Destruction at sea

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The Titan War had unofficially begun the same year in which Alex Pond arrived to Camp Half-Blood; the same year that Luke Castellan betrayed his home and affiliated himself with Kronos. The following years would be very eventful, with the poisoning of Thalia's tree, Artemis being trapped under the sky, and the Battle of the Labyrinth, there wasn't one year in which demigods could experience peace. In fact, during the last summer, almost every demigod had been issued unofficial quests in order to fight monsters and hopefully delay the titan final uprising.

During one of those summers, the demigod Alex Pond accidentally made the Mt. Saint Helens explode. With this "harmless explosion", the most destructive force of all the war was unleashed upon the world. His name was Typhon, the son of Gaea and father of all monsters. His power was astronomical and his drive to destroy Olympus was even bigger.

A great number of the Olympians took it upon themselves to fight such a being. Even if they were very egocentric and idealistic, the gods knew that the demigods were no match for the literal Father of all monsters. Amongst these Olympians were Zeus, Athena, Ares, Apollo, Artemis, Hermes, Hephaestus, and surprisingly Dionysus. However, even with all of their forces together, Typhon was just too powerful for them to be able to defeat by themselves. They needed some extra help, especially help that took the form of someone with full control of the oceans.

Unfortunately for them, the god of the sea, Poseidon, was currently battling his own wave of attacks on his kingdom. Atlantis, the kingdom of the sea, was being attacked by Oceanus forces. Poseidon couldn't leave his post because if he did, then his kingdom and strength would be forever lost. This meant that as much as he wished to aid the Olympians and his son on the surface, he would need to deal with his fair share of attacks.

He had fended the attacks for weeks now, but the number of his forces seemed to just decrease by the hour, and the attacks didn't seem to stop. At this rate, he would have no kingdom to look over to. Poseidon couldn't allow this to happen, after all, his kingdom was the only thing he had. His loyal subjects, who were literally giving their lives for their home, deserved a better end, they deserved to live longer lives.

The lord of the seas did not know what else to do. He couldn't ask the Olympians for help, and he couldn't sacrifice more than he already had. At the same time, he knew that the Olympians needed help to defeat Typhoon. His brain was in turmoil, many big decisions having to be made in a short amount of time. Wether or not to stay, that was his biggest dilemma.

"Sir, infantry 75 has fallen" a messenger came swimming towards the god.

Poseidon cletchened his fist and closed his eyes. That was the second infantry that had fallen in just a day.

"Tell the soldiers stationed west and north to retreat" Poseidon ordered

"What about those on the East and South?"

"They can endure a little more. Keep me updated" the merman bowed and swam away fast, leaving Poseidon alone in his chaotic throne room.

The lord of the seas rubbed his temple, the stress of the war already getting to him.

"Milord, there is an intruder that wishes to speak with you. He claims to be your son" a merman with brown hair told Poseidon from the entrance of the room.

Poseidon looked up, "did he tell you his name? Is it Alexander?"

"No sir, he didn't seem mortal. He held a godly aura" Poseidon nodded

"Very well, send him in"

"a-are you sure milord? What if it's a Oceanus spy?" the merman stuttered

"Then I will deal with him accordingly. Send him in at once"


"NOW" Poseidon raged at the insubordination. The merman quickly bowed and swam away.

Perseus: God of tides and childhoodWhere stories live. Discover now