Cracked a head open

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Time is a very complex subject. To explain its course is a fairly easy task, that is until the fact that it flows differently in two places is taken into account. If we were talking that decades passed in the natural world, it would be implying that centuries have passed in the island, but at the same time only few minutes have passed.

It's all subject to the point of view of who we are talking about. It would take a whole book just to explain the logic behind time alteration between places, and that is not where the priority is at.

Five hundred years had passed in Artemis perception of time. Five hundred years of combined friendship and hunt quests. Five hundred years of getting to know her friend in a deeper level. But most importantly, five hundred years of Artemis breaking down her barriers and allowing herself to feel as a woman is born to do.

Although five hundred years had passed in Artemis perception, only around two hundred had passed in the natural world. The world had changed much since the eighteenth century Spanish colonial era. The flame of the west had moved the Greek pantheon to the United States, making it the first time the gods had moved outside of Europe. Her domains had strengthened as there were many forest for the hunt to manifest itself, and even though the forest were being cut down, many national parks were protected by the central government, which made her important to their society.

During the five hundred years that Artemis had passed, she and Percy became even closer than best friends. They told each other everything, joked about everything, and even cooked each other meals. Artemis had taken Percy under her wing and began to teach him all about their world. The boy already knew the basic things, but many other important details and deities were left out from his mental encyclopedia.

From titans to dryads, Percy learnt the name of every being and it's role in the world. He learnt that Apollo was very annoying, that Athena was also very annoying, and that Zeus was the kind of dad who would give Artemis everything.

When he learnt about his parents, Perseus could not help but feel mad at them. He was the first son of both of them, yet they had forgotten about him as soon as he was banished. The god of tides constantly asked Artemis to let him know if his parents ever talked about him or made any effort to try to contact him. As time passed by, he got used to the negative response his friend always seemed to carry.

As a thanks towards Artemis for teaching him all about their world, Percy decided to teach Artemis all about the technology he possessed. The way he explained everything was fairly interesting, but nothing compared to the lessons Artemis gave him.

In every story Artemis told Perseus about the Greek heroes, he noticed how all of them used a weapon. Recalling even further, he noticed that every deity had some sort of weapon that helped them in their task, or simply for self defense. Even Artemis had her bow and her hunting knives.

And so, Perseus decided that he should try to get a weapon for himself. At first, Artemis lent him her bow to figure out if he would be using a long range or a short range weapon. After Percy successfully shot Artemis (who was standing behind him) in the calve, they both decided that it would be a much better idea for him to obtain a short range weapon. He tried knives, machetes, scythes, but in the end, the good old sword was the weapon for him.

After obtaining a weapon, Artemis and Percy began to train every day for around three hours minimum. They both improved greatly, giving advice to the other so it could be an even harder fight the next time. In less than ten years, both of the gods were killing machines. Nothing could stop them except each other, but that didn't seem to have any plans on occurring.

Since Artemis had returned that third time, the both of them had been more aware of each other's feelings. Even though officially they were only best friends, they both knew that they were already in a relationship. The affection was very present, it was noticeable that they were 'something'.

Perseus: God of tides and childhoodWhere stories live. Discover now