Pirate sword

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Four and a half months had passed since the son of Artemis finally reunited with his parents and grandmother, and those four months had been spent entirely on training. There had been no time for happy relaxing times between the newfound family. It was no secret that the Titan Army had been growing in both strength and size, meaning that a bloody war was inevitable. Having this in mind, Hector trained as hard as he could, wanting to help his demigod friends. The son of Artemis and his patron knew that the big battle in New York was going to happen no mater how much they tried to stop it.

While demigods at Camp Half-Blood battled against the monsters that came out of the labyrinth, the son of Perseus kept on training. While demigods were blowing up the Princess Andromeda, Hector was studying, trying to find a way to get rid of Kronos once and for all.

Apollo and Artemis knew that they couldn't keep the secret of the prophecy much longer. The truth would come out soon, as the prophecy would be completed in the following month. August 7th, the birthday of Hector would be when the prophecy would be completed. If only he had been born a day later, then they could've just passed the prophecy as referring to the Son of Poseidon. But there was no way now, the secret would be out, and everyone would know what the prophecy really said.

The Letoids talked it over for a while, reaching to the conclusion that they should tell Hector of his fate. It was only fair that he knew of his end.

The twins knocked on the door of Hera's house in Massachusetts. Around twenty seconds passed without and answer, making the Goddess of the moon grow in desperation. Artemis knocked the door again, hearing some noice coming from the inside and reaching to the conclusion that whoever was inside would be quick to open the door.

"Who is it and what do you want?" A boy asked from inside

"We're Artemis and Apollo, and we came here to talk to Hector" The moon goddess replied.

Shuffling was heard from outside the house, and soon enough the door was open. Grabbing the door was Hector, who had grown around four inches in those four months. His smile still held a slight mirth, which was very unusual to see in the past few months in the face of any member of the Greek Pantheon.

"Why are you here mom?" Hector asked. Apollo looked sternly at his nephew, "...and Uncle Apollo"

"We need to talk about something extremely important, but nobody aside from us three can know about it, alright?" Artemis said hurriedly

Hector looked back to the inside of the house, "Grandma is here and I can't leave without her permission."

"Then let us speak with her. This conversation cannot be delayed any longer" Artemis said, stepping forward and into the house. Apollo followed his sister, leaving Hector to close the door and run after them.

"Wait! She's taking a nap" Hector tried to stop his mother and uncle from disturbing his patron's sleep.

Artemis looked into Hector's eyes, "Then we're going to wake her up"

"What? No!" the son of Artemis said loudly as Artemis continued her way into the master bedroom.

Apollo put a hand on Hector's shoulder "Dude, this is really important. Let your mom do what she needs to do"

The two males entered the master room, watching as Artemis approached the sleeping Queen of Olympus.

"Hera" Artemis shook the goddess, earning a groan in return. "Heraaa"

The Queen of Olympus didn't move. Instead, the goddess of marriage began to snore loudly, making the god of the sun chuckle from behind his sister.

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