Chapter 24

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*3 months later*

Joyce POV:

Its about three months ago that me and Michael kissed. And the stupidest part is: I put my feelings away for him then. But now I know for.sure. I have huge.feelings for.him. I love him. We are doing fine now, but he didnt try anything since our.kiss. That dissapointed me and my horse. Im on a run with Danger again, and the fourth time we ran. We are having fun. We played with eachother like friends. Like we were brother and sister. I stopped when I heard wolves coming. Shit. I neighed at Danger to run home. He didnt listen. He stayes with me. He neighed he wont let me leave alone. Then the rougues attacked. I neighed at him to leave and now he.left. He said.he.was going to get Michael. I neighed him was.okay to get.him. The rougues bit me but I kicked them away. But the leader managed that to get on my back. I could buck amd rear what I wanted, he didnt came off.. He set his claws into my back and I neighed in pain. My coat was red, bloodred. I kept bucking and rearing off. It didnt work. Then the rougues bit my back legs. I couldnt move. I collapsed on the.ground. I didnt had any strength anymore. But before the rougues killed me they all.came off. Danger kicked them off me and I saw Michael standing there with KITT. Then I passed out.

I woke up in our.bed, in human form. Michael to me on the.bed. "Finally, youre awake." he said.and he.carresed my.cheek. "Im sorry." I.said softly. Michael shook his head. "It isnt your fault. You couldnt help that you were attacked. Danger ran home alone, and he neighed that we had to.come with him. Then me and KITT followed.him. Then we found you with roughues all over you. Danger kicked them away. I was so worried Joyce." he.said softly. I felt the wounds heal. I moaned in pain.  But then I felt.the wounds were away. "I just healed." I.said and sat up. Michael held me in his arms. "I was so.scared to.loose you. Your coat was bloodred." he said softly. He layed down next to me, and held me tight. "Please dont scare me that much." he said and he.gently caressed my.cheek. Then I.felt his.lips.on mine. He kissed me.passionately, and put his arms around my waist. I kissed back and.felt.him smile in the.kiss. He deepened.the kiss, and after.a.few.minutes we pulled away. He put his forehead against mine. "Michael, I think I love you." I said and I saw.his.eyes.sparkle. "No I.dont think.that,.I know.for.sure." I said and Michael lips again. "I love you too." he said and held his.arms. "Damon is with Bonnie.again." he said softly and he pecked my lips. "Im so glad that you love me. Its going to be alright now." he said smiling. I sat.up and stepped.out of the bed. I only.had my lingerie.on. I put on a sweatpants and tshirt. I gasp when Michael hugs me from behind. "What are we going to do now?" I asked. Then I saw a flashback again. Every moment when he held me like he.holds me now. "Michael, I.had a.flashback again!" I said.smiling. He kissed my neck softly. I moaned very.soft. " like it." he.said giving me a hickey. I pushed him away playfully. I looked in the mirror. OMG. One huge hickey. "How Im gonna hide this?!" I.said gasping. Michael laughed. "Dont hide it. Everybody.may.know.youre mine." he said and he pulled me in his arms. and he leads me to the.bed. down and We for.the.first time. good. I never felt so good. When we were finished we fell in eachothers arms asleep.

Michaels POV:

I was.frightened when Danger.came home alone. I KITT and followed Danger. There I saw.the most horrible sight ever. Danger.scared the.wolves away, and I saw a bloodred horse laying there.on the ground, with huge wounds. I saw shift into a.human form and I ran to Joyce. "Oh baby. I will" I said with tears in my eyes and layed down on KITTs backseats. We drove home fast and I cleaned her.wounds. Some.of.them were healing already, exept.the ones on her back. I layed her down on our bed and waited for wake.up.

When she.woke up I hugged her.carefully. I was so so scared to loose.her.again. She couldnt that they attacked her. When she said she loved me I was ecstatic. She loves me again. I kissed her and she said her.wounds were healed. I smiled. She stepped.out and changed. I hugged her from behind, and she said she had a flashback of us. I smiled happily. She gets her memory back so fast! I kissed her again and that turned out into making This.felt so good. I finally have her.back. Not.fully but that will.come. When we were.finished she fell asleep in my arms. So cute! I pecked her.forehead and fell asleep too.

The next morning she woke up cuddling me. I woke up too. I smiled. "Why you make that face?" she asked. I kissed her lips. "What face?" I say smirking. "That face." she said and laid her hand on my neck. "Oh, that face. Im just happy." I said and kissed her again. It turned into a makeout session, but we got interrupted by KITT. "KITT whats wrong?" I asked. "Michael Danger is banging on the stabledoors. He wants to see Joyce." KITT said. Joyce let go off me. "Ill be right back." she said teasing and out on my shirt and a sweatpants. Im so glad I have her back. Not fully but we will get there.

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