Chapter 13

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Michaels POV:

How they could Joyce take away from me! Why! The two years we were seperated, kills me inside. I cant live without her. I need

her in my life. Our goodbye two years ago was emotional, for both of us. Devon sent me on vacation three weeks ago. I cant stop thinking about Joyce. I miss her so much.

KITT signalled me suddenly, and I didnt knew why. Then I saw Joyce her white horse standing next to KITT. I teared up. I saw her shift to.human and ran to her. I held her tight and kissed her passionately. She was crying too. "I missed you so much." I said and hugged her again. "I missed you too Michael." she answered. I missed her so so much. It is undescribable. "Come with me, far away from here. Where nobody finds us." I suggested. Then suddenly a group of guards pulled ger away from me. I cried and yelled after her. She did the same. Why does God hate me so much, to take away the love of my life. Why! Joyce I promise that I will save you. I wont give up on us.

*A week later*

Joyce POV:

Today is the wedding of me and Jason. Im not even happy about this, though this has to be a happy day to remember. But I hate it. The love of my life isnt the man who stands next to me at the altar. It is someone who I hate.

I put on my weddingdress, which is beautifull. But thats the only thing I like about the wedding. I make myself ready and walk downstairs. My dad takes my hand and leads me to the altar,who is located in the garden. It looks gorgous. Jason is there already, and his jaw dropped on the ground. I didnt look happy at all. My eyes showing hurt. I look down and feel a tear coming down. Then the priest asked: "Who is against this marriage? Speak now or be silent forever." I heard KITT stopping. He is here! "I am against this marriage." Michael states and walks to the altar. "This bride belongs to me. Not to him. I dont care that Im not a horseshifter. The only thing I care about is to see Joyce at my side, and giving her love. We belong together." Michael states, and I pull my hands away from Jasons and walk to him. I hug him tightly. He kissed me softly, I kissed back and pulled away. "My Knight. You saved me." I said softly. The priest looked at me. "You are sure you dont want to marry Jason?" he asked. "Yes, Michael is the man who belongs next to me." I say smiling and give Michael a kiss. He holds me tight. "You look beautifull." he said smiling. I blushed invisible, and hid my head into his chest. "And the reception?" I heard the people say. "That is still on the program." I say and walk with Michael to KITT. The other people go inside. I stay outside for a few minutes. "I love you Michael." I say smiling. Michael kissed me passionately. "I love you too. Lets go inside." he said and we walked hand in hand inside.

When we are inside we walk towards the dancefloor. He gets my hand, and I rest my arms around his neck. We looked in eachothers eyes, and he kissed me softly. He pulled away quickly. "Lets go home." he said and I nodded. We walked hand im hand to KITT. I saw Michael looking at me. "Whats wrong? Is it my dress? Im gonna change when were home." I say. He walks to me and smiles. "It isnt your look. You look beautifull. Its just that Im so happy to have you back in my life Joyce." He answered and pecked my lips. He walked to the driversside, and stepped in. I also stepped in and we drove off.

When we arrived at the barn, it was quiet, what we wanted. I stepped.out of KITT, and waited for Michael. Together we walk inside. "Ill be right back, Im gonna change." I said and walked to our bedroom. I looked for something comfy. I found a joggingpants and a shirt from Michael and put it.on the bed. When I stripped off my weddingdress, my horse ears heard the door. I knew it was Michael. "Busted Michael." I say giggling. He walks into the room and sees me in my white lingerie and corset. I saw his eyes darken. I walked to him. "Bad boy." I teased, but that wasnt a smart move of me. Before I know Im pinned onto the wall, closed in by Michael. "You scared me." I say softly. He stroked my cheek. "I didnt want to scare you. Sorry baby." he said huskily. It turns him on, thats obvious. "I know I turn you on, its obvious." I say teasing. He chuckled and nodded. I kissed him in his neck, and I heard.him moan. Jackpot. I go to his ear, and whisper:"Im all yours." Then he.kissed me roughly, but gentle and tender. He throws my clothes what were on the.bed, off the bed and layed me down on the bed. When he kissed me and we started to make out, his phone rang. I heard him groan, and he pulled away. He picked up, and it was Devon, I could hear him. He hung up, and sighed. "Devon wants to talk to me. Alone." he said sighing. "Michael, baby, I wont dissapear again. Im Go, and we will.finish.this later okay.".I say and he.nodded.sighing. He gave me a passionate kiss. "Ill be right back okay." he said and I nodded. He took his jacket and walked.out of the house. I sighed frustrated. Way to ruin the moment. I put on the joggingpants nd Michaels shirt. I walked downstairs to.the living room. I take a apple and eat it. I sit down on the sofa and watch some tv, waiting for Michael.

It was 10pm, when he came.back. Why this late? I fell asleep on the couch, and woke up when I heard the door open. "Sorry baby that Im so late. Devon wanted to I was. Then we talked about.what happened today." he said apollogising. He hung his jacket.on the garderobe and he walked into the.livingroom. Michael picks me up bridal style and carries me upstairs to our bedroom. "Well, where were we?"he.said huskily. He stripped down my clothes and I did.his. He layed me on the bed, very gently. He.kissed me and we started to make.out. We made love until we were so.tired that we fell asleep in eachothers arms.

The next morning I wake up in a empty bed. What is going on? I put on my clothes and walk downstairs. There I find Michael, looking HOT AS HELL! He only had his boxers and jeans on. "Also goodmorning Mr. Knight." I say teasing. He held me in his arms. "Goodmorning beautifull." he said, and I sat down in the kitchen.

He hugged me from behind. "Im sorry that I wasnt in bed. I had a call from somebody." he said and I saw his face looking worried. "Whats wrong baby." I ask and hug him. "I had a call from Kaden, a good friend of me. He asked me to help him. I have to leave tomorrow.", he said. My face went blank. "What!? We are just back together again!" I say very worried. Why he wants to leave? Is this a plan from his friend? This doesnt fit right. I dont know why, but it doesnt feel good.

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