War in Manhattan

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A whole day of fighting had passed, and the ongoing battle in Manhattan was proving to be as difficult as the demigods had expected. Even with the help of the Troopers of Athena (formerly known as the Hunters of Artemis), the demigods still suffered a great number of losses. As much and as valiantly as they fought, the titan forces simply outnumbered them by the hundreds. Between the traitorous demigods and all the monsters, the Titan Army was bound to win. They also had no help from the gods, as they were fighting the ever approaching Typhon. In simple words, the demigods seemed to have no chance at winning, and they all knew it. 

Currently, Alexander Pond, Annabeth Chase, and Hector Carib Troy, along with a hellhound, were trying to defeat the Lydian Dragon. A clear sighted mortal named Rachel Dare had told them that it was destined to be killed y a child of Ares, and so no matter how much they tried, they could simply not kill it. Just as they were about to give up, Clarisse LaRue arrived in full armor, along with the rest of the Ares Cabin. 

"Ares!" Clarisse said with a shrilly voice, "Attack!"

The Ares campers were brave. Clarisse was right there in front, stabbing her spear at the drakon's face, trying to put out its other eye. But things started to go wrong as time went by. The drakon was able to snap an Ares kid in half, it knocked aside another, and sprayed poison at a third, who retreated back in panic as his armor melted. 

"We have to help" Annabeth said

The two sea spawns nodded, jumping onto the monster''s back and running towards it's head, trying to get the attention away from Clarisse. 

The Ares cabin threw javelins, most of them which broke, but some were able to lodge themselves in the monster's teeth. As the monster snapped its jaws together, its mouth became a mess of green blood, yellow foamy poison and splintered weapons. 

"You can do it!" Alex screamed at Clarisse. "A child of Ares is destined to kill it!"

Clarisse looked at them and nodded, but there was something different about her. Her blue eyes shone with fear, and everyone knew that psychopath Clarisse never showed fear. Also, Clarisse didn't even have blue eyes. 

"ARES!" she shouted in that strange shrill voice. She leveled her spear and charged the drakon. 

"That's not Clarisse" Hector muttered. "WAIT"

As soon as the Clarisse impostor was about to stab the Lydian Drakon on the face and kill it, the monster spit some venom into the face of "Clarisse". 

She screamed loudly and fell

"Clarisse!" Annabeth jumped off the monster's back and ran to help, while the other Ares campers tried to defend their fallen counselor. 

Hector and Alex fought the drakon with great fury. For several minutes all they did was dodge poison, but they couldn't do any damage to the stupid monster. 

Suddenly, a flying chariot landed on Fifth Avenue. A girl ran towards the scene, her voice filled with grief. 

"NO! Fuck you, WHY?!"

As Hector looked over he saw Clarisse kneeling besides the girl in Clarisse's armor. Her cabin mates were trying to unfasten her helmet, who was smoked with poison. 

"WHY?" The real Clarisse demanded, holding the other girl in her arms while the campers struggled to remove the poison-corroded helmet. 

The drakon turned to Clarisse, baring its fangs at the group that surrounded the dying demigod. Clarisse looked up at the drakon, her face filled with absolute hate. 

"YOU WANT DEATH?" Clarisse screamed at the drakon. "WELL, COME ON!"

She grabbed the spear  from the fallen girl, and without any protection whatsoever, the daughter of Ares engaged in combat with the drakon. Before anybody could assist her, Clarisse jumped onto the monster's face, driving her electric spear into its good eye with so much force it shattered the shaft, releasing all of the magic weapon's power. The creature's head filled with electricity, causing its whole body to shudder. Clarisse then jumped off the drakon, leaving the monster to decompose in agony. In the end, only the exoskeleton of the monster remained, a hollow scaly tunnel of armor. 

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