World War recap

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Every year, the Olympian gods have two meetings called the Solstice meetings. These meeting are the most important of Olympus; one which is celebrated on the summer solstice and the other is celebrated on the winter. Attendance is mandatory for all Olympians, and if it is not complied by, then the god who had been absent would suffer a great punishment. Last time it happened was when Dionysus kindly ignored the meetings due to a personal reason, and he was sentenced to 50 years without consuming alcohol.

However, this solstice meeting was supposed to be far more important than a usual one. This is due to a main event happening, the end of the Second World War, or how many gods liked to call it, the petty demigod Great War 5.0.

Many of the Olympians arrived alone at the meeting, simply flashing on their thrones and wait patiently for the meeting to begin. Some others chose to walk in by themselves or with some other god by their side. The twin Olympians were no exception to this, always choosing to keep each other's company as they entered the throne room.

Every year was the same. They would meet up in front of Apollo's palace and walk together to the throne room, talking about recent events or simply fighting about nonsense. Still, even if they fought the whole way, walking together to the throne room has become a tradition much too sacred to be broken.

Artemis waited patiently for her brother outside of his palace. Fifteen minutes had gone by and she was getting very impatient, tapping her foot on the floor and checking her internal clock to check the time. Apollo was never the most punctual god, and much less in the winter. Due to this, Artemis knew that she had to wait a little more time for her brother to arrive. Worst case scenario, they arrive late for the meeting and she would kill Apollo.

"Nice of you to show up Apollo" Artemis said as she saw her brother come out of his palace. He was wearing some long pants that reached all the way to his belly button, a long sleeve shirt with a sweater on top and a hello tie. The goddess of the hunt had no doubt that this decade had been one of the blandest in terms of fashion, and she wasn't even a gal that paid much attention to it.

"Sorry, I was just getting ready. Tying a tie is still so hard, they should invent some sort of clip, just so you can put it on fast and it won't choke you"

"Over fifty years have passed since they were invented, let it go"

"I'll let it go when they invent my clip-on tie idea"

Artemis rolled her eyes "alright alright, lets just get going to the meeting"

The two of them began to walk towards the throne room, talking about Apollo's recent love conquest and about the hunt's life. Out of nowhere, Apollo put his hand on Artemis shoulder, forcing her into a full stop.

"What are you doing Apollo? We're going to be really late"

"I know about your plan to tell our family about your marriage today, but today is not the day, trust me. I would want nothing more than for you to be happy with your husband and walk together around Olympus, but just don't do it until it's absolutely necessary."

Artemis tried to check any insecurity or lies in Apollo's reason, but she couldn't find any. "Why can't I tell them today?"

"My oracle has just received the next Great Prophecy, and it has to do with him. I'm going to tell the council another version just so-"

Artemis grabbed Apollo's shoulders "Apollo that's crazy! Don't do anything harsh, and don't lie about a prophecy! You know what father will do if he finds out"

"But he won't find out if you don't tell him"

The goddess of the hunt stayed staring at her brother, until she sighed in defeat. "I promise I won't tell him, or anybody for that matter"

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