The truth comes out

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The Winter Solstice meeting of 2007 was one of the worst in all of Olympian History. The atmosphere surrounding every throne was thick and heavy like a gas-like syrup forced the gods to stay in their seats. In addition to the twelve Olympians, four individuals stood in the center of the throne room, waiting for their fates to be decided.

"Now that we're all present, I would like to propose that the council meeting start. But first, we should make a role call. Hera," Zeus said in his diplomatic way

"Present and voting" Hera told. So on and so forth, all the Olympians stayed their presence and their willingness to vote on the meeting matters.

"Alright. Now that we are all present here, does anyone have any points or motions to present?" Zeus asked.

Athena and Apollo raised their hands.

"Athena" Zeus motioned to the goddess of the wisdom

"Motion for a Moderated Caucus" Athena smiled

"That is in order. Apollo?"

"Point of personal privilege. Can I go scratch my buttho- I mean can I go outside and tend to my business?" Apollo said hurriedly

"Why couldn't you do that before the meeting started?" Zeus asked

"I didn't need to do it till now" Apollo blushed

"Fine, but be back quickly" Apollo bowed slightly, diminished his height and ran out the Throne Rooms doors. The gods all shook their heads in disappointment while the three demigods stood dumbfounded in the middle of the room.

"While Apollo is outside tending his business, Athena, may I ask you what the moderated caucus would be concerning?" Zeus turned his head to the wisdom goddess.

Athena stood up, "It would be concerning the actions we as a council should take concerning the lives of the Children of the Big Three who stand in the middle of the throne room"

"I approve of the motion. We may start the moderated caucus once Apollo returns from his personal privilege" Zeus decided

"Excuse me, but may I ask what a moderated caucus is?" Alex Pond, who stood in the middle of the room, asked the Olympians

"It's basically the parliamentary term for a moderated debate" Poseidon answered his son

"Wouldn't that imply that a time limit is in effect?" Annabeth asked confused

"Normally yes. But this is the Olympian council, and we thought that it was ridiculous for gods to have time limits when it came to talking" Athena answered her daughter

"Typical" Perseus coughed, earning a glare from almost every god except for Dionysus, who was sleeping

"What is that supposed to mean punk?" Ares asked, sharpening his spear.

"Oh nothing, just that it's typical for you Olympians to make rules that don't make sense just so that your egos don't get hurt" Perseus shrugged, "and don't call me punk, I'm older than you"

Before Ares could jump out of his throne and attack Perseus, Apollo came back from his trip with a satisfied look on his face. He swiftly grew his godly size and sat on his throne, a wide grin planted on his face.

"Now that Apollo is here, we may proceed with the caucus. Athena, you may go first as you suggested it" Zeus said, completely forgetting what Perseus had said just a few seconds earlier

"Thank you Lord Zeus. Olympians, we are gathered here today as part of our ordinary council meeting. However, not every year do we have two children of the Big Three and a rogue god with us. Their presence only confirms what we had been fearing for many years: the end of our era is near. The prophecy stated that a child of the eldest gods would turn sixteen and that he or she would either save us or doom us. Well, in only a day one of them will turn sixteen, and yet we do not know exactly where her loyalties lie. We should not think of them as children, rather as threats to our safety. That is why I propose that we exterminate the daughter of Zeus and son of Poseidon so that the prophecy at be stopped" Athena finished her speech with a glare at the son of Poseidon

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