The Jackson family

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Sometimes the best you can do for the one you love is being absent in their life. It is the will of the fates, after all. No matter how much you may want to be with that person, it is destiny who says that the love between the pair will not bloom as expected. It will cause unhappiness throughout the world, and this, in turn, would cause unhappiness to the couple. Sometimes it is best to forget or ignore the feelings, as only the two will suffer the consequences.

Poseidon knew this very well. After all, he had given up on his love for Hera in order to keep peace in his kingdom. The love of his life was married off to his brother, and he had married another woman who he did not love. They created a child, Triton, who he decreed to be the Prince of Atlantis. However, deep inside Poseidon knew that Triton was not the true bearer of the title.

His first born son, Perseus, who had been banished from Olympus was the one who carried such honor. He who had been banished when he was merely a few days old, was the only one powerful enough to keep a title such as Prince of Atlantis.

Perseus meant a lot for the god of the seas. Besides being his first son, it was the only child he had conceived with a woman who he held nothing more than love for. Sure, the mother of Alex Pond has been a lover of his, same as many other women, but none shared the deep emotional connection he held with Hera. What hurt him the most though was the fact that he could no longer love the mother of his first child.

He had convinced himself that whatever he felt towards the Queen of Olympus once was no more. However, when she came to visit him on his palace, the deep emotional connection resurfaced. Poseidon could no longer ignore the feeling he held towards Hera, it was too much. Sure, he knew the consequences their love may have to the world, but after millennia of being apart, a small part of his mind did not care anymore.

Why was it that other men could be with their loved ones while he couldn't? It didn't make any sense. Not only was he married off to someone he held no love towards, but the only reminder of the past had been banished for eternity.

However, all of that changed when Hera gave him the news that Perseus had returned to the normal world. Not only that, but he had a child with the man-hater goddess Artemis!

Poseidon knew that he could not just sit in his palace and do nothing. It was his duty, as an Olympian and a father to help his son in this quest. He had been absent during all of Perseus life. Even if it was not by choice, the fact stood that his son grew up without his parents, and Poseidon needed to make up for it.

"Triton!" Poseidon yelled

The sound of a being swimming at very high speeds grew as the merman approached the Atlantian throne room. A merman with two fish legs appeared at the entrance of the room, bowing down at the King of the Sea.

"Father, you have called for me" Triton told in a serious tone

Poseidon nodded, "yes Triton. As you know, the Winter Solstice is today, and I have to participate as I am part of the Olympian council. However, something has come up today and so I need to leave early to partake in some duties. You will be in charge of Atlantis during my absence. Can I count of you?"

"Of course father. You will not be disappointed in your decision. The only thing you need to worry about is you meeting and task."

Poseidon grinned, "great, I knew I could count on you. Tell your mother that I shall arrive late tonight. I will take my leave now, Triton. Remember to be responsible with your power"

"Yes father, I shall make you proud"

Poseidon grinned at his son. He may not be his favorite son, but dammit he still loved him. Even if he did not love his mother, Triton was undeniably his offspring. And as such, he deserved the love of a father, something Perseus had not known in his whole life.

Perseus: God of tides and childhoodWhere stories live. Discover now