Chapter 29

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Joyce POV:

I looked at Bonnie, Devon and RC one last time and walk into the building. There I find Michael, making out with a girl. That made my horse and my blood boil. I was on the edge of shifting. "Ahum." I said raising my voice pissed. He pulled away and saw me. "Let that slut leave now, before I rip her head off. And you know Im capable of that." I said coldly. The girl let go and walked into the bedroom. I locked that door. I walked back and saw Michael looking at me. He could feel and see that it hurt me and that im furious. "Nice welcome Michael." I said furious. He saw that I was on the edge of shifting. I kept my horse calm, but I think.I can hold it any longer. He walked at me. "It isnt what it looks like Joyce." he said softly. When he tried to touch me I hissed. "Oh it wasnt?! I see you got your replacement. I came here for you, but that was a big mistake. And you are a weak excuse for a mate." I spat at him, and wanted to walk away but Michael got me by my wrist. "Let go off me, or I will do things that I regret later." I said and pulled out of his grip. "Joyce please listen." he said pleading me. "There is nothing to listen to. You dont want to be Michael Knight anymore, fine. Your problem. The only problem I have is that our son misses his father. I was about to take you back, until I saw you with that slut." I said beyond furious. I pulled out of his grip, and slammed the door behind me. "Joyce what happened?" Devon asked. He saw that I was pissed as hell. "Well, Mister is too busy with fucking a slut, when I walked in. I cant help you guys. Im sorry." I said and got KITTs carkeys. "Can I take KITT home?" I asked and Devon nodded. "Thankyou Devon." I said softly and I walked outside to KITT. "Joyce I saw what happened inside. Im so sorry." he said. I stepped in. "Its okay. He fucked up himself now. He just a weak excuse for a father, mate and boyfriend." I said and felt a tear fall. I drove back home where I saw that Damon was home already. He saw that I cried. "Mom are you okay?" he asked. I nodded. "I went to your father today." I said and Damon hugged me. "Mom what happened?" he asked softly. "Well your father isnt no longer your father. He is a weak excuse for a father, a mate and a boyfriend. The only thing I cant do now because we have mated already, is reject him." I said softly and Damon kissed my cheek. "I took KITT with me. He is here now, where he belongs." I said and Damon smiled. "May I ride on Danger again?" he asked. I smiled. "Sure honey. Come." I said and took his hand. We walked to Danger and I got him out of the stables. I put on his halter and brush his coat. I walk with Damon and Danger outside and let Damon sit on Danger. I used three ropes. Two for Damon so he can hold is balance and one for me to lead. I walked next to Danger and let him step. Danger neighed softly and I caressed his nose. I click my rope loose. "You sure you want to ride loose?" I asked and he nodded. I walked to the middle and Damon stepped one round without me. He steared Danger to me and I helped him off. "Mom, I want to tell you something." Damon said softly. I clicked the other ropes off and put them away. "Whats wrong honey." I asked. "Mom, I have shifted already." he said and I smiled bright. "Boy Im so proud of you! Its a bit early but I can live with it." I said and I hugged him. He shifted into his foal and I into my mare. Danger neighed happy and played with Danger. So cute to see that they are going along so well. Damon trotted to me and shifted.back. I also shifted back to my humanform. And Michael missed it. Thats what hurts me. He doesnt give a fuck about us. We will survive without him. I let Danger in his pasture, with some other horses and walk with Damon back to the house. But before I can walk inside, stood Michael in front of me. "Oh there is the weak excuse of a father and mate." I spat. I stepped back. "What are you doing here and what do you want?" I said and I saw him looking at KITT. Oh no. Hellno. "I dont think so Michael." I said and KITT showed his scanner. "Joyce, Im his owner. You cant do anything about it." he said and KITT drove to me. "Michael, Im stayimg here." he said and that surprised me. "Michael, this is my home. It was yours too until you ruined it today." KITT said, and I saw Michael sighing. "KITT, its okay. Go with him. You are clearly the only thing he cares about." I said and KITT showed his scanner. "Maybe you can tell him what a douchebag he is." I said. KITT drove to him and opened his door for Michael. But Michael didnt stepped in. "Go then! You have what youve wanted." I said and I hear the sound of breaking wood. Danger gallops to me. He neighed warning at Michael. "So leave, and dont come back." I said and I get Danger by his halter and put him in his stable. But Michael didnt leave. "Step in KITT now or I will kick you in him." I said and wanted to walk away but he got me by my waist. Suddenly he kissed me. I wanted to push him away, but I wasnt strong enough, because of my horse has been without her mate for too long, and when he kisses her she is powerless. I didnt kiss back. I couldnt.  When he pulled away, he looked me in my eyes. "Im not gonna give up on you." he said softly I pushed him away and pushed him in KITT. "Please take him away from here, before I go crazy KITT." I said to him and KITT closed his doors. He drove off very quickly. The pressure of his lips on mine and his taste of his lips stays on my lips. I curse my horse. She was powerless when he kissed me. I walked inside to Damon, with Michael on my mind. He still has that impact on me, goddammit.

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