It ends where it starts

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It was no surprise to anyone when the Northwest team won the World Title by beating the South Korean team a whooping 30-2. Every spectator knew that there were only two reasons why the game was so one-sided: Milo and Chloe Jackson. The only reason why South Korea could do two runs was because Milo Jackson, the main pitcher of the Northwest team, had to rest his shoulder per Little League regulations. If it wasn't for that, the South Korean team would've not been able to make a single run in the whole game.

The twins had put their little northern Idaho town on the map of many baseball fans all around the world. Under normal circumstances, not many people would've paid any attention to the Little League championship. But this wasn't a normal circumstance, not by far. Never since its opening season in 1939 had the Little League seen such an open score in a championship.

Everyone rooting for the Northwest team was ecstatic. The players were the happiest they would probably ever be (not realizing that they would peak at 12 years old), the parents were unbelievably proud of their sons, and the coaches were happy for the accomplishment of their students. The South Korean team and their parents were proudly ashamed...they were proud to have gotten to the championship and be the second best team in the world, but they were also ashamed of the score.

The Northwest team parents had decided to celebrate with a good old pizza party in the nearest Italian restaurant. The children deserved that much after such an accomplishment.

The parents were all taking pictures of their children with the trophy. From individual pictures to group pictures, all the way to the mandatory white people silly pose picture, the kids were all too happy to even bother with complaining. In the middle of taking all the pictures, Artemis was thinking about a certain brother of hers who was waiting outside. She had promised him that she would explain everything to him, but she didn't really want to do that. However, she knew that she should not lie to her own brother. She had always told him the truth, and he never really did anything to screw her over, so there was no reason why she should lie to him.

Although she needed to come up front with her brother and Atalanta (which would've probably be accompanied with the rest of the troopers), Artemis did not want to put her kids in the middle of everything. The least they knew of the world, the more they could keep enjoying a normal childhood. Once they were eighteen years old, she and Percy would tell them all about the greek world and all the incest that comes with it. But for now, they were happy, and that's all that mattered.

"Sharon, could you take Milo and Chloe to the pizza place? Me and Percy have to do something and we'll probably arrive 20 minutes late." Artemis asked the mom of one of the children.

"Don't you worry Artemis. I have plenty of space in my minivan, and I doubt Ethan will mind." Sharon, a white, blonde middle-aged woman replied.

"Thank you so much, and sorry for the bother"

"Oh you're good!" Sharon dismissed Artemis with her hand. "Milo and Chloe are probably one of the best behaved children I've met."

"At least they behave like that around other people. When they're home, they both turn into savages and begin to fight over the most little things!" Artemis laughed in her fake white mom laugh.

"That's how siblings are." Sharon chuckled as she put away her phone. "I'll text you the address as soon as we get to the pizza place."

"I would really appreciate that. Thank you so much!"

"It's really no problem!" Sharon said, walking away towards her son.

"Mom!" Artemis heard her son yell.

"There's my little champion!" Artemis said, hugging her son. "I'm so proud of you."

"Thank you mom. Did you see that curve ball in the fourth inning?! That guy didn't know what just happened!"

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