Chapter 10

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*A month later*

Joyce POV:

It is a month ago that the accident happened. I havent seen Michael since. I miss him. I admit it, I miss him so so much. Justin also saw.that I wasnt myself. I heard him discuss about setting me free. I eat my hay in my stable, and see Justin coming. He gets my rope and clicks it on my halter. He walked with me to the boundaries of the pasture,and the begin of the forest. He pulls my halter off, and pets me one more time. "You are free Mystic. I will miss you." said softly and looked me in the eyes. I neighed softly and walked away from him. I reared happily and neighed happily. I sprint into the forest. Im gonna look for Michael.

I ran for hours, and it was becoming dark. I arrived at Michaels barn and neighed loud. I reared as high as I could. But I stopped when I heard too familiar sounds. I trotted to KITT to signal Michael. I kept makimg noise, so he would come out the bedroom. He didnt hear it. Until I stepped away with my head low and my ears hanging. Then I saw him looking out of the window. I looked back and we made contact. I stepped further. In a few seconds I heard Michael running after me. He ran infront of me and stopped me. I looked at.him with pain in my eyes. " heard isnt what it looks like." he said explaining. Yeahright. He has only.his.underwear and jeans on. He had also his hair in a wild position. I neighed in pain and stepped past him. He stopped me again. "Joyce listen." he said. I turned my head and neighed pissed at him. I saw Stevie also coming out of the barn. I rear furiously. I knew it. I FUCKING KNEW IT! I trot pissed away. I change into my gallop and sprint away.

After a while Michael had me trapped with KITT. Shit. I couldnt step backwards, cause.then I would fall in a huge hole and would be dead. Michael stepped out of KITT and walked to me. He saw the pain in my eyes. "Please shift." he said and I shifted into my human form. "Stay away. I know.what you two were doing. Those sounds are way too familiar. I though you loved me. Clearly you choose Stevie!" I said so pissed that Im on the edge oof breaking down in crying. He came closer. "Joyce, I admit, we were making love." he said and I became more furious. "You have made your choice, I see." I say and want to escape.but Michael grips my wrist and pulls me into his chest. He holds me tight, but I want to push him away. That fails miserably, and I hear Michael chuckle. When he wants to kiss me, I hear someone clearing her throat. Its Stevie. Michael doesnt pay attention to me so I could push me off him. I step away a few meteres. "What is going on Michael! Why you hold that skunk?" she spats. Michael saw that I was on the edge of shifting. "Choose Michael, me or her." I said furious. And I saw him hestitating. "I cant choose." he said and I saw him walking to Stevie. "So you choose her?" I said broken. I walk past them, and run away crying. He just chose Stevie over me. I sit down at the river, and cry softly.  Suddenly I felt two strong arms around my waist and I was pulled into a warm embrace. I didnt struggle anymore. I didnt had the strength. I felt breath on my skin. I knew it was Michael. "What you want? You chose." I said broken. Michael hugged me more and kissed my cheek softly. "I love you so so much. I told Stevie to leave." he said and he put his lips on my neck. I turned my head to him. "Yeahright you just say that to comfort me." I said sniffling. I looked down. Michael put a finger under my chin and let me look at him. He rested one of.his hands on my cheek, and came closer. He kissed me softly and pulled me into his.chest. Surprisingly I kissed back, and I felt Michael smile in the kiss. He pulled away and rested his forhead on mine. "I was so so stupid not to tell you. I made a big mistake." he whispered. He helped me up and lead me to KITT. I sat down on the passengerseat and Michael sat down next to me. He gave me a passionate kiss. "I missed you so much." he said softly and stroke my cheek. "I missed you too Michael." I said softly. Michael started KITTs engine andwe drove back to the barn.

When we arrived we saw Stevie packing her stuff. She looked venomously at me. She stepped into.her car and raced off. I sighed relieved. I stepped out, and look around in the barn. I sat down on my fave spot on the couch. Michael sat down next to me. "I really was dumb to marry Stevie, to forget you. You were the.back of my head. And especially when I saw you in the compitition. I realised how much I miss you. And your reaction was normal." he explained. He smiled. "Joyce, when I saw you again for the first time in a year, I was gobsmacked. You looked so muscular and strong." he  said looking me in my eyes. I nodded. "I trained every day with that boy. Every time a bit higher." I said. "And when I saw you were hunted down by a few cowboys, amd you fell into the river and off the waterfall, I help you. When you were in my arms again, I knew it for sure. Youre the love of my life." he said. Before I could answer he kissed me passionately. I kissed.back with so.much love. I missed.this, being in his arms. When.he pulled away I snuggled into his chest. He picked me up bridal style, and he brought me to the bedroom. He put me down and I lay down on the bed. Michael comes too and lays down next to me. He pulled me into his chest and put his arms around me. He kisses my lips softly, and caresses my neck. I kiss back passionately and put my arms around his neck. I pull away a.few moments later and sigh softly. "Can I sleep?" I ask yawning. Michael pecks my lips. "Sure, Im pretty tired.too." he said and I strip down my clothes. I blush if I see Michaels muscular chest. Michael chuckled and kissed me softly. I trace his chest with my finger. I hear him moan softly. I giggle and lay down on the bed. I pull the covers on me. I feel that Michael lays down next to me and puts his arms around my waist. I snuggle into his chest and fall asleep peacefully.

The next morning I felt a pair of soft lips on my neck. I moan softly and I hear a chuckle from behind me. He keeps pecking my neck. "Also goodmorning." I say holding in a moan. I turn to him.and kiss him a.bit hungrily, he kissed back a.bit.roughly but.gentle. He pulled me.onto him and stroke my back.gently. I rolled so.I was.under. We until we heard someone banging on out door. Michael puts.on his.boxer amd I out on my undergarments quickly. Michael opened the door. It was Bonnie who was pissed. "You are way too late Knight! have any reason?" she said angry. He walked to me. "Yes I do." He.said.and he pecked my lips softly. "Joyce, youre back!" she said surprised. I nodded. "Thankgod. Michael, I hated Stevie. Michael wasnt himself." she said. "Ill let you two lovebirds to what it is. You two have to regain a lot." she said.smiling and closed the door. I giggled. "She wasnt the only one who.hated her is it." I said giggling. Michael shut me up be kissing me passionately. "Where were we?" Michael smiled sexily. I stripped off my undergarmens and Michael lost the boxer.

This time we made love was 4pm. "I missed this, us." he said pecking my.lips. I smiled and.nodded. "I missed.this too. I missed everything" I said softly. I snuggle.into.his.chest. He carressed my arm softly. "I wont let us tear apart again. I promise." he.said.convinced. I smiled at him. I stepped out of the bed and put on some clothes. Michael puts his boxers on and a joggingpants. I walk downstairs with Michael behind me. I see that Devon, Bonnie and RC3 are here. Michael sees it too, but doesnt care that they are there. "You look happy Michael." RC3 and Bonnie said. He hugged me from behind. "I am happy. I have my girl back." he said proudly, and I blushed. I hide into Michaels chest. "Aww look how cute you two look together." Bonnie gushed. I giggle softly. I sit down on one of the seats, and gasp when Michael picks me up and sets me.on his lap. "Michael!" I mindlinked him warning. He chuckles and put his arms around me. "Michael, you look so relieved and relaxed. When you were with Stevie you were stiff and not in for fun. Im glad you are back with Joyce." RC3 said happily. "Im happy too. I missed him so much." I said and kissed his lips softly. They all awed. I became a.bit red and they chuckled. Im where I have to be. In Michaels arms.

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