Chapter 22

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Joyce POV:

Its now a few weeks ago that I began living with Michael. We have alot of fun. We have done things. This time I wanted back. He and KITT have been so nice to me. Im going to ask him if I can wash KITT. He is now in the house.with another girl. When I walked in, I saw them kissing. That I felt in my heart. I dont know why. I walked away.and went to.the garage. "KITT, Im going to clean you ans wash you. You look a bit dirty." I said and looked for the special carsoap. "Sure, I really need a.bath. And you have the good soap by the way." he said and I let KITT drive out of the garage and let him stand on the driveway. I get the waterhose and let the water flow. I get the waterhose.and go over KITT. I carefully go over the.hood, nothing must be damaged. Then I took the soap and spread it.over KITT."This feels good." KITT says  happily. I laugh and carefully soap in the rims and the windows. I also soap in the scanner. When Im done I get the water hose and go over KITT again, until all the.soap is off KITT. I got a.few towels and put the hose away. I stopped.the water and carefully dry him with soft towels. When Im finished, KITT is glancing as a black pearl. "Thankyou so much Joyce. I was a mess." KITT said and I got the vacuumcleaner and clean also the interior. "Now Im really finished." I say laughing. KITT was 100% clean now. I step out of KITT and let.him drive in the garage again. "Im going.back inside." I say and walk back inside. Michael.still.was.kissing that girl, so I.walked.upstairs. I am soking wet from the washing. I throw.the wet clothes in the dryer and get myself a pair.of.comfortable clothes. I sit down on the.bed and find a book, what looked interesting. I started reading in it. I heard with my horse ears Michael coming up the stairs with that girl. He opened the bedroomdoor and saw me. "Go fuck her somewhere else Michael. Get out. Now." I say.coldly and pissed. Wow where that came from?! I think my horse. He didnt go.away. "Fine. Then Im.going." I.said flatly. I walked downstairs and went to KITT. "If Michael askes, after.fucking.that girl, where I am, I am having" I said a bit angry and.broken. And I dont know why Im feeling this.way. "Joyce are you okay?" KITT.asked. I nodded and walked outside. I shift into my white horse and gallop away. When I the.forest I look around. Its beautifull here. I trot to a.little.lake where a few.horses are playing. I looked at them and they.didnt saw me, luckily. Why does Michael make me feel this way?! This is very creepy. When I saw I was away for a few hours I went back. I saw the horsestable next to the house and shifted back to my human form. I walked.into the stables and saw a beautifull dark.bay stallion. He only.had two white socks on his frontlegs. I walk to him and he responds to me. I go in his stable and let him smell me. I mindlinked him that Im a horseshifter. He neighed softly.and I pet him. Then I hear Michael coming in. He is a.bit.pissed. And the stallion felt.that. "What the fuck are you doing in Dangers stable?! says it.already. He is.dangerous.".he.said.pissed and the stallion has the name Danger. He stood infront of me. I signalled him that.its.okay. "I dont even know why I came.with you a few.weeks ago. First I see you kissing some girl, second you ignore me like Im not there, and third, I had a.surprise for you, but you.were.busy woth that.slut. Oh and fourth. Danger isnt that me." I.say.coldly.and Danger lays his.head on my schoulder. "So you also.can say it.right away, that Im a.burden, and.that I can leave." I say.softly. Danger neighed comforting me. Then I saw Michaels face.and eyes. "Joyce Im sorry. And that girl.was a.big.mistake." he said.tearing up. me, Danger neighed warning. "Well, Im not.gonna stay with you for a.few.days. Think about.your stupidity. Im gonna sleep in the stables." I said pissed. I walked past Michael and got my blankets and pillow. "Joyce, please.dont do.this."  he said pleading. When I got my blankets.on the.right place I want to walk away, but Michael grips my wrist and pulled me in his arms. I tried to push him away, with a bit effort it succeeded. "You have to think first. I thought I had to live here to.get my memory back, not seeing my boyfriend making out with another girl." I say coldly and In my mind flashes a vision of me and Michael fighting. I get a memory back?! Michael looked at me. "Okay, I will.sleep.alone for a few days. But I will miss you in my arms." he said.softly.and walked inside. That really hurted. What the fuck?! Why does.this affect me so much. I lay down on the.hay and Danger comes laying next to me. I fall asleep.cuddling with Danger.

Michaels POV:

How stupid Ive could be?! Kissing another girl when she comes in. We were having a bit.of friendsship now but that I can forget now. She really was.upset. When we.walked upstairs, Joyce our room. She told leave. When she.said.she would.leave, I felt her pain. She feels that this.hurt.her. I saw her shifting in her horse. I stopped the girl and told her to leave. She did leave and I walked downstairs. I walked to KITT, and saw that he was glancing like a pearl. "I look good.huh. Joyce gave me a.bath. You were too busy with that slut. She wanted to do something good When she left I saw.the.pain in her eyes." KITT said. I sighed. "Yes you look wonderfull. Why I always.fuck up?!" I said and I heard Joyce.coming.back. "Michael she goes to.Danger." KITT said warning. I ran to the stables. Danger is really dangerous. He killed.people. Thats why hes hidden. I walk inside. I couldnt eyes. Danger was cuddling her. I away from him but she didnt listen. Danger even protected her like.its his mare. She gave me a.rant and said she slept here. I didnt want her to be alone. I.pleaded stay. She didnt listen. I sighed and also.went inside. The.bed was on the left side empty, I felt asleep in a dream where everything was okay.

Joyce POV:

The next morning Danger woke me.up. He pushed a nose in my face. I sat up and stood up. I had slept very.good. But my schoulders and neck.hurt, from the hard floor. I combed my hair.and gave He was so nice to me. Michael.said.he was dangerous. I dont know.why. When I shifted in my horse I ate with Danger together. We nosed and he was so.sweet to me. When I was finished I shifted.back.and I saw Michael coming in. "Goodmorning Joyce." he said and I saw Danger being protective.over me. I mindlinked.him its okay. "Goodmorning." I.saif.coldly and kissed Danger.on his nose. I mindlinked.we are going to have a little run today and Danger neighed.happily. I walked past Michael.inside.and wanted to make.tea,.but my wrist, and pulled me close. "Please.Joyce, me." he.said.softly caressing my.cheek. He let his eyes. He felt that my neck and shoulders were stiff. "I will later today. After with Danger." he said and he.kissed my.cheek. He me.and walks to.the garage. "Oh and by the.way: thanks KITT a bath." he said smiling and dissapeared. I took.a.cup.of.tea and prepared me for.the run. I walked outside.and shifted.into my horse.

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