Sun in the sky

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The teachings of the divine world have made many mortals and demigods to think that the gods are being that do not engage in petty fighting. They are higher beings that are serious and only care for their domains. However, this not be farther from the truth.

The campers that had engaged in the mission in Maine witnessed this first-hand. They had stumbled upon the hunters of Artemis and Artemis herself, along with a rogue camper. After some time, the goddess Artemis decided to call her brother and ask him to give the demigods and her hunters a lift to Camp Half-Blood. The group waited for a while, as the god of the sun was unusually lazy during the wintertime.

As the sun chariot descended from the sky, everyone (except for Artemis) shielded their eyes from the vehicle. When they opened their eyes, they were greeted with a sports car instead of a traditional chariot. The door of the car opened, revealing a late-teenage boy with blonde hair and shades. He wore a tank top and some shorts, really unusual considering the fact that it was winter. 

The presence of the sun god did not have much effect on the hunters, but the campers stood paralyzed at the sight of the god. Especially the black-haired demigoddess, her cheeks blushed a deep crimson red, as she tried to cover her blush with her hands. 

"Little sister! You never call, you never write, I was getting worried" The god opened his arms as if he were about to give his twin a big hug

"I literally called you yesterday Apollo. And I'm not your little sister" the goddess of the hunt grumbled

"I'm older than you"

"We're twins! How many millennia do we have to have to argue-"

Apollo put his hand up, making his sister stop her speech, "Wait, I feel a haiku coming up"

"Green grass breaks through snow

Artemis pleads for my help

I am so cool" Apollo bowed, expecting for the demigods and hunters to applaud

"That last verse was only four syllables," Artemis said

"Was it?"

"Yes, how about you change it to 'I am so dim-witted'?"

"No, no, that's six syllables" Apollo continued to think about an alternative for the final verse of his haiku while the lieutenant of the hunt described since when Apollo had such a fascination with haikus.

"I got it! 'I am so awesome' There, five syllables" Apollo looked very proud of himself as scattered applause resounded from the multitude "So what's up? Do the girls need some archery tips from the god of archery?"

Artemis glared at the god "No Apollo. I wanted to ask you to give my hunters and some of Chiron campers a lift to Camp Half-Blood"

"Oh, sure. Let's see who we have here" Apollo pointed towards the black haired dmigodess, "You're Thalia right?"

"Yes Lord Apollo" Thalia said blushing

"Daughter of Zeus, which makes you my little sister. You were also a tree, but now you're not. Thank gods, I hate when pretty girls get turned into trees" Apollo continued to talk, oblivious to the face Artemis made as she got reminded of Daphne, the girl that was tormented so much by her brother that she had no other choice but to beg to be turned into a tree. 

"You're Alex" Apollo stayed some seconds looking directly into the Son of Poseidon's eyes "Be careful with those prophecies"

Apollo then walked towards the hunters, looking at them with fake lust as they threw their most disgusted looks towards him. When he turned to his twin, Apollo noticed the boy who ws standing behind Artemis, but apart from everyone at the same time. The boy looked familiar to Apollo, but he oculd not place who the individual was, no matter how hard he tried.

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