The mortal that fades

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In the Greek world, a dead soul would be brought to the Underworld either by Hermes or Thanatos. Then, they would have to cross the River Styx with Charon, the person in charge of transporting the dead. After crossing the river, a soul would be judged by three judges, which would decide if the soul would go to Elysium (the equivalent of Heaven in Christianity), the Fields of Asphodel (which was like limbo), or the Fields of Punishment (where evil souls would get tortured for eternity). It was a fair system, as the souls received what they deserved from their time on Earth.

After the Second Titan War, Hades had deemed every demigod and hunter who had fallen while defending Olympus worthy of going to Elysium. Silent Beauregard, Michael Yew, Lee Fletcher, Charles Beckendorf, among many others, were living the life after death in complete peace.

But there was one fallen warrior who had not arrived to Elysium. The one who had sacrificed himself for the safety of Olympus had never even arrived to the Underworld. Hades had no idea where his soul had went, and asking his minions or other Underworld deities did not give him a real answer. 

The God of the Dead had gone up to Olympus and talked to Zeus about this special case. Never in millennia of ruling the Underworld had a soul simply disappeared, or even worse, never even arrived to the next step. Even if the Fates had taken him, a soul always went to the underworld.

As soon as he heard the news, Zeus summoned a Council meeting of all the Olympians to discuss this problem. It was simply a matter of maintaining order in the universe, the hate he held to the boy's father or the love he held towards Artemis played no role in the decision to call a meeting.

One by one, almost all the Olympians arrived at the throne room. They were very confused for this sudden meeting, as there was not supposed to be any other threat so close to a previous finished war. The gods were all looking pretty mad at being summoned so abruptly. They all had better things to be doing, such as hooking up with some mortal or planting grain.

"Why have you called this meeting brother?" Poseidon asked in a tired tone.

Zeus looked around the room, making eye contact with every member present. His eyes then fell on the empty silver throne, the only member that had casually skipped the council meeting.

"Apollo, where's your sister?" Zeus asked his son

The sun god shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know"

"Well can't you call her or something?" The thunder god pressured.


"Dude, don't you have some weird twin telepathy thing?" Hermes asked

"That's true! We do have that. How could I forget something as awesome as that?" Apollo smiled

"Well then do it" Zeus said

"Do what?"

"Call her!"

"Right! Sorry. Calling Artemis..." Apollo put his finger up, looking around the room.

"Hey little sis!" "Yes you are, I'm older and awesome" "Yes I am! I'm the god of music, and music is awesome." "Whatever, listen, why aren't you-oh, it was a voicemail" Apollo said slumping on his throne embarrassed.

"You had a conversation with a voicemail?" Athena raised her eyebrow

"It happens. Point is, Artemis isn't picking up" Apollo told his father

Zeus rubbed his temple. "Can you not find out where she is?"

"Let me try" Apollo concentrated, narrowing his eyes.

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