding from there. I neighed painfully, cause my horse her heart broke because of this sight. Michael and I made eyecontact, and I looked away. They both said yes and kissed eachother. I neighed softly of the pain this is causing. I turned my head away painfully and galloped off the mountain. Then I hear a gunshot and I neigh scared. But I dont feel any pain. I neighed at Danger and we galloped away back home. I shifted back and put Danger in his stable. He neighed and I hugged him. I kissed his nose and walked out of the stables. I walked inside and sat down. I felt tears fall upon my cheeks. I stood back up and went back to Danger. I put him in the arena and I sit down. He lays down with me and puts his nose into my face, to calm me. I stand up and sit on his back. I pet his coat and let him stand up. I jump off him and he neighed softly. I dried my tears, and heard the familiar sound of KITT. The only thing I hope is that he is alone. I take Danger back to his stable and put him in the stable. But sadly he wasnt alone. Michael was with him. "Joyce, please listen to me now." he said his voice cracking. He still was in his suit. "No, Im not gonna listen anymore." I said and sniffed. KITT blocked the entrance of the house. "Joyce, please. I know youve heard it and saw it, a half an hour ago." he said and stepped closer. I backed up. I hissed warning. "Dont touch me Michael." I said warning. But he didnt listen. He held me by my waist. I couldnt look at him. "Shouldnt you be with your wife?" I said and made myself loose off him. "Joyce, she is gone. Someone shot her. She was dead right away." he said and but a hand on my cheek so that I can look at him. "Go to her then huh. Dead or not. Youve broke your matebonding." I said and I let go off him. It was true. If youre mated to a human and the human marries another human the bond is broken. But still I could feel the bond. I dont know why. "KITT, please let me through." I said softly. KITT backed up from the entrance. "Thankyou." I said with my voice slightly broken. Michael walked after me. "Joyce, you still feel the bond and I do too. I know you feel it." he said and wanted to get my hand. I pulled it away. "Leave, before I am going to do something I will regret for the rest of my life." I said softly. "Joyce Im not gonna leave. Not again. It was my fault that I made out with Ashley when you came in." he said and he took my face in his hands. "Joyce, forgive me. Please." he said softly. I pulled my head away. But before I can respond he kisses me. He kissed me with so much love and passion that I became weak in my knees. I couldnt respond to him. But I kissed back, what I never thought it would happen. He smiles against my lips and lifted me up in his arms. He pulled away and looked me in my eyes. He pecked my lips again. "I saw you on the mountain Joyce. I couldnt see you hurt. So I stopped the wedding." he said and held me tight. "I cant live without you Joyce. Do you how much it hurt when I saw your face after you saw me making out with Ashley? It broke my heart." he said and kissed my lips again. I layed my head on his chest. He held me a bit tighter. "You know I cant live without you, breath without you." he said and he kissed me deeply. I looked him in the eyes and took his hand. I took him to the bedroom. I just looked at him. I took off his jacket from his suit and took off his tie. "Now you look better." I said and I saw his eyes darken with lust. He took off my jeans and my shirt. He layed me down on the bed and kissed me everywhere he could and ended by my lips. I took his pants off and his blouse. He looked me in my eyes and kissed me passionatly. We made love until I remembered that Damon could come home any minute. I layed down next to him, and put on my undergarments. He put on his boxers. I put on his blouse, and I saw him bite his.lip. "I forgot how you looked in a shirt of blouse of me." he said softly and pulled me back into bed. He kissed my lips softly, and Damon came in. "Daddy!" was the first thing he said. He climbed on the bed and hugged him. I stood up and let them alone. I walked downstairs and made some coffee. I admit I missed Michael. I need him in my life. He makes my life complete.

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