Chapter 7

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Joyce POV:

I trot into the forest and stand still to catch some sounds. I step to the sound, it looked like its the scanner of KITT that I hear. And I was right. It was KITT. The beautifull black sleek Trans Am was standing there, with only his scanner showing. I neighed softly and shifted. "Its me." I whispered and shifted back to my horse. I reared and stepped to the kissing sound that I hear. Its disgusting. I neighed and I saw the worst sight ever. They were naked. Michael saw that it was me, so he took his boxers and trousers on. He walked to me. I stepped back neighing. I shook my head. He tried to pet me. Chelsy put her clothes on too. She walked to him. I scraped my right front hoof on the ground, and let my ears and head hang. "Whats wrong girl." he said softly. I did a step back again. Chelsy spat venomously:"You stop our moment for a stupid horse? Well she isnt even a horse." Michael was furious. "So what Chelsy. This is important. And what?! Its just a horse." he said pissed. That was the limit, I turn around and trot back. He thinks im just a horse. He just mates with another girl, and he doesnt feel pain. Well my heart is torn into two. I gallop to the last pasture, and the most far one. I jump over the fence and trot to the shelter what they build there. Michael followed me, with KITT. He opened the fence and KITT drove with him into the pasture. I felt another presence. He used KITT so I couldnt escape. I stood im the back corner of the shelter. He walked to me. "Whats wrong, what did Chelsy mean?" he said softly. I neighed as sign that I needed space, for shifting. He and KITT went a few meters backwards. Then I shifted into my human form. Michael couldnt believe his eyes, well he looked like that. "It was you all the time. Joyce, why you didnt tell me before?" he said and wanted to step forward. "Step back. I couldnt Michael. Then you would think im a freak. Im a horseshifter, and I cant change it." I said and Michael didnt listen to me. He took me in his arms and held me tight. "So Im your mate?" he said. I nodded. Then Chelsy walked in with a gun."Well well well, she told you. What a surprise. But Michael is mine." she spat venomously. I stepped back from Michael and shifted into my horse. We were mad, very mad. I stood for Michael. Then she shot me, on the place where my heart is. I fell down and shifted back. Michael came immeadiatly to me. "Joyce hold on." he said and let KITT call an ambulance. The ambulance was there soon and they took me to the hospital. In the ambulance everything went black.

*A week later*

I wake up in a hospitalbed, with Michael on my left side. "Hey, how are you feeling?" he asks and takes my hand in his. He gives my hand a kiss. "I thought I lost you." he said concerned. I feel the place where the bullet went through. It heals luckily fast, a horseshifter is a fast healer. The doctor came in and said that I can go home. Im fully healed. I sigh and change fast. Michael helps me with packing stuff. When we are finished, we walk hand in hand to KITT. "KITT knew I was a horseshifter." I said softly. Michael answered;"How?" "Remember KITT can scan bodies, and he scanned I was a horseshifter." I explained. He kissed  me softly, and let me step in KITT. We drove off to the barn. When we arrive there is panic. Bonnie came to us. "That white mare is gone." she said. I giggled, and shifted into my horse. She went blank. "She is a horseshifter!? Bonnie said surprised. Michael nodded. I went back to my human form. "Michael is my mate." I explained. Bonnie smiled. "You two look good together." she said smiling.

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