The big L

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Perseus winced in pain as the auburn haired goddess rubbed some sort of lotion on his legs. Burning was a new sensation for the young god, and as far as he was concerned, it was not one which he wanted to repeat ever again. Yes he had gotten sunburned before, it was inevitable when he lived on such an island.

But being burned was different than sunburned. Not only it ached, it made the skin actually blister and become, for a lack of a better word, gross. Just watching his legs made Perseus want to puke. The yellow pus flowed from the big red bubbles of pain. Then there were some parts with his leg being some sort of 'brownish' or 'blackish' tone, which only meant that it had more contact with the fire than the others.

All in all, Perseus' legs looked like the mess of the century. If he had been a mortal, his recovery would be based on an amputation and the therapy that comes after that. Thankfully, Perseus was a god, a strong god at that. He could manage the pain with great ease.

Or so Artemis thought. As soon as she began to rub the lotion on his leg, Perseus screamed and convulsed as if he was being killed in the most painful way in existence. The goddess got very scared, but soon realized that her friend was just making a big show out of his pain. She stopped rubbing the lotion and just put her hand very close to his skin, yet he still cried and screamed.

"Oh shut up, I'm not doing anything" Artemis said irritated. As soon as her words came out, Perseus opened his eyes wide and blushed in embarrassment. And so, as Artemis rubbed the lotion on his legs while Perseus only winced in his pain.

After about twenty minutes of treating his burns, the goddess of the hunt went on to prepare food for the both of them. The only problem was that she had no idea how to make any of the foods that were on the kitchen, aside from pasta, and being honest, she wasn't in a mood for that.

"Hey Perseus, how do you cook these frozen pizza's"? Artemis asked from the kitchen.

Perseus tried to move towards the kitchen but was unable to put any weight on the lower side of his body. "You just follow the instructions on the carton. There's a microwave in the kitchen" he yelled from the sofa he was laying on.

"What's a microwave?"

"It's like a metal box with numbers. You just put the number the carton indicates and press enter. Then, at that time, the pizza will be ready"

"Got it. It couldn't have been that hard if you were able to do it" Artemis smirked at her comment, not really caring if her friend could not see her face.

"Hey! I'm only average intelligence, not stupid"

Artemis went from the kitchen and sat on the couch, putting Perseus head on her thighs. "That was before I arrived here. Now that it's only us, you're below the average intelligence by default"

Perseus frowned and replied "shit that's true"

"Of course it's true, my logic never fails" Artemis said as she groomed Perseus short hair. Being wavy and very unruly, it was very hard to groom. She was never a fan of how he styled his hair, or rather the lack of style he had. Not being on the outside world surely had an effect on his physical self.

Perseus looked up and met Artemis silver eyes. He loved how her hand felt on his head and he wished she never stopped playing with his hair.

"Thank you" he said as he looked seriously at Artemis

"Why are you thanking me?"

"Because you're taking care of me. You could've left when you first came here you returned. You could've left yesterday yet you chose to help me with my domains and everything. And even now, you're taking care of me in this situation. Been here alone all my life has really made me kind of strong headed, or so I like to believe. I thought that I didn't need anybody to survive. And that was true, I didn't need anybody to survive.

Perseus: God of tides and childhoodWhere stories live. Discover now