Hephaestus TV

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Three years after the attack on the World Trade Center, the city of New York had returned to its normal state. People were saddened by the end of the decade favorite TV show Friends and no new shows appeared to take its spot as the crowd favorite. As such, many people began to read books, from Stephen King to Using a Computer for Dummies.

Inside a book store named Borders, a man searched for a book that fit his desires. He wasn't a man with a very sophisticated taste, and so he searched all around the shop in search of the one that would catch his eye.

Watching him was a young blonde woman, whose appearance did not do justice to her wiseness. Her grey eyes analyzed the poor man in its full self, from his body to his aura. Being the smart woman that she was, she quickly deduced that the man was not a mortal. He seemed to have a strong aura for a god, but not strong enough for a titan or another stronger being. Not only that, but the man did not remind her of anybody she had met, which made her very curious about his identity.

Deciding that it was better if she found out by herself, the blonde woman approached the black haired man, who was looking at a children's book.

"Hi" she said kindly

The man turned to meet her eyes, being surprised by the sudden voice. "Hi"

"The very hungry caterpillar, is that a gift for someone?" The woman questioned

The man blushed and laughed awkwardly, "of course it's a gift. What kind of full grown man reads children's books for pleasure?"

"There's nothing wrong with reading those kinds of books, you know"

"Yeah I know. What are you buying?" The man asked

"The art of war and Reactions, Rearrangements and Reagents." The woman replied

"Wow, that sounds really..."

"Boring? Nerdy? Over-the-top?" The woman proposed

"I was going to say interesting, but yours work too" the woman laughed. "My name's Percy, Percy Jackson." Perseus said extending his hand.

"Athena" she said shaking Perseus hand.

The god of tides carefree demeanor changed completely, a scared facade taking its place. Perseus knee that this woman meant bad news. Once she found out about him, his whole life would be like an open book for her to analyze. It was bad enough that Aphrodite had him on the palm of her hand, but if Athena ever found out, his relax life would be over. Zeus would send him to his island-prison again and would no longer be able to be with Artemis.

"A-athena? As in-"

"Goddess of wisdom? Yeah, that's me. And from what I can tell you're no mortal either. Tell me, who are you Perseus?" Athena told the black haired god

"I'm a god who doesn't have demigods. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to pay for my- I mean this book" Perseus said quickly, trying to evade the goddess and pay the book. Athena followed him, taking the register right besides the god of tides.

"That may be true, but I sense that you're not telling me everything. How about we settle this over a cup of coffee?" Athena proposed

Perseus looked at the goddess weirdly, "if you're asking me on a date then it's a no. See this ring?" Perseus put his hand up, "it means that I have a wife, and as far as I'm concerned I won't be cheating on her any time soon"

The goddess stifled a laugh, "you do know I'm a maiden goddess, right? That means I have no intentions of making you cheat on your wife"

Perseus understood the excuse but didn't feel satisfied by it. After all, Artemis was known for being the biggest man-hater in existence and the goddess who most prized her status as a maiden. Yet, here he was married to her, and her being very much not a maiden.

Perseus: God of tides and childhoodWhere stories live. Discover now