An island boy

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Before Zeus was married to Hera. Before Poseidon was married to Amphitrite, a child was born.

Perseus, Percy for short, was the son of Poseidon and Hera, the firstborn god from two gods as parents. He was the god of many things, including but not limited to childhood and tides. Because of his power and non-linear affiliation with him, Zeus banished him to a secret island, one which nobody would ever find him. Then, he forced Perseus' father to marry the daughter of Oceanus, supposedly to keep the peace, as he himself married Perseus' mother Hera, who was unable to make a stand for herself due to her broken heart.

Centuries passed and only a few people remembered Perseus. In those centuries, Zeus had gone off to make other women pregnant, angering and saddening his wife Hera. At first, it was only with immortals, but after a few centuries, he began to lay with mortal women, making her even angrier. Not only had he forced her to marry him, but he had also gone and laid with many mortals, inferior beings.

One of the infidelity cases was the result of the twin archers, Artemis and Apollo. Both of them hated their stepmother Hera with passion, as she had made it so their mother had very difficult and painful childbirth. As they grew, Apollo began to be more smitten with the women, so much that he began to be with a woman almost every day.

As for Artemis, she received the domain of chastity and virginity, and as a result, was basically forbidden to lay with men. Such a misconception came to be that she hated men, that was simply not true. She just wasn't allowed to lay with them or think of them in a sexual way, but she could do anything else.

One day, she began to hunt in different islands in which she had yet to go. On one island, whose name is now forgotten in history, she found an unusual sight. The vegetation was scarce, just the basics to survive. The sun shone brightly, such a way that it burnt just being five minutes under it. The water was fierce, with the tides being as high as possible. In small words, it was just a horrible place.

She walked through the island, trying to see if she could find any animal to hunt, but instead, she saw a little cabin. It had its own garden, cattle, and even swimming pool (something Artemis hadn't seen and was intrigued by). As she went closer to the cabin, the smell of the sea hit her nostrils, making her even more curious about who or what was inside. Opening the door, she found a rather big house that took the place of the small cabin. It had modern furniture, a modern kitchen, white tiles, and blue walls. Photos of the sea adorned the house.

"It's bigger on the inside," a voice behind the goddess said, making her turn quickly to the origin of the voice. To her surprise, it was what seemed to be a teen around 16 with black hair and green eyes. He looked like her uncle Poseidon, but with regal features also. His posture made it evident that he had regal ichor running in him, making her question why he was in such an inhabitable place.

"Who are you?" Artemis asked with curiosity.

The guy looked at her strangely, measuring all of her. He had never seen such a beauty in his life; the only thing that resembled was his reflection on the water and everything inside his home.

"I'm Percy," the boy said after a while. "May I ask who you are?"

Artemis looked at him strangely. Surely everyone and everything knew who she was.

"My name is Artemis, goddess of the hunt, moon, chastity, virginity, childbirth, and nature, and one of the Olympians"

Percy interrupted before she could continue any further with her introduction. "Woah wait, you're one of the Olympians?! Like the ones who live on Olympus?"

Artemis was surprised by the boy's enthusiasm. "Yeah, I have my palace up there, although I never really spend my time there. Mostly I hunt with a group of maidens, but today I decided to come alone. How is it that you don't know this?"

Perseus: God of tides and childhoodWhere stories live. Discover now