Sacrifice for a broken heart

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How can a boy express the incomprehensible joy felt when he hugs his parents for the first time? How is a boy supposed to react the moment after he achieved his life goal? His life, who by all means was now "complete", still had much left to go. He knew he needed to continue on with his life, he just needed to find a new purpose for easy as that sounds.

Artemis was still in a state of shock due to the events that had transpired during the last ten minutes or so. It all happened so quickly, to the point where, if twenty minutes before anybody had asked the moon goddess if she thought she would have her family together, her answer would've definitely been a firm no. But life takes very unexpected twists, resulting in outcomes that nobody could've foreseen. Twenty minutes ago, the goddess of the hunt was walking on a very small college town in upstate New York alongside her husband in hopes of finding their lost child. As much as they looked, the couple could not seem to find their target.

But then, as if the fates had heard the prayers of the gods, the husband and wife pair heard the prayer of the one they were looking for. It was the first time either of them had heard their son call them "mom" and "dad", which made it all the more special. Artemis quickly grabbed Perseus hand and flashed towards another forest, not far away from the town but still far enough so that no person could even eavesdrop the conversation.

"You heard the same thing-" Perseus was telling Artemis before being interrupted

"Are you on your sun chariot right now?" Artemis asked out loud

"Are you talking to Apollo via your mind?" the god of time asked, receiving a nod from Artemis

"Can you put it on autodrive for a little bit?" Artemis asked Apollo, "It's something really important. I'll owe you one"

Apollo seemed to have said something obnoxious because Artemis rolled her eyes, "look, I don't have much time to explain. But please just come"

"Tell him I'll go to a strip club with him" Perseus suggested. Artemis eyes widened in shock as she mouthed a 'What?!'

"Just do it. This is much more important than going to a strip club with your brother" the god of tides said

"Percy says he'll go to a strip club with you if you-" Artemis couldn't finish her sentence, because a flash appeared right before the couple

"Finally you'll come with me to a strip club! I've been waiting for this moment for so long, ever since I found out that my bro is actually kind of cool. I mean, no offense Artemis, but Percy here is clearly the light of your relationship. See what I did there?" Apollo told excitedly

The goddess of the hunt grabbed her twin by the ear, pulling him in the process and earning yells of complains, "listen here you big fiery ball of gas, this is the only chance I have to save my son and finally have a family. So shut up, be serious, and do everything I say no questions asked"

Apollo's eyes widened, "We're going to save my nephew?"

"yes, but we gotta hurry up" Perseus said

"Of course. So what's the plan?" Apollo asked

"I was thinking about just going in there ourselves without much banter. We're three very powerful gods, we gotta use that to our advantage. Plus, we have you Apollo for distance combat and healing, Percy here for close hand-in-hand and sword combat, and me as a mix of the two. So whatever we may encounter, we can do it" Artemis said confidently

"No foreplay, just go in, got it" Apollo smirked

Artemis hit him over the head, "Stop joking, but yes. Now hold my hand"

Perseus: God of tides and childhoodWhere stories live. Discover now