Head injury

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As always, the game of capture the flag was an easy win for the hunters of Artemis. In around 25 minutes, the hunters had managed to get rid of all the defenses and had taken the campers flag. Zoë Nightshade, the lieutenant of the hunters, was the one who had grabbed onto the flag and who was running towards their side of the field.

The Hermes Cabin tried to put on a fight with their speed, but the hunters were just too good of archers to be beaten purely from the ground. The Apollo cabin tried to stop the archers, but they failed their task yet again.

There was only one little boy who managed to delay the hunters passing the division. The brown-auburn haired seven year old stood with his bow in hand, his eyes glaring at the girl running at him. He shot around five arrows, all able to slow down the girl enough for her to be in a close enough range for him to use a sword.

Noticing that the boy had taken out his sword, Zoë Nightshade put the flag on the pocket of her pant, taking both of her silver daggers for the fight. Both competitors glared at each other, daring the other to make the first move. After around ten seconds, the lieutenant of the hunt decided to attack the young boy. He defended himself fairly well with his sword, making contact with both of Zoë's daggers and dodging the attacks of the lieutenant of the hunt.

During the fight, Zoë Nightshade managed to take the helmet off the brave boy. At this action, the boy growled and began to fight with even more fury. As hard as he tried, the physical situation of the seven year old boy made it very difficult to fend against a well trained 14-year old. Even as he was losing, the boy did not give up or lower his intensity, something which bothered the hunter.

The boy continued to defend himself against the attacks he received, getting very tired. Suddenly, the seven year old was hit in the head with a metal bat, making him lose consciousness and begin to bleed uncontrollably.

Behind him stood Agnes, a hunter of Artemis older than Zoë Nightshade herself, with a bloody metal bat in hand. The lieutenant of the hunt looked at her fellow hunter in shock and slight disgust, as her comrade had just hit a seven year old in the back of his head, possibly killing him.

"Hey, boy" Zoë began to poke at the little boy, receiving no response.

Campers and hunters alike gathered around the scene, calling a silent truce to stop fighting while they dealt with the serious matter.

"Is that Hector?" "I told him he shouldn't have played" "is he ok?" "Who would do something like that to a kid?" "Somebody help him" the campers said all at once, taking part of private conversations all covering the topic of the little unconscious seven year old.

The crowd began to part as a frantic Artemis ran towards the scene. When her eyes landed on Hector, her face quickly changed to desperation. She made her way to the unconscious kid, taking his vitals and making sure he was still alive. Then, she looked up to see the hunter who had done such a cowardly act.

"Agnes, did you do this?" Artemis asked in a low voice, scaring the gods out of everyone present at the scene

"Y-yes Milady" Agnes muttered

"Go to my cabin and wait for your punishment. I do not wish to see your face right now. And pray to anybody that he comes fairly unharmed from this, or there will be Hades to pay. No go" the hunter stood paralyzed in shock. "Are you deaf or are you stupid? GO TO MY CABIN NOW" Artemis yelled

The hunter ran towards the silver cabin, not looking at her mistress in fear of being killed where she stood. All onlookers backed away from the fury that the goddess of the hunt radiated. Artemis picked the boy up in her arms and walked towards the infirmary, with Chiron trailing right behind her.

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