Nebraskan Motel

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The rescue team, consisting of Perseus and Hector, stood stuck in the middle of rural Nebraska. Miles and miles of corn surrounded them, with the nearest person probably miles away. It turned out that some technical difficulties made the Perseus train to damage itself, stopping the quest for a while.

Perseus led the way to the nearest barn, or at least the minimal sign of civilization they could find. Hector, trailing not so far behind, walked with his arms crossed and shivering from the cold.

"How the fuck are these plants still alive in this cold?! Such a great life, staying still and waiting for a farmer to take your fruit. I wish I was corn" Hector muttered

"Then it seems today could be your lucky day," A woman said behind him. An average height blonde woman with brown eyes stood studying the teen.

Perseus, noticing that his son had not kept up, turned around to scold him. But, when he did, the face of a curious goddess of the harvest was met.

"Now, what are your names and what are you doing in my plantation?" Demeter glared at the two males

Hector bowed, showing respect to his superior, "Lady Demeter, it is truly an honor to be in your presence. Your beauty truly exceeds its reputation"

Ignoring the boy, Deméter continued to glare at the god of tides, who stood paralyzed in front of her.

"Well? Are you going to pay your respect to me or shall I turn you into one of these corn plants?" Demeter told Perseus

"I do not have to bow to a fellow god Demeter" Perseus calmly said

Demeter's eyebrows furrowed, "God? Who are you?"

"I'm Perseus" he simply replied

"Never have I heard of you. Are you a minor god? If so, where does your allegiance lie?" Demeter questioned the god of tides

"I'm not an Olympian, but I don't know if I'm a minor god. I'll say I am a minor god just because. As to my allegiance, I stand with my family"

"And who is your family?"

Perseus smiled, "why Olympus of course. My two parents are Olympians and all my friends are part of the council"

Demeter let out a breath she did not realize she was holding, "good. What are you doing here Perseus, especially with a camper? You surely know this is against ancient laws."

"Hector here was on a solo quest, and I being the good person I am, decided to help him. However, before you burst an ovary, technically I found a loophole in the law which enables me to help Hector here" Perseus kicked Hector, who was still bowing, "get up already"

Demeter glared at the god of tides, "and what is this loophole that you're talking about?"

"Simple, Hector is still a child, and one of my domains is childhood. Therefore, I am just making my domain and charge stays in order" Perseus grinned

"I still don't trust you," Demeter said

"Oh please! I get it, Persephone is away and you're lonely, boohoo. That doesn't mean the rest of us men are like the little king of goths there. Gods, who would say that you're not the manhater. At this point Artemis seems to be more of a normal woman than you" Perseus joked, pushing the buttons of Demeter.

"Don't you compare me to her! I have children of my own while she only has that group of lesbians!" Demeter yelled angrily, feeling insulted with the words that Perseus had just thrown at her.

Hector suddenly became enraged, "I dare you, goddess, speak one more word about Artemis and you'll regret it"

As the goddess was about to reply, a growl from behind her made her turn around. Right in front of her stood a mountain lion, growling in hunger and showing its shiny and sharp fangs. Demeter, truly afraid of the animal, backed away until she was behind the two males.

Perseus: God of tides and childhoodWhere stories live. Discover now