Insolent people

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The goddess of the hunt stared incredulously at her twin. She knew that her twin had no capability to lie, but it still seemed impossible that 200 years had passed.

"That's impossible Apollo" Artemis exclaimed "I was only gone for a couple of hours"

Apollo looked at her twin in much detail, trying to figure out where the lie was. When he couldn't detect one, he proceeded to grab her hand and lead her to his palace.

"Where are we going?" Artemis asked

"To my palace, I'm going to run some tests" Apollo replied pulling her with him. The fast pace made the already tired Artemis have a hard time following her excited twin, but she still met his steps.

Once at the palace, Apollo told Artemis to sit down in a comfortable in order for him to run a couple of tests. These varied from standard pressure measuring, ichor tests, height, and weight. Once all the basic and standard tests were done, and they're not being any abnormality, he began the neurological questions.

"Where were you these past 200 years?"

"I was at an island, but it only seemed like a couple of hours passed." The machine that was connected to Artemis turned the green light, meaning that it was a real memory, not a false perception of reality. This confused Apollo even further.

"Where is this island?" Apollo asked.

Artemis began to think, but her mind just came out blank. How had she arrived at Percy's island? She remembered going to hunt through many islands and then suddenly appearing on that strange one. There was no weird light, no weird feeling, she just appeared on it. Even if she couldn't remember how she ended up on the island, something deep inside of her told her that she would be able to return.

"I don't know" Artemis replied as a green light appeared in the machine. The god of medicine face turned sour in confusion.

"What do you mean you don't know?"

Artemis shrugged her shoulders, "I just appeared there. I'm as confused as you are Apollo"

The sun god began to think deeply about the possibilities of this scenario. It only made sense that she had actually arrived at the island and that somehow the time there was slowed down, but that wasn't possible, was it? In order for that to happen, there would need to be an external force acting on the unknown island slowing down time. This force might also be the reason why Artemis didn't know how she got there.

In order for there to be an external force upon the island, there would need to be something on the island that the force would want to protect. Or maybe, there was something on the island that the force didn't want outside of it. Another possibility would be that something on the island was actually slowing down time, making whoever lands on it a prisoner.

"Was there anybody else on the island?"

"No" Artemis replied a little too quickly. The machine beeped a red light, signaling that a lie was just told.

Apollo looked at Artemis' eyes, "Don't lie to me. Was there anybody else on the island?"

Artemis sighed in defeat, "yes, but I won't tell you his name because you might hurt him"

"Him? It's a guy?"

"Yes. He lived on the island alone, but he doesn't pose as a threat. Believe me, I would be the first one to do something against him if he was a threat"

Apollo contemplated the response his sister gave him. The guy that lived in that mysterious island could be a threat to Olympus and his sister. It was also true that Artemis was very cautious when it came to men, and if she said that the man posed no threat, then who was he to doubt her?

Perseus: God of tides and childhoodWhere stories live. Discover now