A simple decision

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As he watched the impatient eyes of Hector, daring him to answer his question, Perseus' mind went completely blank for the first time in his life. He felt like he was in no control of his thoughts or body whatsoever like he was just a spirit that happened to exist. He couldn't think about what his response should be, he couldn't even think about opening his mouth. The god of time could only see the eyes of his son looking at him furiously, with a hidden disappointment shinning from them.

"You can't even admit it right after I confronted you about it. After I read you the letter YOU wrote, you still can't say it" Hector's eyes began to water, full thick tears falling from his cheeks.

Perseus couldn't respond. He wanted to hug his son and tell him everything. His regret filled his heart and mind every single day, and he wanted nothing more than to become a good dad. However, the opportunity to do that was passing right before his eyes, and his stupid body would not respond to his pleads.

"I can't believe it. All this time you knew I was searching for my parent, I even asked you about it, and you chose not to say anything. You knew how important it was for me, yet you went on like you didn't know anything." Hector was full on crying, "I hate you"

Those were the last words Hector said to Perseus in their journey. Soon after those words were said, the teenager opened the door of the van and got off. He then ran off to the frozen woods, the silhouette of the once happy child vanishing from the view.

All Perseus could do was stare. His heart pounding loudly. Dundun, dundun. The sound of his pumps filled his ears. It was all too surreal. There was no way this had happened.

"It was your decision" a voice told from behind.

Standing in their mighty selves, the three fates stared intensely into the god's eyes.

"What was my decision?" Perseus asked

"Everything" the three fates said in unison.

"May you stop being creepy as hell and just tell me?" The god of time yelled at the fates, not caring if they smited him for the disrespect.

The fates didn't respond. Instead, Clotho, who was standing in the middle, walked towards Perseus. She stood really close to him, barely a few inches away. The fate examined the face of the god, who was looking at her with his face showing how scared he really was.

Right as he was about to ask what she was doing, Clotho put her index finger on Perseus forehead. Upon contact, the god of tides eyes rolled backwards, his body plummeted, and his mind lost control.

A vision of a black haired boy with green eyes came into the mind of Perseus. The boy looked very similar to the god, almost identical even. It was like looking into a less attractive, younger and mortal version of himself.

The boy was on top of a big dam, probably Hoover dam. Usually, kids would be either bored or excited being at such a big and interesting place...but the boy showed neither of those feelings. Stress was all Perseus could see in his eyes, the eyes of a person who fears for his life.

Soon the image started to swirl, switching into the image of a known Aphrodite camper. Silena Beauregard, who he had brought to Camp
Half-Blood just a couple of years prior, sat on her bed. She too seemed concerned for something or someone. Her hands were pressed together and her eyes were shut. Silena murmured unintelligible words, being said so quick and in such a low volume that only she knew what was being said. Suddenly, the teenager opened her eyes, showing the red evidence of recent tears.

The world began to change once again, this time showing a very beautiful woman. She was somewhat tall and wore a peacock feather scarf, or some clothing accessory of resemblance. Her eyebrows showed distress, and her sweaty forehead just confirmed the fact. From the look of her surroundings, it was obvious that the woman had money and a position of power. The woman was facing a crystal ball, a ball that showed images on the inside.

Perseus: God of tides and childhoodWhere stories live. Discover now