Chapter 5

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* A month later*

Joyce POV:

Its a month ago when I was rescued by Michael.. We are best friends as horse and human, but he doesnt know it yet. Its almost dark and I escape from the barn. I shift into my human form and get my phone. We have met already a few times, and it clicked so good. I call Michael and say I want to meet him on the place by the creek. He agrees and tells me that he is there soon. I look over the fields and gasp as I feel two strong arms around my waist. "Hi Michael"I say happy and give him a hug. I saw that KITT was parked near. He had brought a picknickbasket with things in it. I sat down in the grass. "How is it going with that mare you found." I asked. He answered:"She trusts me more than the first tims we met. She is such a nice horse." with a smile. Yay he likes my horse form and that satisfies my horse. I take a sandwich from the basket and eat it.  When I finish my sandwich, I look at the view we have. Then I felt Michaels hand on my cheek to let him look at me. "Joyce, you are the most beautifull girl Ive ever seen, from the first day we met." he said. He came closer and kissed me, with so much passion and love. I kissed back, and felt the sparks everywhere. It turned into a make out session. When I pull away after a few minutes, Michael pecks my lips one more time. I look happily at him. I saw that it was almost time to say goodbye.  I hated this part. He still doesnt know im a.horseshifter. "Im sorry, I have to go." I say softly. He kisses me again and gives me a kiss on my head. "I see you tomorrow beautifull." he said smiling. He KITT, and drove off. I shifted and ran back. I was my stable time. Michael came to me and.gave me a carrot. "I kissed Joyce girl. She is the one, I knew it from the day we met." he said smiling. I neighed, as sign of happiness. He gave me a kiss on my nose and left the stables.

The next day Michael was on the ranch, but not alone. He had a girl with him who kept hanging amd flirting with him.  Then I saw him kissing that girl! I was beyond mad. When he tried to get me I reared anrily and galloped to the other side of the pasture. I had my ears laying onto my neck. "Whats wrong girl. Its okay." he said calming. I kept walking backwards. I jumped over the fence and ran away. That is for not keeping his promise to me. He just cheated on me!

When it becomes dark I galop back to the ranch and jump back over the fence. I walk into my stable and stand in a corner in the back. I saw Michael coming back to feed. When I see him I lay my ears onto my neck again. Now he fucked up big time. His own fault. He also wasnt that cheerfull man he usually is. He knows he made a big mistake. Im not gonna call him today, and even for a few months. His punishment for cheating. My horse is so sad and mad on him, because he just ditched us. Michael gave me my food. "Joyce didnt call tonight. I think she heard it from someone in town." he said sighing. Then he saw that I didnt came to him. "Mystic its okay, I wont hurt you." he said but I kept standing in that corner. He will learn his lesson. And that girl knows Im a horseshifter. She was on the hunt for him already, and now she got what she wanted. Im affraid she tells Michael Im a horse shifter, and I dont want that to happen. He wont accept me, I know for sure.


Iknow its short. Im sorry

Next time its longer I promise.

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