Chapter 18

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Joyce POV:

I havent slept well tonight. Im affraid for what is coming today. What does Michael want? Im going out of bed, Dylan is still asleep and I let him sleep. I put on some clothes and walk quietly downstairs. I make some cereal and eat it. When Im finished I put the dirty bowl in the dishwasher. Then I hear Dylan coming downstairs. Damon still slept, and I let him sleep. Yesterday he was pretty late in bed, so if I hear him, Ill pick him up from his room. Dylan wrapped his arms around my waist. I gasped and thought about when Michael did that, a long long time ago. "Goodmorning." he said smiling. "Also goodmorning Dylan." I said, and he saw that I was tensed.  "Its okay Joyce, I wont do that again." he said and he kissed my cheek. He sat down and ate his breakfast. "Is it okay that I take a little run? And can you get Damon out of his bed when you hear him?" I asked. "Sure baby. I can see you need a run." he said and he swallowed his last bite of breakfast. I kissed him on his cheek and went outside. I shifted into my white mare and galloped away. I stopped when I was in the forest. I saw a fox, a female one. She wanted to play with me. I neighed at her that I wanted to play. I took her on my back and I walked with her on my back to an open place. I helped her off my back and we played. I reared and neighed playfully. But then a werewolf showed up. He threatened me. I mindlinked him that I was a mare and a horseshifter. Then he became calm. He said that the fox was also a shifter, and she was his mate. I neighed softly, when I heard the word mate. My mate and I broke up. And thats his fault. We walked to the lake and then I saw.that I had to.go. I neighed that I would come back tomorrow. When I galloped away, I saw Michael standing next to KITT. The werewolf was Jasons Alpha. I bucked and galloped away.

When I it was 2 PM. I was away pretty long. I shifted back into my human form and walked inside. "Sorry that Im so late. Lost the track of time." I said and Damon came running to me. He hugged me. "Did you miss me honey?" I asked. He nodded. He really looks like his father. He has the same hair and eyecolour. His haircolour and skintype he has from me. I sigh and feel the emptiness again. I push it away and pick up Damon.

The rest of the day flew by. Me, Dylan and Damon had alot of fun. But Dylan could see that I was nervous. He calmed me luckily. In about an hour Michael comes and picks me up. The part where Im the most worried about is: Does he still love me, or has he never loved me? We will know that soon. Im preparing myself, but Im not gonna put on something special. I put a little bit make up on, just a bit eyeshadow and a bit mascara. I looked at the clock and saw that I had 5 minutes left. I got my black leather jacket and put it on. Then I walk outside and see Michael standing there, next to KITT. "Lets go, Im not gonna waste any time." I said coldly and stepped in KITT. When we drove off, I looked out of the window. I didnt wanted any eyecontact. He drove KITT to the lake. "Come." he said and he stepped out. I followed him and I sat down on KITTs hood. Michael stood next to me. "Well what do you want? I dont have alot of time." I said sighing. I stood up. "Go ahead then!" I say annoyed. I saw the look in his eyes."Joyce, Im so sorry that I dropped you and Damon. This is all my fault. Im so sorry that I wasnt there for you two." he said and looked at me. "You are unbelievable. UNBELIEVABLE! Now you care about me and Damon? After 3 fucking years?! I wish I never met you and I wish I never was your mate." I said coldly. I walk away from him and KITT. He runs after me and got me by my wrist. Then he pulls me in his arms and held me tight. I pushed him away, and looked at him with no mercy. I walk away and shift into my mare. I lay my ears in my neck and neigh angry. I rear and gallop home. He jumps in KITT and drives after me. Then he cut me off and closed me in. Michael stepped out of KITT and walked to me. I reared warning not to come close. I shift back into my human form and collapse on the ground. Michael picked me up and held me in his arms. I was exhausted, because of my emotions and all what happend the last years. He carressed my cheek softly. "Its okay, Im with you and Im not leaving." he said soothing me. He picked me up and brought me to KITT. He put me in the passengersseat, and he also stepped in. "Ill take care of you." he said softly. I was so exhausted. I couldnt do this anymore. I fell asleep and heard Michael call Dylan that he takes me to his appartment. I heard Dylan was fine with it. I fell asleep totally then.

I woke up in a bed, an unknown bed. Michael sat next to me. "Hey. I saw that you woke up." he said softly, and he carressed my cheek. My horse was satisfied with his touch. "I have to go home Michael." I said and wanted to get out of bed but Michael stopped me. "Youre not going anywhere." he stated. My body ached from the pain. All this was too much for me and my horse. I sighed. "Fine, Ill stay here." I said softly. He smiled softly at me and kissed me on my forehead. I felt guilty. I was the one who broke up. The look in my eyes said it all, and Michael saw the look. He came bed and pulled me in his arms. He put his head in my neck and pecked my neck softly. "Michael stop." I said and pushed him off me. I stepped out of bed and put on my clothes. Michael stopped me. "Joyce, please stay. Okay, Im gonna be honest now. Joyce, I love you, I in my life. I cant live without you." he said with tears in his eyes. He pulled me in his arms and held me tight. "Iknow I was wrong. I miss you so so much." he whispered and caressed my cheek. He kissed my neck softly and I moaned very softly. He smiled and kissed my cheek. And then he kissed my lips. He kissed me with so much passion and love. I didnt kiss back. I couldnt. He pulled away, and looked into my eyes. "I know this is hard for you. Ill let you think about us. But Im away the day after tomorrow, so decide quick, if you stay with Dylan, or come with me." he said nuzzling my neck. I missed him. His touch, his face, everything. This is gonna be difficult. Before I can think further, Michael kissed me again. And I kissed back, to my surprise. He picked me up and layed me down on the bed. He kept kissing me. Then he pulled away. "Im sorry, this is my fault." he said and looked at me. "I kissed back Michael so its a my fault too." I said and Michael started to kiss my neck. "I know you like it." he murmured huskily. I moaned softly and felt Michaels soft lips on mine again. I stopped him. "We cant do this. I have a boyfriend at home, with our child remember." I say and backed off. He saw the look in my eyes. I missed him. And he knew it. "Can you bring me home.?" I asked. He nodded. I put on my leather jacket, and he does the same. We walk to KITT and drive back.

When we arrive Michael walks with me and before I know he slams his lips on mine. I kiss back.for a few seconds and pull away. "Why you did that?" I asked. He pecked my lips again. "I want you to remember us." he whispered. Then I hear moans coming out of the house. Damon ran to me when I opened the door. "Michael, can you hold him?" I asked and he nodded and kissed my cheek. "Anything I do for you." he said. I smiled at him and ran back into the house. There I find my best friend, having sex with Dylan!? "How could you?! Piece of motherfucking shit. We are done!" I yelled angry. I ran to the closet and took all my belongings. I packed my stuff and Damons stuff and threw it in KITTs trunk. Michael looked at me and smiled. He put Damon in his seat in KITT, and kissed me softly. I kissed back and pulled away after a few minutes. He puts his forhead against mine. "I love you so so much." he said with so much love. Then Dylan came outside in his boxers. "So you leave me for that?!" He yelled, and shifted.into his horse. I shifted in mine and attacked him. He attacked me too, and I bucked him off me. I slammed my hoofs so hard on him, that I heard bones crack. I reared victoriously and come down. I see Dylan stand up and see him he wants to attack Michael. I galloped to him and bucked and kicked him so hard, he fell on the ground. We both shifted back to human and I collapsed in Michaels arms. "This still was too much for you. But you saved me and thats what matters now." he said and.he picked me up. He put me down in KITT, and too. We drove off. A new start for all of us.

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