Attacked by a goddess

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The daughter of Athena sat right besides her best friend, the forbidden son of the goddess Artemis with an unknown god. She knew that Hector was very able to take care of himself, but there were so many people looking for him that she wanted to stay by his side. She had also analyzed the facts and knew that, by all technicalities, the boy was a god. How he bled red blood instead of golden ichor, or how he grew at a normal rate were things that she just couldn't comprehend.

If the mother had been Artemis and the father had been Perseus, another god, there was no way in Hades that Hector could be a demigod. There had been occasions in which two godly parents had made monsters, literal monsters. However, there had been no cases of two gods producing a demigod, none that had been recorded at least. So the question remained in Annabeth's mind: what exactly was Hector?

He had been sleeping for the majority of the bus ride. It seemed that he truly needed to rest, as if he somehow knew that they would not rest once outside the bus. Annabeth was also aware of this fact as much as she wanted to ignore it. Truth to the fact was that she was now helping a fugitive of Olympus, making her an enemy altogether.

Camp Half-Blood was the last place where they would want to go. After all, one step in Camp Half-Blood and all the Greek Pantheon would know exactly where to find Hector. That meant that they would need to find someplace safe, where neither the Olympians nor the Titan Army had much probability of finding them.

Annabeth also couldn't ask her mother for any kind of aid, as her mother was one of the main gods looking for Hector. One prayer to her and any plan of escaping would become obsolete.

The hours on the bus passed slowly; the journey from North Dakota to the East Coast  was incredibly long. When the sun set, the daughter of Athena was already asleep, but the son of Artemis and Perseus was just starting to wake up. Hector stretched his arms and cracked his back, groaning at the pleasant feeling. He looked to his side and noticed that his travel partner was sound asleep.

"Jeez, does she do anything else than sleep?" Hector muttered, standing up from his seat and walking to the bathroom.

In the bathroom, Hector pulled down his pants and sat on the toilet. Once he finished doing his business, instead of getting up and flushing his organic matter, the teenager began to think about his life in great detail.

While thinking, everything came as a big hit to his brain. His mother was Artemis, THE maiden goddess, and his father was the god he had spent days with on his journey to save his mother. Perseus, his father, was a banished god, which in turn made him the son of an illegal. After thinking about it for the first time in his life, Hector could finally comprehend the reason why his parents had left him at such a young age. He could finally comprehend what "did this for your safety" meant, and he was actually thankful for it.

Having to grow up without any of his biological parents had hurt him, but he finally knew that it was not an easy choice. Every day that he spent without his parents had been a day that was gifted to him by their difficult choice. Hector remembered how mad he had been when he first found out about everything, and he didn't regret or deny it. After all, it had been quite a big announcement in his life. He did however admit that he might have overreacted, just a little bit.

What he wanted to do now was to be with his parents. Give them a hug and tell them that he forgave them, tell them that he loved them with all his life, and maybe hope that they could somehow hide him from the wrath of Zeus. Hector knew that both his parents had received unjust punishments for their actions, but the worst punishment would be his death. And not only did he not want to hurt his parents, he also didn't fancy the idea of dying at such a young age.

His thinking was brought to an end by a knocking on the door.

"Occupied" he said startled, zipping up his pants and flushing down the toilet. Quickly, Hector washed his hands and opened the door. "Sorry for taking so much time"

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