Chapter 15

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Joyce POV:

You can see that Im having a baby now. There is a little baby bump showing. Michael is so sweet to me. He helps me alot. My parents know.that we are getting a baby, nd they are so happy for us. Michael was on a mission with KITT, so Im alone here. I walk outside and shift into my mare.

In the forest I trot quietly, and not too fast. I see that a herd is grazing on the open place. It is a herd I havent seen before. When they heard me, the leading stallion looked.up, and saw me. I saw that he was a horseshifter too. He walked to me. He shifted.into his human form, and so did I. "What are you doing here at our herd?" he asked. "I live next doors, and I saw that you were new. So I thought I come and say hi." I said. I saw his eyes soften, and he introduced the herd to me. They were very nice and kind. His sons were almost drooling over me. "Take a picture, that lasts longer." I say laughing. He warned his sons, and told me his name was Dylan. He let the herd graze again, and we talked about me, and some horse shifter things. We were friends right away. He wasnt rude or anything at all. Then my phone rang. I saw it was Michael. "Hey baby, youre home? Nice, Im in the forest, just walking around. I found a new herd and they are very nice. Ill be right back home okay? I see you then. I love you." I said and hung up. Dylan looked at me. "You have a mate I see. Ill walk you home." he said politely. I nodded and he shifted into his chestnut horse( See picture on the right). I shifted into mine and we trotted home.

Michael was already waiting for me and I felt his jealousy. Dylan shifted to human form, and I did too. He looked really jealous. "Who is that?" he asked me. "This is Dylan, the leading stallion in the herd I found. He just walked me home." I explained. Dylan gave me a kiss in the cheek. "I have to go. I see you later." he said and shifted back. He galloped away. "Michael, why so jealous?" I asked him. "Im sorry baby. I just dont want to loose you again." he said and took me in his arms. He walked with me inside, and he sat down on the couch. He pulled me on his lap. "I missed you today." he said softly,and pecked my lips. "I missed you too." I said and put a hand on my belly. He smiled and kissed me passionately. I kissed back, and felt him kissing me roughly but gentle. I pulled away softly and looked him in his eyes. He looked back in mine. "Michael, trust me. I will never cheat on you." I said softly. I go off his lap, and stand up. I run to the bathroom, and vomit. I hate morningsickness and the vomiting. I flush the toilet and brush my teeth. I walk to our bedroom, but before Im there Michael grabs my wrist and pulls me into his arms. He was shirtless, so always a good view. I snuggled in his chest. "Baby, I know you never would cheat." he said and lifted my head. He kissed me tenderly, and put his arms around my waist. I kissed back and laid my arms around his neck. He pulled away softly, and pecked my lips one more time. "Go to bed. I can see youre tired."he said and caressed my cheek. I nodded and walked to the bedroom. I laid down on the bed and saw Michael also coming in. He tucked me in. I kissed him softly, and that was not a really good idea. Before I know, Michael pulled me into his arms and we both layed on bed. The kiss turned into a make out session. When I pulled away for air, I saw his sexy smile. "Iknow you want me, but you have to wait." I say teasing. He kissed my lips and I went back under the covers. Michael decided to go to bed too. He stripped down his clothes and laid down next to me. He pulls me in his arms and I snuggle into his chest. We fall asleep pretty fast.

The next morning I wake up in Michaels arms. I looked at his features. He looks so peacefull, and careless, when he normally looks determined and brave. I trail a finger down his neck to his abs. I see him smile, and he opened his eyes. "Goodmorning." he said with his morning voice. I kissed his cheek. "Goodmorning Michael." I said smiling. I saw the look in his eyes. "Thats all I get?" he said pouting. I nodded, and I stepped out of the bed. Before I can walk to the closet, Michael pushed me to the wall gently. "You really mean, that the kiss on my cheek is all I get today?" he said still pouting. But before I can answer he slams his lips on mine. He kissed me roughly, but gentle. I kissed back smiling, and feel that he has his hands on my waist. I pull away quickly, and look him in the eyes. "You have to go on a mission today right?" I asked and stroke his cheek. "Yeah, but I will be carefull. And you have to be carefull too, for the baby and yourself." he said and kissed my lips again. I nodded. "And watch out for Dylan. There is something about him that I dont like." he said. He.put.his clothes on and kissed me one more.time. "I see you tonight." he said smiling. He walked to KITT, and drove away.

Michaels POV:

Im so glad that Im becoming a dad! And especially with Joyce. She is the love of my life. Im more carefully now, for her and the baby. But that stallion she met in the forest, I dont trust him. He is up to something. And that I wont let happen to us. Last night, I could see that she wasnt feeling well. I admit I was jealous of that "Dylan" boy because I dont want to loose her. When she told me she would never cheat on me, I believed her. In the way she looks me in the eyes, the way she kisses me, I can feel that she loves me. I hate that I had to go on a mission today. I barely see Joyce. I drove KITT on the Semi, and stepped out. Devon walked to me. "How is Joyce doing?" he asked smiling. "She is.doing fine, but she isnt feeling well, cause of the baby ofcourse. I take care of her, when Im at home." I answered. Bonnie came out of the drivers cabine, and smiled. "So Mr. Knight is going to be a dad! Im proud of you." she said smiling and hugged me. I nodded. "Im.curious what the gender is going to be. Very curious." I said and Bonnie gave me the mission. Luckily it wasnt a hard one. I stepped in KITT and drove off the semi. We had to spy on Garth, my evil twin brother. Me and KITT had more trouble had with him, so we were silent. KITT scanned the area for me, and saw that KARR was here too! We drove away in silent mode. We drove through the forest, and there I saw Joyce her white horse playing with Dylans horse. I saw them shifting into humanform  and they spoke. I continued driving. I will ask Joyce tonight about what they were talking.

Joyce POV:

I was with Dylan, we were playing, amd thats all. When we shifted into human form, I heard KITT speed away. I sighed softly. We sat down on the grass. "You didnt tell me that your mate was a human!" he said surprised. "I was affraid you would disrespect me cause I have a Human mate." I said and looked down. He lifted my chin. "I would never reject you." he said and smiled. We hugged and talked about our parents. When I saw that it was 4pm, I had to go home. "I see you tomorrow." I said and shifted into my horse. I galloped home.

When I arrived I saw that Michael was already at home. Something is wrong. I shift back into my human form, and walk to the house. I saw Michael working on his laptop. "Im home!" I said but got no response. Okay then, its on. I walk to the kitchen and get an apple. I sit down on the couch and turn on the tv. Michael finally sees Im home. "Oh hey." he said, that was it. He is ignoring me. Okay fine, then he will get the silence treatment. He puts his laptop away, and walked to me. When he tried to kiss me I pushed him away. "Whats wrong Joyce?" he asked worried. "Whats wrong!? Whats wrong is that when Im coming home you didnt notice me or anything! Two can play that game!" I said pissed. Oh shit, thanks hormones. I could feel he was mad too. "Well, you said that you would stay at home today, and where I see you? With that stallion. You lied to me! If you are getting enough of me, just say it! Go to Dylan then!" he yelled angrily. That made my horse and my blood boil. "Why did I even fall in love with you! Thanks for the advice. If you want it this way fine. Im gone." I say holding my anger. I walk away and get my stuff. Then he saw I was serious. He ran after me. "Joyce please I didnt mean to say that. Stay with me. Dont leave me." he said begging me. He pushed me onto the wall. "Joyce please stay with me. I cant live without you." he said pleading me. I push him away. "Im going to bed, ALONE." I say pissed and push him out of our room. I sighed, and felt the tears flow. This was our first fight. I strip down my clothes and let the bathtub fill with water. I step into the tub and felt my muscles relax when I sit down. I wash myself, and my hair. When Im finished I empty the bath and dry myself. I wrap a towel around my body and my hair. When I come out of the bathroom, I see candles everywhere. Michael lays on the bed shirtless. He walks to me. He kisses my neck and goes to my cheek. "Im so sorry." he said between the kisses. Then he kissed my lips. But this time he kissed me like never before. This time the kiss was full of love. He pulled away. "Joyce Im sorry that I reacted this way. I just dont want to lose you." he said softly, and he carressed my cheek. "But Im serious, if you react one more time like this, then Im really gone." I warn him. Before I could say something else he pushed me to the wall and kissed me passionately.  "I promise I will never react like that again." he said softly. I take a shirt and undergarments and put them on quickly. I sit down on the bed and he pulls me in his arms. He strokes my cheek. "I cant risk losing you Joyce. I love you." he said and looked into my eyes. "I love you Michael, nobody can change that." I said and I cuddle into his chest.

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