Rescue plan

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Winter in New York is a magical time for the average child. The snow makes it possible for children to make snowmen in Central Park, there is no school, and it is close to Christmas so they behave well in anticipation of a present. For the adults, it is like any other season with the exception that it's really cold.

The two beings that awaited in front of the Toys R Us, however, were neither adults or children. In all senses, the two gods were the definition of a manchild. The perfect (or horrible) combination between children and adults, but also being immortal.

The blonde-haired god stood unaffected by the cold, with only a light jacket to blend in with the rest of the people in the city. He stood drinking an orange juice, his eyes following every attractive female that passed by him.

To his right stood the other god, his black hair covering most of his forehead, but not long enough for his green eyes to be covered. He stood sipping a hot chocolate, wearing at least two heavy-duty coats. He glared at Apollo, his mind full of anger.

"This is the Toys R Us in Manhattan right?" Apollo asked the god beside him

"Unless there is another awesome store with tons of toys and a Ferris wheel inside it in Manhattan, then yes, this is it," Perseus said

"What time is it?"

"8:07" Perseus replied without skipping a beat

"How'd you know that?"

"God of time"

Apollo nodded in understanding. "How much longer are we going to stand here? This coat is making me hotter than I usually am" he asked

"Until nine-thirty if necessary. If he doesn't arrive at that time, we will have to do the work without him. And don't even think about complaining about the weather, I'm the one freezing to death here" Perseus sipped his hot chocolate, trembling uncontrollably

"You can't die"

"Sometimes I wish I could. That way I could start over with everyone and nobody would be mad at me" Perseus sighed

Apollo, sensing the distress his brother-in-law felt, threw away his orange juice and proceeded to stand in front of him.

"Dude, tell me what's troubling you. Remember that I'm the god of medicine, and psychiatry is a branch of medicine, so I might be able to help you." Apollo grabbed Perseus shoulder

Perseus sighed, looking deep into the eyes of Apollo, "I don't know how Artmemks feels towards me anymore, and it's killing me, especially considering that one of my domains is feelings. Besides that, the whole situation of my wife being in danger and my son coming here to help us rescue her, it's almost too much to comprehend. Even after we rescue her, I don't know what the fates might have in store for us. Will I be able to tell my son who I really am? Will Artemis take me back? There are so many questions I have"

Apollo nodded and hugged his friend. Perseus stiffened, not used to any male having much physical contact with him.

"I know it's a lot in your mind right now, but try to do everything day by day. Don't rush too much into the future, enjoy the moment. Tomorrow will arrive at its time, but it will not be useful if you don't make today count" Apollo told breaking off the hug

"Thanks, Apollo"

"I'm not done. I diagnose you with ADHD, Depression, anxiety, personality disorder, bipolar disorder, and if my vision is correct, you'll soon have PTSD. Your medication is listed here, go to your nearest pharmacy when it is most convenient with your busy schedule. The therapy session and prescription will give us a total of 80,000 drachmas, but with the special family discount, it'll only be 70,000" Apollo put his hand in front of him, moving his fingers in a give me money motion.

Perseus: God of tides and childhoodWhere stories live. Discover now